
skysilverman 21305 reads

Thanks a lot Debbie... Jordan is such a sweetheart. She called me to let me know as well. Thanks girls.
Cant wait to see your new pics!!!


skysilverman26350 reads

I seem to have lost your email address again. :( sorry.

I am ready when you are. Can you please email me?
[email protected]

skysilverman26342 reads

Bonerboy, You were incredible awesome. I had a great time as well. I hope to see you again you bad boy! lol


LittleDebbie23049 reads

Glen's computer is in the shop for a few days but hopefully he'll be back up and running by tomorrow or Wed. Jordan and I both need his help updating our pictures on our websites so we really need him to get it back soon.

His email address is [email protected].

My 2 cents...

First of all Id liek to say Glen does some pretty terrific sites, and this isnt directed at him or any of the other designers/webmasters.. its web sites, site ownership, site management that is the topic of this note..

Anyone owning a web site should be able to update content as needed and/or have a backup to do it beyond a single point of failure. Businesses and individuals come and go, get sick, move on, go out of business etc.   Websites just as any physical asset are an investment in time, money and resources.

Technology...Its not a matter of if it will fail...its when.

Any technology that cant support the business requirements of manageing a site effectively should be phased out in favor of ones that do support long term management and ownership. Just as anyone owning a site, should have the core files used to recreate that site in their posession should they be needed.

Talk with your webmaster/designers on how you your backup process is..if it to use it. If you dont have one, talk to someone that can and will design/setup or impliment it for you.

Some ways that others have done their own updates... include a file naming structure where via an ftp client they just upload the new files..over writing those to be replaced. Flash content represents other obstacles..but there are ways to fix that too.


skysilverman21306 reads

Thanks a lot Debbie... Jordan is such a sweetheart. She called me to let me know as well. Thanks girls.
Cant wait to see your new pics!!!


lucylee23521 reads

your pic on exotics looks hot! my how you have changed from a year ago:)

skysilverman27819 reads

Thanks so much Lucy. Its good to hear wonderful comments from such a beautiful woman as yourself. :D


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