
Re: Late
MadisonMalone See my TER Reviews 377 reads

That's because you're a gentleman love! You'd probably send her a sex toy and a card too as a *proper* apology! ;)

I am extremely upset this morning and I definitely need help on this because I feel like I am not in the wrong. I set an appointment for an hour and 1/2 last night for this morning at 8am. I made sure the location was convenient for him to get to as well as make sure is request were closely met. I informed the client last night in order for me to book the room so I can have it in the morning I need to book it today so it can be ready in the morning (mind you I didn't see anyone so I didn't use the room at all). We spoke on the phone and he stated he could do earlier I informed him that I will let him know if I could do earlier. This morning I texted the location at 5 something AM he responded asking if I can make it at 7. I respond at 6:01am saying I wouldn't be able to make it at 7am he stated okay. At 746am he informs me he's going to be a few mins late because he stop to eat and asked if I had arrived. I had respond to the text at 754 saying I'm parking then sent the room. At 8am he sends a text saying he is going to be 15mins late! I said 15mins he said yes is that okay I don't like being late. I tell him at I have somewhere I have to be I have to take my mother to her dr appointment and I have to get. He responds at saying I'm on my way I respond with other text saying I have to get to her around 10am I was expecting to be leaving around 930 because it's takes about 10-15mins to get to her from where I was. he doesnt reply and shows up at 8:20 and says I'm only 15mins late! He said he could come at 7 .... He's completely inconsiderate of the time doesn't apologize and says do we have time? Can we do an hr? I don't like to be rushed. Like are you kidding me. He then says we can reschedule. I say yes and he just walks out and leaves. The he texts me saying I have schedule issues and that he could have came at 7 and saying we planned this yesterday the earlier the better like are you kidding me. I understand this happen but you do not text someone at the time we are use to meet saying you'll be late not taking in the fact someone might have other plans ... What if I had another client or something ... It's very inconsiderate. A complete waste of money for a place I can't even use and Gas for me having to drive 30mins there and back home.

So I can avoid this inconsiderate jerk...

I would ask for a cancellation fee of 50% of the agreed appointment and if he refused to comply he would be blacklisted on all the various sites by midnight tomorrow.

Sometimes gentleman fail to take into consideration that it generally takes us about an hour to get ready for an appointment in addition to your time traveling to/from.

So, technically he actually wasted closer to 2 1/2 or 3 hours of your time, not just the 90 mins you agreed to spend with him.


I didn't even think about all that I was so furious

In life shit happens. Having said that if I scheduled with you and you booked a room just for me and I had to reschedule last min. I would pay you the time booked plus room fee

If a room was booked specifically for me and I cancelled I would pay for the room and reasonable expenses. I won't pay for a meeting that didn't happen. If a hooker cancels on me I don't get reimbursed for my wasted time.

That is so sweet. I at least expected him to offer to pay for the room but he didn't at all just stormed out

That's because you're a gentleman love! You'd probably send her a sex toy and a card too as a *proper* apology! ;)

I would have paid you for your trouble that guy should have.  Sorry you had this jerk when there are good guys who wouldn't do that to you.

Thank you. It just really upsets me bcc I'm low volume so I don't have incall all the time

I had an appointment with a guy a few months ago.  A 2 hour booking. I drove 45 minutes to get to my incall  location.  I turned down several appointments that day in order to accommodate his 2 hour middle of the day appointment.  I had to juggle my life a bit,  but that's business.  

I was driving there when he texted and asked to push it back, but was being ambiguous.  Saying oh.. Iike 4 or 6... no the appointment was at 3! He told me he was going to be late.  I arrived and waited. I kept getting agonist there texts. An hour went by. I went outside and saw him drive by, didn't know it was him.  Over a half hour later as I was leaving he showed up.  He was inebriated.  Sloppy drunk. I told him I would stay an hour.  I honestly didn't want him driving! It was the most difficult appointment. I could tell he was a nice person, just with a drinking issue.  

Point is...I spent 5.5 hours of my day between getting ready, driving, waiting, appointment and getting back home to make an hours pay. I didn't plan on that for the day.I understand things happen but I didn't even charge him for the 2  hours even thought I waited. That's just me. Now if I had paid for a room...different story

" I set an appointment for an hour and 1/2 last night for this morning at 8am."

1. Having a prior appointment with your mother for the doc appointment at 10,you had scheduled a 8 am appt for 90 mins. That is cutting it close esp. with rush hour traffic at 8am for your client.

2. Client was technically 20 mins late from his scheduled appt (If I read right, you refused the 7am, even though the client discussed meeting earlier than 8)

3. you could have informed the client that you have to leave at 9:30 sharp due to a prior appt, letting the client know in advance about a hard stop will make him pay the full amount if he is late.

4. I think you were frustrated with the constant texting and change in plans, this is something you should learn with experience to handle uncertainties in this line of work. You could have still had an hour session to cut your loses, may be the client would have paid for 90 if you had communicated about the hard stop earlier. I understand time is money, but communication is key and both of you were at fault for this mess.

5. Hope you earn from this experience,peak hour traffic scheduling and communicating a hard stop are important factors

Appointments at 8 am?  That's a problem.  

