
NEW Companion!regular_smile
TaylorLynn 9803 reads

Please welcome Raelyn to the business and the TLC family.  Because of her high profile position in the community, she prefers not to have photos on the web, but I can assure you that she is HOT!  Originally from the south (yes, she has that wonderful southern accent), she stands 5'3", weights 112lbs, measures 34B-24-34, is fair skinned with shoulder length beautiful strawberry blonde hair, grayish green eyes and an award winning smile!  I wish I could show you pictures to prove how fantastic she is, but you'll just have to trust me!  She is 27 years old, very open minded and ready to take on the industry!  She is available from 5pm-12am Monday - Friday and all day/night on the weekends.  

PLUS - Don't forget about all the other great girls that TLC has to offer!  You won't be disappointed!

....Jordan?  I found her to be quite sexy and charming, and now she seems to have disappeared.  Also, have you experienced a lot of turnover lately?  It seems like things are in a constant flux.

hopefully taylor will pull it together.  obviously tlc has had problems lately and is more of a regular agency experience than it used to be.  she still has a few very good girls but they keep very busy.  used to be that she had solid girls from top to bottom.  lately it seems tlc takes on some very average girls.  and yes, the turnover is a turn-off (she has lost Carmen, Misty and Mya, ouch).  tlc gained reputation for consistancy.  most of this is out of taylor's hands as she can't control the girls (maybe she can).  but, she needs to do something to keep a steady group of cool chicks or her niche is no good for a guy like me.  i count on an agency to be a step above what i can get if i do the hunting myself.

There's nothing wrong with TLC. Maybe one Man's pleasure is TRULY another Man's poison. These negative comments amaze me. I think Taylor's problem is that she cares TOO much. Too much about quality, performance, looks and class. Compare her people with thosr on other local agency sites. I think it's not even close. Taylor hires 1st classs people. These people are in a tough business (the girls)...think you could do it ??? Many are in it temporarily til something more in line with their long-term goals comes up. Many have personal lives (duh !!!!) that force changes. (new boyfriends, family issues, immature drama) Taylor won't let that interfere. Think it's easy ??? Let's see you "date" 3 or 4 ladies of such quality and keep them all happy ! Yes, there's been change and I miss some old friends, but their replacements, while different, are still outtstanding inn their blame Taylor is weak. Maybe she's tough on her folks and has high standards....but that's for her client's sake. I think you both are way off. I'm still solidly a fan of TLC.

I have seen Mya, Carmen, Misty, and Jordan.  The problem at TLC is not the girls but Taylor. From talks with these quality girls I have to agree with azrelax.  These girls have it together and Taylor does bait and switch on them.  The first time I saw Misty then she was not available then I saw Mya and the next time I called they said she was not available so I saw Jordan.  When I found Mya had left, it was because she had always been available and hadn't gotten calls.  When I request a specific girl I want to see HER not whoever Taylor wants to send me.

TaylorLynn8255 reads

Just curious...the only girl you've reviewed is someone who doesn't work for me and you didn't see her through my agency.  You should be smarter than that...

I did see her through your agency.  Mya even told me that she had talked to you about me.  I am the helicopter pilot from Scottsdale.  If you want me to verify please give me a number to call you at and I will chat with you.

Well I don't know if what you are refering to is a classic bait and switch which is normally thought of as a negative.  If I asked for Misty and Carmen showed up (or vice versa) I don't think I'd be too upset.  
As for me-- I've used TLC a few times (including Misty & Carmen my two ATF's!) and have always received the best service possible.

TaylorLynn9300 reads

I'd appreciate it if you listed who is average on my website??  I have some of the most beautiful agency girls around!  I'd really like to hear your opinion since you have never called my agency or seen any of my girls!

HeavenlyBody9194 reads

Thank you for the nice comments, I wanted to make sure you know I am working with Phoenix QTS and am Nicolette Jordan. Take care Darlin, hope to see you soon!!! I will have some new pictures soon

I am also looking for Jordan, I had an awesome session with that little hottie and hade plans to reunite the next day. She told me to call TLC to rebook, I did and was told she was unavailable. I found it especially hard to believe since we obviously had some chemistry and TLC was trying so hard to get me to see Jewel or Paris. It became obvious they did not want to help me see Jordan again. I have since called Mya, who referred me to TLC and Jordan. She is trying to track her down for my next trip. If Taylor can't take care of someone like Jordan, I would say she needs help in her management skills, she was top shelf all the way!!! It wasw nice to be with a sensual sexy woman instead of a highschool experience. If anyone knows how to reach her, please email me and I will be oh so grateful!!!!

TaylorLynn8646 reads

This all is very interesting to me since every one of the men involved in this post (even the one that is defending me)has recently seen a girl who previously worked for me and has now started her own agency.  Two of the men only have one review and the other doesn't have any!!  AND  none of these people (except ejaf1010) have seen anyone from my agency or had any contact with my phone operators or me!!  

