Other Cities

Completely-Deceptive-LIAR ignores dcgrind's post...
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 1625 reads
1 / 42

"a single answer from the USUAL APOLOGISTS," why would anyone waste their time explaining anything to someone who is openly biased and completely closed-minded?  I certainly don't think I can change your mind about anything, so by not answering the question, I can avoid a 15 foot thread that goes on for three days, and still doesn't get anywhere.  I consider that a win for me.  Lol

If you frame your questions in a way that shows you are wiling to consider a different view than your own, and the possibility that you might be wrong and would change your mind, it encourages people to engage.  When the label someone an "apologist" is shows you have already made up your mind.  My mind has been changed several times on these boards when I listened to local knowledge about things I was not familiar with, especially when it comes to differences in regional markets.  Things are not the same everywhere in the Kgirl scene.  

36363jensen 4 Reviews 166 reads
2 / 42

Well said, and historically even with the various personality conflict, alpha status clashes and some stalkers the board participants were generally willing to listen to someone else and try to give consideration to the position rather than just looking for the ways to "shoot the other argument down". We saw a lot fewer right side threads then too.

RegencyHobbyist 109 Reviews 157 reads
3 / 42

Frankly, I don’t remember many, if any, right margin threads before the little rocket felcher invaded our board.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 156 reads
4 / 42

I've seen no issues with people arguing with me  - - they still argue with me. They  just do so selectively.  

The inability of many people to answer tough questions directly has been pretty hilarious throughout my entire time being here.  

Also, I've seen your posts on political topics, cdl. The language you're using isn't much different from mine.  Hell, "apologists" is an innocuous adjective compared to some of the words you're calling people who you argue with. And I haven't seen you change your mind on any of your political views. Most people don't change their mind on politics or religion. To me, my hobbies are way more important than politics or religion. So it's weird to expect for me to change my opinions. With that said, I'm always waiting for a healthy debate.  

And before this bigp post in this thread, no one has bothered answering the question about blurring out faces. And the same with fake body pic. It's intellectually dishonest when you ask why girls don't use real body pic, and you and others start talking about immigration and customs and facial recognition software. What does facial recognition have to do with showing a real body? And the argument is that "girls have been doing it for years" is a fallacy of appeal to tradition.  

I'm 98% certain, that people in this thread, ie sunny jensen floorhump and many others HAVE seen a girl that had body much different from what was shown in the pic. Where she had a gut and so on.  
And I'm quite confident that they have compained and told others about it privately and yet did not do so publicly.  
If I wasn't confident, I wouldn't ask them. I like asking tough questions that would depict people's inconsistencies. No one is safe from these questions in general,not just on this board.

So while I have no issues at all with sunny, for example... When he says he expects the body to be somewhat like the pic, I want to know what his action was when the body was not, in fact, like the pic.

Did he complain to PO, did he make a forum post publicly saying that people should expect less? Or was it handled privately, with plenty of people unsuspected walking into a trap? If it's the latter, then what are his expectations really worth?

-- Modified on 8/20/2021 6:07:56 PM

hobbyhunter69 89 Reviews 164 reads
6 / 42

the K-Girl scene in LA, OC and LV?

So that would mean you are saying that you would listen to things that you are not familiar with like providers that are the following?

-African  American

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 170 reads
7 / 42

I don't recall any on this board since before TER went dark in the US for 20 months.  We certainly didn't have any DURING the blackout because there was only a handful of Kgirl fans posting here at all, often days between posts.   Since December of 2019, on this board, we seem to be able to get there with only two or three participants.  Lol

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 194 reads
8 / 42

Please do tell. Disagreements and backs and forths are fundamental to discussion imo.  

Imagine a community where everyone agrees. How boring is such echochamber? Imagine a p&r board (not that I go there but still) all agreeing with each other and each discussion taking five posts max.