Super early subject to rush hour delays, etc. not waking up.

Stick to night appointments and don't get the hotel until the client shows up which minimizes your financial risk.

I normal don't do super early appointments but he's been trying to reach me since last year but something always came up. And he's stated in the past that he needs early. So I tried to accommodate him and his needs

Appointments at 8AM is a problem???  Bottom line is both parties have responsibilities or obligations. Shit can happen on both sides...that is True.  However, as a client you communicate that and then make damn sure you make it right soon after.  Provider same

It sounds like the client was worried you would still charge for 90 minutes even though he only planned on using 60 minutes when he indicated he was reducing the appointment duration so he left not wanted to get overcharged.  Flexible pricing is the key.  Rental cars can be booked for 4 days yet returned in 2 days so you are only charged for the time you use.  Cancellation fees are not consumer friendly and cause customers to dip out as you have experienced.

He asked if we can do an hour and I told him yes that's the thing but then he states with an attitude he doesn't like the be rushed which I said I don't rush my session. I would never charge somebody extra for time we didn't spend together that would be rude

The prior night we discussed the times and I informed him I may more my not be able to meet earlier and I did inform him of that. He then again texted at 746 starting he had stopped to eat and his very close. Even if he arrive at say 8:05 that would have been fine I still would have had time to get my mother. He asked if we could have an hour I stated yes then he proceeds to say I don't want to be rushed I don't like to be rushed. I never rush any of my session. Also I understand being late happens but common curtesy is not to tell some you as soon as we are suppose to start you will be 15 mins late. I  truly understand traffic especially being from the Bay Area but if your "close" as he stated it's unacceptable. But I completely understand what you are saying

... but it was the client who caused ALL of the problems with Adina left with only trying to make the best of the changing situation. We all must automatically expect that a Provider has other things going on in her life whether it's a client appointment following yours or she has personal business she must take care of. Her time is equally important and she's under no obligation to explain to a client why she can only work around certain time frames, otherwise setting the stage for a client to judge whether he feels her reasons are that important. A gentleman's first and foremost duty is to act like a gentleman even in deference to a ticked off woman. I don't blame Adina to be infuriated at this situation. It sounds like it got to the point where there was already too much emotional damage done for either party to have an enjoyable session. The client should have paid for both the room and the limited session that he was offered.

It doesn't surprise me that Adina, being as sweet as she is, bent over backwards to try to accommodate this guy. The age old adage applies here...'No good deed goes unpunished' .

Babe, yes he was inconsiderate and wrong. And I totally understand and respect the fact that you hate feeling that you would have been rushed. But hun, you should have sucked it up and gone ahead and at least salvage SOMETHING out of the situation by going through with the date once he got there. Yes it would have been an hour date instead of an hour and a half. But damn, you didn't get SHIT out of it and now you're stuck with the room. Believe me, it could have been worse. He could have NCNS. Hell, that fucker actually showed up and you STILL let him get away? Geesh.

Posted By: simmonse41
Babe, yes he was inconsiderate and wrong. And I totally understand and respect the fact that you hate feeling that you would have been rushed. But hun, you should have sucked it up and gone ahead and at least salvage SOMETHING out of the situation by going through with the date once he got there. Yes it would have been an hour date instead of an hour and a half. But damn, you didn't get SHIT out of it and now you're stuck with the room. Believe me, it could have been worse. He could have NCNS. Hell, that fucker actually showed up and you STILL let him get away? Geesh.

Hello Adina, I am also sorry that happen to you but unfortunately it sometimes come with the nature of this business. I am going to tell you something you might not want to hear but, maybe you should only offer out calls when the gentlemen has already secured a place.  

Its just way to much work IMHO to book an appointment and have to go and get a place with your own money and something like this happens. Unfortunately you are taking a chance on losing out and at risk for this type of thing to hapoend  all the time.

I would just focus on doing outcalls to gentlemen who already have a place to play instead of you trying to get one. Because unfortunately sweety this will not be the last time something like this happends.  

Focus on doing out calls where your not responsible for paying for a hotel, save your money and get your own place where you can do in calls. Things happens sweety and we all sometimes run late because of one reason or another. So I would totally refrain from taking any further appointments that might put you in a situation where you will take an L . Way to risky and not worth it.  

Sending you a PM


I'm going to start doing that and only see clients who I've see before that need an incall. And if somebody does want to see me I'm just probably going to raise my incall hr rate(s). I've been think about this since I've returned

Maybe an RV?  

Posted By: AdinaMarie
I'm going to start doing that and only see clients who I've see before that need an incall. And if somebody does want to see me I'm just probably going to raise my incall hr rate(s). I've been think about this since I've returned

That's funny

Posted By: gypsypooner2015
Maybe an RV?    
Posted By: AdinaMarie
I'm going to start doing that and only see clients who I've see before that need an incall. And if somebody does want to see me I'm just probably going to raise my incall hr rate(s). I've been think about this since I've returned

can come from the way guys are treated by providers. EVERY time I go to meet someone or invite someone to my home, it's a crap shoot on whether or not they will show. It's rare when people show on time. Oftentimes they may cancel without notice or communication. Why? There's always some unexpected drama.

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