
Providers who cancel last minute
bogsucker 46 Reviews 1050 reads

I’ve been in the hobby for a couple decades. Providers who cancel, or no show, or ghost is nothing new. I used to get mad when providers did this. As time went on I took it as a normal thing that happened in the hobby, but I rarely rescheduled with the lady who cancelled on me.  

Today, more and more providers have cancellation policies stated on their websites. You have to pay a deposit, if you cancel you owe me so much money, you have to pay me in advance if you ever cancel on me, and it goes on and on. Don’t these ladies realize that we also take time out of our schedule and prepare to see them? We clear our schedule, shower, shave, change our clothes and drive to where they might be only to be no showed or cancelled on. Should I bill them what my business brings in per hour when I’m physically there, $1,500-2,000?  

Recently I had an appointment set for 1:30 in the afternoon. We communicated with each other the night before. At 1:10 I left for the general area of her incall. I texted her for the location and heard nothing. I again texted her at 1:50. Two minutes later I got a text back that she lost track of time, this happened and that, and she could meet me at 3:00. So, I’m supposed to wait around in my car for another hour and ten minutes at the minimum?  I told her that I was out. No real apology for the provider. This same provider has a cancellation policy on her website.

Another thread could be about the creative excuses some ladies come up with when they cancel an appointment with short notice. A few of excuses that I’ve received……

I forgot that I had an appointment to get my oil changed.

I forgot that I had a dental appointment.

My so had his 16th birthday party last night and I’m tired and need to clean up.

My mother just had a heart attack.

I have a family emergency.  I need to take my cat to the veterinarian.  

And the list goes on.

I’d love to hear what others think and I wish that providers could be reviewed for their behavior.

I got ghosted this week in Cleveland from a well known Cinci provider who was touring.

It happens both ways.  Don't get your whitey tighties in a twist.

And it’s the main reason I don’t do deposits

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