Personally, there are two main things I seek from a community oriented forum/message board:

1) on-topic information (psas, news, Q&A, minis, etc)  
2) debate (compare/contrast/argument)

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 165 reads
9 / 42

to reason with someone that doesn't know they are wrong about something, and 90% of the 12-15 foot threads here come down to this. I have decided, albeit belatedly because I will never get that time back, that for me, a prolonged exchange is not a good use of my time.  I will give my position and supporting info, maybe have one exchange after that before I can tell if the other party does not really have the experience in the Kgirl scene to see my point.  No sense in repeating it all ad nauseum with a guy who has no shared experiences with me.  

I don't expect to have a board where everyone agrees on the details, but certain generalized truths are discovered by all who have been in the Kgirl scene for awhile, so these will generally, and usually are, agreed upon my most of the long-term Kgirl veterans here.  You will see it in topic after topic.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 174 reads
10 / 42

unmoderated public board on TER.  Its the wild west, so all of the posters get away with things there that you can't get away with on other boards.  If you haven't figured it out yet, my main focus there is to needle the koolaid drinkers, and I seem to do a pretty good job of it.  I do take some poetic license, as many authors do, but its fun to watch them come unglued.  Obviously, I do not take that board seriously, so don't use that as an example to justify something here like BLRPOS likes to do.  I purposely say outrageous things over there just to irritate certain posters there who are WAY too serious.  Lol  Here, I try to be as accurate as possible with the information that I have to share.  

-- Modified on 8/22/2021 5:27:29 PM

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 177 reads
11 / 42

"doesn't know they are wrong about something" implies lack of understanding of argument.  

You can be "wrong" about solution to a differential equation. Arguing whether or not we should walk if the pics are fake, for example, doesn't really have "right" or "wrong".


Or for example, public calling out of bookers girls or orgs. It's a position, an opinion. I can call booker Tim of Asianworld a piece of shit publicly for blacklisting people who provide less than ideal reviews for his girls. And I do it in the context of honesty and reviews being integral, and to end bullying. You admit that it's not a good practice, but you dont call him out. I'm not right and I'm also not wrong, and you're not right or wrong. We just have different opinions, I just do what I feel accordingly, and you feel the same but don't act on it. But my argument that you should act on it if you believe in it. This is just an example of an argument.

RegencyHobbyist 109 Reviews 175 reads
12 / 42

In the KGirl forum we have this one poster (no names revealed by me, but I hear he might commonly be referred to as the little rocket felcher) who beats the same dead horse thread after thread. It's not that I disagree with his position about guys refusing to write negative KGirl reviews or K-orgs using misleading photos, it's that he beats that same dead horse over and over in thread after thread. It's like he thinks the rest of us haven't read his prior posts so he just repeats them over and over, in thread after thread, forcing the threads into the right margin. IMO we would be a better community if he wasn't here.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 153 reads
13 / 42

On the contrary, it seems that cdl says you do disagree with me.

Plus, give me a break,  

I "invaded" your forum?
"your" forum?

This is a ter forum. You don't own it. I have the same right to post in it as you do. I didn't invade anything. I came here just like you did years ago, and started posting.  

I post about kgirls, orgs, reviews and mongers. You just don't like what I post. And don't like my dedication to keeping a foot on neck of certain entities. Too bad. I will be here as long as lies continue; as long as hypocrites will try to save the girls while shitting on mongers and claiming they're objective. As long as bad practices continue. It's my pleasure to make sure karma is happening. And make sure the mongers who don't have networks or status can get all info they can. And if they only have 250 to spend a month, they don't end up disappointed.

-- Modified on 8/23/2021 2:20:42 AM

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 154 reads
14 / 42

a girl or an org of any wrongdoing based on hearsay.  Unless this is a personal experience you had with a girl or a booker, its best to keep your speculative attacks to yourself.  Would you call a girl a "bitch" because someone else said she was?  Maybe she was justified in her attitude based on something the monger did.  If YOU saw her and YOU thought she was a bitch, then you have every right to share your PERSONAL experience.  

