
Re: Well guess whatregular_smile
Nadia44115 See my TER Reviews 7955 reads

I don't know what's happening in Columbus, but perhaps you would consider driving north and visiting with some of Cleveland's ladies?

ScotlandYard_Dick9761 reads

congradulations Columbus!

Three appts.:


1 Cancelled = understandable

Spent all day attempting to find plan B free-agents. Four girls played email/phone/text tag most of the day making bogus promises. Lined up a tag-team match who flaked out in the end.

The SOLE replacement had so many personal issues that it was hard for me to get into any sort of horney groove; i managed lol

You all really need to SCORE earlier in the day so you can tend to the guys LOL

Just think, there are hobbyists who have to deal with that stuff year round. And that is when a quality, perfect 10 type lady is to be found which can be hard in itself.

This week alone I got a prospective meeting cancelled, and that was after I had been contacted by the provider about her proposed stay here and then I made contact with another girl that was touring through and never was able to set up a time, very childish encounter was that one and it just leaft me shaking my head, like I am sure you were as well.

There is a touring agency that came through this week, Girlfriend Encounters, that might help to make things better, I was out of town for the portion of the week they were in Dayton.

Credit to you I suppose to keep trying after being put through the wringer, I am so disillusioned with the combination of that stuff that happened with you and the crappy selection in the region that I am close to saying to hell with it around here. Again, I think the agency I mentioned has some promise though, we'll see.

ScotlandYard_Dick9693 reads

called hours later to apologize and said that her dog had gotten out late that night and it took three hours to round it up. She simply slept in. THAT was her excuse.

A month ago i was up most of the night sick; at 2am i left a message for my 10am appt that i wouldn't make it. Even puking my guts out i was capeable of informing my date that i couldn't be there. She didnt have to sit wondering if i was gonna show.

Now if I can do that.........LOL  I have never NCNS'D anyone ever. Hmmm....

Hate to say but all my scheduling problems have been in Ohio as well.

Since I've been in Maryland I've never had a NC/NS. And that includes ladies in NOVA as well.

I've only had 2 cancel on me and those were both a few days ahead of time since I book well in advance. (No spurt of the moments with me.) Both were very accomodating in the re-scheduling.

I'm heading back for the holidays and have been emailing ladies who are advertising for that time. Been a week now and no responces. I guess the economy hasn't reached down yet.

WhatHeSaid8278 reads

There's always Sherry Baby reviewed on this site


and another older blonde with nice gams


Just allow a little extry time for them to cum to the phone lol

I'm sorry you gentlemen are having such a challenging time finding a quality lady to spend time with.  That kind of behavior perplexes me. I'll be around in a couple of days. Looks like I should visit regularly :)

Just a followup to my previous post here.

3 up - 3 down

No responces from any of the 3.

These "well reviewed" ladies must have been booked with holiday specials for their regulars.

ScotlandYard_Dick8881 reads

Being the incredibly foregiving type that ia am, and nice to boot, i was gonna give Columbus yet another try this weekend.

Invited three girls to have a drink with me and then a multi-hour romp. Two refused to accomodate my dress(dress)request and one never responded.

FUCK THAT TOWN. I hope they all end up at a soup kitchen lol. Maybe i have a bit of asshole in me also

I don't know what's happening in Columbus, but perhaps you would consider driving north and visiting with some of Cleveland's ladies?

I'm sorry to hear. What kind of outfit did u request?

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