
AC temperaturesred_smile
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 263 reads

What do you set your AC on? I am at 71 degrees & at night I adjust it to 75, do you turn off your AC at night?

At night you turn it UP??  Makes more sense to turn the heater off at night in the winter cuz you’re in the warm cozy bed.  

To each their own but I could never live like that lol. I’m the opposite. I couldn’t justify, in my own mind, spending thousands of dollars to keep the house at 71 during the day all summer, but I do need to be comfortable in order to sleep.  

I keep it much cooler at night than during the day. I have never understood how people can sleep in a warm room. It’s very rare for me to run the heat in the winter here. I’d say 65 is probably the best temperature for me to sleep at.

Wow! You guys like the place to feel like a meat locker or maybe I'm just a bit too weird. I keep my house at 78 all the time. I'm home most days and with ceiling fans running it feels fine. I must admit there are certain activities that might require bringing the temp a little lower to compensate for sharing body heat but it is comfortable for the most part.

I think I got too lost in how foreign the idea is to me of keeping the house warmer at night than during the day, and confused you.  

This time of year I run anywhere from 78-82 during the day but I need to be cooler to sleep, so night is like 75-77. But that’s sleeping on top of the covers lol. I was saying optimum sleep temp for me is 65 or below but that’s snuggled under a blanket. I only get to do that during a few of the months with an R in them.  

Some people keep their house at 83 all summer and tell me I’m crazy for running my AC so much because I like it a little cooler. But come winter, those same people are blasting the furnace to keep their house at the same 83 degrees as the summer time, while I pretty much never turn the heat on at all. Just put on some damn socks lol!

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