Likewise with orgs, I know a lot of guys who got BL'd by orgs who have always acted very professionally with me, so you would not find me calling any booker a piece of shit unless I was the one who got blacklisted for a reason I DID NOT DESERVE.  Taking ACTION  like this based on experiences of others where you might not be getting the full story is not very smart.  I know I'm probably talking to the wall, so this is my last post on this topic.  I posted this mainly for others who might think its a good idea to trash bookers because of something they heard from a third party.  Since I doubt that you could get approved at the org in your example, you should be honest and say, "I HEARD he was a piece of shit . . . ."  That lets everyone know that you, personally,  have not experienced anything negative from this booker, and that we should give the correct amount of cred to your claim.  

RegencyHobbyist 109 Reviews 167 reads
15 / 42

All the little felcher has is hearsay. He hasn’t posted a review in 18 months, and before I put him on ignore I remember him saying he couldn’t afford to pay his TER fees. So he doesn’t contribute financially, and he doesn’t contribute reviews. I guess all he really does is sit in a homeless shelter and start arguments on our community boards to get his jollies. Man I wish he could get a job so we wouldn’t have to deal with his repetitive bullshit. Sorry you’re still dealing with him.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 164 reads
16 / 42

What? I didnt hear that he's a pos. I'm calling him a pos because of yes, what I heard about their bl practice.  

You yourself said you know bookers who bl people if they give low reviews.

Why don't you name them and Ill be happy to also call them pos too! And in this case, we'll take YOUR word for it.

But something tells me you don't have the cojones to do so.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 166 reads
17 / 42

"There was one booker in SoCal that, after you passed the screening, he would tell you that the girls always appreciate positive reviews, but if you score lower than a 7, you might not be invited back. That's about as in-your-face as it gets. "

These are your own words, cdl. Or was this hearsay?  


Who was that piece of shit (in my eyes) booker?  Do tell.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 166 reads
18 / 42

you are speculating about.  The agency that was doing that is no longer in business.  They were busted by the Feds five years ago.  And by the way, if you want to stay off of ignore with me, then when I say this is my last post on a topic, don't start haranguing me with PM's.  That just makes you a common stalker.  If you want to be in the same group as Knobby Hunter and Kumstain, then keep stalking.  

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 162 reads
19 / 42

Ah yes, very coincidentally the girl you called out was not in business anymore. And this socal booker is also not in business anymore.

Of course, lol. Turns out after advising people to not write less than stellar reviews because you might get BLd by bookers, it magically turns out all those bookers are out of business.

"There are SoCal guys right here that have lost their booking privileges with certain orgs by writing "honest" reviews with low scores. " said CDL.  

Well, I'm not sure if it's hearsay or not, but I will go ahead and call those bookers for those orgs pieces of shit as well.  

And cdl, you know you cant threaten me with ignore threats. I really don't care whether or not you ignore me.

kyungjean 6 Reviews 169 reads
20 / 42

yesterday 1 reads
users post is ignored

Rocket, I respect your crusader's mind set, but you should try put the trolls on ignore. It is great for body and mind...hahaha!

36363jensen 4 Reviews 152 reads
21 / 42

I took a look about a year ago and what I found was that prior to 2020 I think we had 4 or 5 threads that had enough posts to make it worth looking at to see where they went. None actually got to the right side (IIRC) most seemed to be 1/2 to 3/4 the way.  

Interestingly, with the exception on maybe one, they were all largely evolving "chat" with a lot of joking and no one getting upset or argumentative. Most of the argument exchanges (with in these as sub threads) seem to die out after a couple/few back and forth blasts.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 162 reads
22 / 42

Argumentative and heated discussions are part of discussions, just as negative reviews are a part of review site. I don't expect someone with no negative reviews to understand that though.  

