
CincinnatiGuy 2 Reviews 1521 reads

Well, looks like I'm off to Kroger.

I can't do the running part.  The weightlifting is iffy.

Well, sort of.
Regarding the MSOG issue- I stared running/lifting six months ago, changed my diet drastically, and it led to MSOG. So yesterday I attempted three shots on goal in a little over an hour. I am telling you, Sir, that my diet MUST be the key here, because even when I was in "athlete" shape, three was not realistic in that time frame, and certainly not over the age of 35.
So, heavy on veggies, brown rice, fish and fruit, and boom- you've got the recovery time of a teenager with the better credit and car insurance of an adult. It's the best of both worlds.
Another note: The quality of the MSOG is phenomenal.

Well, looks like I'm off to Kroger.

I can't do the running part.  The weightlifting is iffy.

...and got really confused. For a split second, I pictured Kinot surrounded by Chinese takeout boxes.

Baha! Gives a whole new meaning to the dish "Happy Family".

Posted By: ring1975
Well, sort of.
Regarding the MSOG issue- I stared running/lifting six months ago, changed my diet drastically, and it led to MSOG. So yesterday I attempted three shots on goal in a little over an hour. I am telling you, Sir, that my diet MUST be the key here, because even when I was in "athlete" shape, three was not realistic in that time frame, and certainly not over the age of 35.
So, heavy on veggies, brown rice, fish and fruit, and boom- you've got the recovery time of a teenager with the better credit and car insurance of an adult. It's the best of both worlds.
Another note: The quality of the MSOG is phenomenal.
I already eat healthy though. Especially recently. Along with 3 hours in the gym each week. Dont smoke (quit 6 years ago). Dont drink (not a drop in over 10 years). No drugs (was a HEAVY addict for about 4 or 5 years in my late teens and early twenties, been clean for 9 years now). You'd think I was the ideal candidate for MSOG.

I just have a broken wiener is all.

Congrats on kicking the drugs, Kinot.

I smoke, but I rarely (and I mean rarely) drink alcohol because I'm a total wuss when it comes to it.  Cheapest drunk you ever saw.  Caffeine is a totally different story.  I love my Monster Java Mean Bean!

Oh, and I love Chinese food as long as it doesn't have lobster in it.

-- Modified on 3/15/2013 12:32:32 PM

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