
A little sucess in the search for Lady Sylviaregular_smile
chowcow 12010 reads

I believe we are aproaching the climax of this virtual saga, and I'm hoping for a storybook ending that will thrust us into reality and not leave us dangling in suspense.

I have recieved (and answered) numerous e-mails which contained stories, theories and anticdotes about the mysterious, dissapearing Lady Sylvia. In the latest thread on TBD LA board, a RichAndPretty was kind enough to forward my e-mail to her--an e-mail address with which she was not familiar. Though the e-mail was extremely short, low and behold, SHE contacted me!!! I wish she would have writen more, so I could be certain it was the real Lady Sylvia and not an imposter.... I have yet to answer. Is it really her? What should I say? What should I write. Hmmmmmmmmmm.....

But, puting all seriousness aside, this latest thread is very interesting, as are all the threads about the adventures of the great and noble Lady Sylvia; and, it should be read by all. All the charactors are true to life. Don't miss the sinister and silly old Mohamed, the oil rich, married, Moselm from the "exotic" United Arab Emirates, Slim Pickins and Glen the web guy; or, Kit, the psychotic, client outing, little brown kitten from Texas. Don't miss exploding water heaters in two countries half a world apart. And, don't miss the unfortunate dual suicide attemps, and the revamping of Tucson Exotics, 911, Richard Caufield, the Bolshoi Ballet and more!!! It's all there and it's really true!! What a wonderful tale!!! What a wonderful Lady!!! She is a true heroine of the first order!!! It's a great search and read for all. Just search for Sylvia on TBD, California and Arizonia boards and seacrh TER, LA, Pheoniz, San Diego and "other cities"; and, don't forget, the National Discussion, ISO, and Legal Issue boards as well. You won't be disappointed.

As always, I appreciate your comments and replies. My e-mail is [email protected]. Thanks

chowcow13535 reads

You'll need to back 2 or 3 years in your search to get the full story. Again, I'll apreciate and enjoy all your comments. My e-mail is [email protected].

moebius812338 reads

What did glen have happen? usually he avoids this sort of thing?

GlenAz13009 reads

Been waiting for this one myself. Guy seems awfully obsessed with a provider that has been retired for the last a couple of years that I know of.

ChowCow/4238, you're not building one of those psycho guy shrines to Lady Sylvia in your closet are you?. Watch out for those flying saucers with those aliens from the Arab Emirates :).


moebius812462 reads

Now there was one obsessed boy!

chowcow13182 reads

Glen, I'm glad you answered. You can rest assured that I'm not building a shrine, nor am I interested in flying saucers. But, all that stuff about silly old Mohamed and Lady Sylvia is true. I think we ALL should be very concerned about situation such as these. Sorry if you took offence. I apreciate you comments and replies. If you are interested in specfics, you can e-mail me at [email protected]

chowcow10439 reads

As far as I know, Glen never had anything happen; and, I've never seen Slackers. If you are interested in more specfics of the story, you can e-mail me at [email protected]

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