I'll let my man X expand on this one:


coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 170 reads
23 / 42

that there are orgs that went out when CV went dark in March of 2018.  The ONE I referred to was from a bust before that,  but how do you confuse ONE booker with "those bookers are out of business now."  I know hundreds of girls that are retired.  So what is the purpose of calling them out if you can't see them.  If you want to know details, pay for VIP and read the reviews.  They say which org the girl was at.  So the bookers that closed during after the closure of CV and during the TER blackout are pieces of shit, too?  

Your misquoting people has been mentioned before by Jensen and others, and yet you keep doing it.  Every time I think you might be learning how to be a productive member of this board, you disappoint me.  You just like to argue, even when you're dead wrong, and when you know you are wrong, you start misquoting whoever you are arguing with.  Its the height of dishonesty, especially for someone who keeps saying he is all about the truth.  I'm glad you don't mind being on ignore.  You're not salvageable as a productive member here.

badger48 111 Reviews 155 reads
24 / 42

Publicly, meaning on a board post? A review isn't public enough? I figure you'll say not everyone has VIP, well wouldn't that be on the person for not utilizing TER's resources? But, back to board posts. I am under the impression TER wants the info about the girls in reviews and won't approve them for posting. On a BBFS thread, top tier girls came up. I posted, who are top tier girls. There weren't any replies! I started a thread, "Who are top tier Kgirls". The Moderators didn't approve it, said it was a shill/AD post! I went back and forth, telling them it wasn't and there were similar posts about naming girls for spinner, BJ, looks, etc! It looks like a post that should be in a review won't be approved for the boards! The Moderators can be very selective, IMO.

hobbyhunter69 89 Reviews 151 reads
25 / 42

"You're not salvageable as a productive member here."  

It would be best said as you look in the mirror.  Other hobbyists are allowed to share their feedback here without "Mr. Expert" offering up his almighty comments.  This is a community and it is through the collective contributions.  You don't own TER, so stop acting like you do.  

"Its the height of dishonesty, especially for someone who keeps saying he is all about the truth."  

It would be best said as you look in the mirror.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 170 reads
26 / 42

version of Laffy from the P & R board.  More posts than the  next four posters combined, and none of it from personal knowledge or experience.  If you can justify VIP so you can read reviews, then you're not very active in the hobby.  Saving yourself from ONE bad experience pays for a whole year of VIP.  I have never understood how serious mongers can justify passing on the reviews.  Its what this site was created for.  Perhaps he has been blacklisted everywhere, and that would explain his hard-on for orgs.  The orgs bring us these lovely Kgirls.  Most of the girls would not make it as indies, due to their lack of English, so its a win-win for us and the girls having the middle men, IMO.  

RegencyHobbyist 109 Reviews 166 reads
27 / 42

This is a great idea. Many of us already have the little rocket felcher on ignore. If he would do the same for us, then we could get back to our forums being used to share valuable information about escorts instead of arguing with rocket into the right margins about his repetitive issues. It would be a win-win for everyone. Please, I hope!

That said, there's no way he'll do that. His entire life revolves around arguing about KGirls. Like CDL suggested, maybe he's been blacklisted by the Bay Area KOrgs for bad behavior and these arguments are his vendetta. Or maybe as I suggested before I ignored him he had an episode in the past where a KGirl giggled at his tiny micro-penis and that set him off. Or maybe it's as simple as he has no friends and no social life (note he hasn't posted a review in 18 months and admits he can't afford $200 per year for TER VIP) and the TER boards are his only social life. Or maybe it's something else? Whatever it is, his life revolves around arguing with well-established hobbyists here on the board. Every person he puts on ignore diminishes his social circle. No chance in hell he does that!

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 155 reads
28 / 42

I did not misquote anything you've said. I literally put everything you've said in quotes. Every time I press you to name names publicly , you manage come to up with nothijg but excuses. Just like your boy Jensen, he had the opportunity to make me stop calling you out by simply mentioning a negative experience  he admitted he's had, by naming a name publicly.  

Neither of you can name names publicly and neither can admit to it.  

