
Kendall review
XBanker 54 Reviews 857 reads

Something does not ring right about todays review of Kendall, the reviewer has no previous reviews which I guess may be his way of not attaching a negative review to his own list of review but there are several words that were used incorrectly causing me to wonder about the authenticity of the review. Anyone else get that vibe. xbanker

Yeah, scam alert first reviews are just as suspicious as awesome first reviews. I’m not sure I see why the shit writing skills make this more suspicious than any other first review.  

If it’s not a fabrication, there’s no reason to not want this connected to your other reviews. It’s not really a bad review, it’s basically a scam alert. Real providers know there are scammers out there. It doesn’t matter anyway unless you are using ter for verification which is not all that smart. AAR, if you want your good and bad reviews separate, I’d think alias would be way easier than using a vpn to create multiple accounts.  

This could be some guy who didn’t get service because he’s gross in some way. Could be another provider with a jealous streak. Could be some guy who’s mad she wouldn’t negotiate price or do bbfs or whatever. Could be some girl scamming dudes out of money just like it says. But all of that is possible of any review, if it’s well written or not.  

I definitely agree it’s pretty poorly written. At first I wondered if it was someone just rambling into a talk-to-text and never proof reading. But then you have commas with spaces on both sides and stuff like that. It’s like somebody told an AI to write a review and make it sound inarticulate or write a review by someone who doesn’t understand the rules of grammar.  

I don’t mean to make fun because it’s probably just someone who has English as their second or third language. I’m just agreeing it’s a hard read. Could be someone desperately trying to disguise their writing style from being recognized.  

I wish he would’ve described her appearance more. What little is said, she sounds just like the girl in the pics. Yet he gave a 4. Most people just do 1/1 in this situation to warn you off and because they’re mad about getting scammed. Or the pics are accurate but she won’t do any services so it’s still a scam.  

This guy said photoshop but they don’t look photoshop to me. Not in the sense of someone took a picture of a person and shopped it to make her more attractive. Seems more likely to be pics of another person if anything.  

Anyways, are you thinking about contacting her? This review aside, there are red flags.  

The phone number brings up an inactive Vegas profile on one of the ad malls. (I can’t remember which sites we’re allowed to mention or not here) That profile has pics of a different girl than the active Phoenix profile on the same site. The active ad also says no tattoos or piercings while the girl in the pics has both. Both these ads are on what I call a gatekeeper site. One of the other ad sites that’s known for having low numbers of scam ads won’t let you on until you’ve been on this one for a while.  

Her personal site is a joke. Extremely basic, same pics the ad has only fewer of them. There are wallets and purses for sale there. And the booking page has some weird promo message from the web template company at the top.  

None of that proves anything though. There are pics of the same girl across a handful of ad sites, except the one inactive ad I mentioned with the same phone number. Several pics of same girl on tweeter as well. If you can’t find anything indicating she’s stealing the pics from someplace, or if she’s tweeter friends with someone you know, it might be worth a shot.  

She’s not verified enough for me personally but she could be fine.

Actually I'm not surprised with this review. She come from the same group of girls who have long scamming history in the area like Nicole love and friends.
Short texting with Kendall already raising few red flags. The biggest one is her huge "no list" compare to her high rate. I wouldn't take this review lightly and run to defend Kendall as fast as you. Proceed with caution

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