How stupid do you think people really are?

People who know me and ACTUALLY BOOK APPOINTMENTS WITH MY COMPANIONS (none of which are writing any of this crap) know that I don't do any of what these people are accusing me of.    Is she giving you discounts for bad mouthing me??  Please, cut the crap and do business the right way.  There is room enough for both of us.  If you really believe that lies and disception is going to create a better reputation for yourself and your business, you are sadly mistaken.  Obviously, you have never ran a business before and are doing things the only way you know how...the dishonest way!  

Everyone who reads these posts are smart enough to make their own decisions about myself and my business, so read away and do what you want.  Do your research and see for yourself.  I'd like to think that my business stands way above this crap and my girls ARE the best agency girls around.  There are many fine independents out there and I commend them on doing a great job.  They help me out and I help them.  There is no jealousy there, but only in people who are trying to get ahead by stealing and lying. Thank god they don't work for me anymore!!  :)

PS - If you would like to continue to rip on me, I suggest you call my agency and see one of my Companions for yourself so you have something to base your post on.

On a recent trip to PHX, I emailed TLC in advance with a  request for a duo.  Not only was I handled with professionalism and care (Jackie is a real peach), but I was given my CHOICE of tandems to see.  And, they showed up just as promised on the night we agreed, on time, and were an absolute blast.  I am returning in a few weeks, and you can bet I will call Jackie again to set me up while there.  BTW, I also saw two independents that weekend and I was 1 for 2, so I have something to compare TLC to.  Can't comment on the supposed revolving door here, but I find that pretty common, as ladies become more confident and decide to go out on their own.  Just thought I'd stick my neck out and offer my 2 cents.  Feel free to write to me with any questions.

OneK10103 reads


Never dissapointed through your agency.  Just wanted you to know.


TaylorLynn9946 reads

Again, just curious since your one review and AzChopperPilot's seem to match. Do I hear discounts??

I gave Mya that review after she went on her own.  I dont usally give out reviews unless I am specificly asked to.  I am really not trying to hurt your business as you are correct in stating that there is room for everyone, but what I am doing is stating a fact.  There where days that Mya TOLD me she was working and that I should call TLC to book it as per her agreement with TLC, only to be told that she was unavailable that day.  Remember guys, I had just spoken to Mya and then I am told that she is not available.  I dont want anyone to get the idea that Mya was doing anything wrong, in fact I requested if I could just see her and skip the agency money.  Per Mya's request, I tried to go through TLC the proper way and was told no she wasnt available and then promptly directed at another one of her girls.

Again Taylor, my name is Mike and I know that Mya has talked to you about me before.  I have used your service 3 times in the last 4 months.  Yes, I never had a complaint until I was lied to by your company.  That is the bottom line, I was told someone was not available and they where.  End of story.  Give me your number and I will call you and talk to you over the phone if you choose.


Ms Taylor Lynn,

I have booked with you only once with a wonder girl named Gina, she  accomodated me with Jordan and I had a fantastic time. Your former TLC girl, Mya recommended her to me and your agency. I find it amazing that you would belittle or insult these fabulous girls who I am so happy they are in this business of pleasure. I don't know exactly why they are not available and working for you. It must have alot to do with all your comments on the board though. Obviously, you must feel quite defensive and they seem to be, for the most, ignoring your slams.  I can assure you I don't need a discount on services from you or anyone else. I will infact book an extra room at the 4 seasons next week for these lovely woman and spa days for all they have had the endure leaving your agency. I believe Jordan and Mya need a reward. I promise to keep you aprised with future reviews. You are right, I don't generally write reviews; but after I was referred to this sight and saw your caustic, junvenile description of my new favorite girls I was appalled!!!! Mr  Big!!!!!

HeavenlyBody10276 reads

Thanks mr Big!! We can't wait to see you again. Sorry about all the controversy with TLC. Mya and I are having a great time since the departure.  I am only sorry I did not get to see you the second day as I told you I would. Gina is great and I will miss her, unfortunately she was not the only one answering phones or I would still be with TLC. I can't wait until your next visit and sounds like you have the connections to see us again. Do I feel like Carrie that will get Mr Big, yeah Baby thats what Iam talkin about!! You sexy man, TLC snoozes and I win!!! See you next week Darlin

I just noticed this little comment.  If anyone needs to know what they are getting into with TLC, this is the length she will go to.  How rude to say that I would alter my opionon based on money.

Give it up.

Way to much drama in all this.  bottom line is there are many quality providers in PHX and their rate is on average 250-300.  You deal directly with them and avoid all the agency BS and playing favorites, etc.  As far as Mya's group I found them to be some of the best in town with their rates more affordable than other agencies.  Just one man's opinion.

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