You say :  you can't call out bookers if all you hear is hearsay.  
I say : ok you yourself said multiple bookers who bl people if they score low reviews. Why don't you name them and we stop considering it hearsay
You: they're all gone

I'll call ANY booker who says "you'll be BLd if you write a review lowr than 7" a piece of shit. And any booker who bls for reviews a piece of shit. And I hope they get every bit of karma coming their way. And I'll cherish every time they fuck up. Anyone who attempts to bully mongers and suppress their valid opinions is a piece of shit.

-- Modified on 8/24/2021 10:56:52 AM

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 164 reads
29 / 42

I haven't put anyone on ignore on years anywhere. I don't like echo chambers. The more different opinions, the better. I like to survey and view the whole picture. Losing info is not good. Imagine Sun Tzu saying "just ignore him".  

I don't consider cdl a troll either btw.

I do find it funny that the last time he ignored me it was over me mentioning Tim too. It's a funny pattern.

kyungjean 6 Reviews 179 reads
30 / 42

If it walks and talks like a troll....and sometimes filtering out information improves the signal/noise ratio.

From the foremost authority on everything, Wikipedia - "In internet slang, a troll is a person who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages ".

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 169 reads
32 / 42

him because he can't see the details without VIP, and he has told us that he has let that lapse several months ago.  I've been doing this since 2008, and I can't think of how I would choose girls without reading reviews.  I don't mind TOFTT once in awhile, but without being able to see reviews, every girl you see is TOFTT.  I think he wants review-like details posted on the board, so he doesn't have to pay to see them.  Just a guess.  I could be wrong, but I don't think so.  

-- Modified on 8/24/2021 10:00:45 AM

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 157 reads
33 / 42

Nonsense. How would I be able to pm you without VIP?  

Second, I want everyone to know who's doing unfair things to mongers.  

Like every booker who you've claimed bls people for low reviews. Not only is it against TER terms, it's a scum tactic of someone who can't accept truthful reviews and these names should be known by any mongers.  

And yes, I'm a proponent of mongers who dont have any access whatsoever to get the important details. Also proponent of defending mongers who don't know much, or don't have resources. Too many white knight and simps who protect the girls/orgs. Who protects the mongers? Exactly.

36363jensen 4 Reviews 162 reads
34 / 42

"And yes, I'm a proponent of mongers who dont have any access whatsoever to get the important details."

So your goal is to undermine TER's business model and income that supports the platform?????

Nice that you have no respect for other peoples property. I do hope the mods are reading this one.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 161 reads
35 / 42

My goal is never to undermine anything, besides shitty practices by Pos and surrounding "insiders".  

My goal was always to support giving the most details and truth to the people. Whether or not they have access. I've said it multiple times. There are many public sources where information isn't gated behind a paywall.  


I've never pledged any allegiance to any particular web or non-web platform. Power is in numbers, and power is in people. Mongers are treated like trash in general. By cops. By orgs and by po's. So I want any monger who is out for info to get that info, publicly. This is why I criticize people who have no issue to tell info about bad experiences privately, yet have no will nor balls to do the same publicly. Information is a resource and the mongers know, the better off they will be. Think of it as a Robin Hood proposition. If you consolidate the information all in one private place, then "peasant" mongers will have no access. These are largely the same mongers who get hurt when there is no bad recap or review available and they toftt with a shitty RA. They are on the bottom of the pyramid and suffer the most from lies and withholding of truth some people routinely do to keep girls in business.  

I hope the mods read every single thread. I have nothing to hide here and my conscience is clear. I put monger bros, especially those without funds or a a single clue, above everything else.  

I don't undermine anything on TER anymore than you do when you claim that a negative review shouldn't be voiced. By advising to withhold information, aren't you, by your own logic, undermining TER model? So let me make it clear. Naming names of clown Pos, shitty girls, insiders with no regard for monger pii has nothing to do with TER model. People still read the reviews on TER for details. .  

If mods think Im inciting some riot against TER, then let them strike down this post. Once again, my conscience is free. Bros > pros. Truth > lies. Dixi.

badger48 111 Reviews 170 reads
36 / 42

I've got a couple of questions, so I hope you'll answer them the best you can.

