
AzBBWBeauty 8105 reads

Howdy everybody!  Now that I have been working a full-time 8-5 job, I haven't had as much time as I would like to be able to meet with new people, or those of you that I have already met and haven't been able to see due to my schedule!!!  I wanted to let you know that I will have an entire week JUST FOR YOU!!!!!Starting on Monday, March 8 till Friday, March 12!  It will be DAYTIME ONLY from 6am to 5pm!  

Don't forget, if I have never had the pleasure of seeing you before, I need you to give me some information for my safety and comfort level!  I will need your name, a contact number and a picture! If for some reason you are lacking ANY ONE of these, then I would ask that you have another provider that you have previously seen give you a referral!   I AM VERY STRICT WITH THIS! ALL BLOCKED PHONE CALLS WILL NOT BE ANSWERED!!!!!  A person can't be too careful these days and if you do not want to provide these three things for me, then you will have to go elsewhere to find what you are looking for!

Also, I realize my pics are down, that is due to the fact that I do work in the public eye every day and I just have to watch out for my new job!  If you would like to view a few pictures of me, please just send me an email requesting so and I will get them to you ASAP! You can reach reach me at [email protected] or [email protected]  Don't forget to check out my reviews here on TER!!!!!!  
I look forward to hearing from you...and remember, my availability during the day is just for NEXT WEEK ONLY!!  

Talk to you soon...
Hugs & Kisses

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