Some info just won't get to the boards, how many do you think will get through? I did mention before that, IMO, the Mods are selective! I mentioned a post about top Tier Kgirls, not approved, that post and one about best or tiniest spinners, this one was shut down. One other post about "Naming the girls you think are memorable" was approved and left on the board the last time I saw it! That would be 2 out of 3 posts naming names were shut down. I know it's a small number to get an average, but let's go with it for now.

The other is about the Mongers without funds.

What do you think the minimum number of times is that a monger sees a Kgirl? Once or twice a month, bi-monthly or what?
Unless it's changed, must to initially pay $40 with a Starbucks card, right? That was one of the ways I was told about how to join! So, after that you can give info, which will help other Mongers,  through reviews and receive membership days! This is/can be an expensive past time! So, I gotta' wonder, why or how would someone scrape together money to do P4P? Do they have families or someone counting on them, and this is how they spend their money? It's called a "Hobby", well hobbies can be expensive and sometimes you just aren't able to participate in a hobby that you'd like too! And to be clear, I know enjoyment is the reason guys do P4P! I am also sure there are some guys that are single & by themselves, so, I'm wondering what they forgo to save up the entrance fee? Why not save a little more and get VIP, it's all part of the hobby!

Sorry for the long run on, but I wanted to be clear, and I hope I was.

-- Modified on 8/25/2021 1:07:12 AM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 167 reads
37 / 42

CDL says rocket has TER VIP because he receives PM's from rocket:
"...if you want to stay off of ignore with me, then when I say this is my last post on a topic, don't start haranguing me with PM's."

dcgrind says rocket does NOT have VIP:
"(rocket) admits he can't afford $200 per year for TER VIP..."
"...I remember (rocket) saying he couldn’t afford to pay his TER fees."

Who's lying?  Is dcgrind's memory faulty or is CDL LYING when he says rocket is PM'ing him?

cks175 44 Reviews 163 reads
38 / 42

Does he actually think anyone bothers to read the multiple links he posts with each comment?! 😂😂😂

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 172 reads
39 / 42

I'm surprised the self-proclaimed link-meister could not find the link where Rocket said he didn't have VIP.  Its below, and all I had to do to find it was take him off ignore while I searched for 30 seconds.  It was posted EIGHT months ago.  So this means DC didn't lie, and I did get a couple of PM's from Rocket LAST WEEK, which was EIGHT months later.  I don't think he would deny it if you want to ask him.  So at the end of all this, the ONLY one who lied is BLRPOS when he claimed that either DC or I lied.  He is also that ONLY one that ends up looking like a complete buffoon.  BLRPOS has not learned that its better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're an idiot, than to open it, and remove all doubt.  

hobbyhunter69 89 Reviews 166 reads
40 / 42

You are such a whiner, always going down on CDL to protect him.  The two of you together = ZERO.

hobbyhunter69 89 Reviews 177 reads
41 / 42

We know that you are a self promoter.
We know that you are a habitual liar.
We know that you are CHEAP.

So its ok for you CDL to finally reveal tell the truth.

You don't really need assistance to post your reviews.  They are based upon pure fiction.  All lies.


BigPapasan 3 Reviews 175 reads
42 / 42

...that I quoted where he said YESTERDAY IN THE PRESENT TENSE that rocket can't afford TER VIP:
"(rocket) admits he can't afford $200 per year for TER VIP..."

You conveniently ignored THAT quote and only cited dcgrind's quote from eight months ago.  You admitted that rocket DOES have VIP because you said that you "...did get a couple of PM's from Rocket LAST WEEK..."

All you proved in your post is that you stepped on your dick by admitting your received PM's from rocket.  A member has to have VIP to be able to PM.  Therefore, rocket obviously IS able to afford VIP and you are calling dcgrind a LIAR.  You just don't have the balls to say so.  You're a eunuch.

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