
biggest dissappointment....
jangoroncee 41 Reviews 854 reads

the "red wedding"on game of thrones or killing off lori on "the walking dead.for me,killing off of lori
made this become almost void of hope.depressing
p.s.i realize 90%of you don't care,but this isn't for yo

Did not see that one coming and pretty much cried my tits off.

I never cared for her.  I like the young chick that takes care of the baby. Rick will be tapping that next season and the one legged Dad can't do jack.

I've read all but the last GoT novel.
Gotta admit RR Martin is a sadistic bastard.  But he keeps you on your toes.

As for Walking Dead; I had no problem Lori getting iced.  That show needs some hot new chicks anyway.

I am purposely reading the books after I see the seasons for GOT.  Red wedding was so shocking!!!!  I was still basking in the "we have a new hottie" wedding surprise.  Then...all hell breaks loose !  

Losing Andrea...that sucked.  The talent left is dangerously young.  I don't need Tobi sitting me down for another chat.  Last one was bad enough.  

I think I'm going with the red wedding.  Robb Stark's wife will be missed!!

Posted By: roncee
the "red wedding"on game of thrones or killing off lori on "the walking dead.for me,killing off of lori  
 made this become almost void of hope.depressing  
 p.s.i realize 90%of you don't care,but this isn't for you  
I don't know that show, but the ending of S. King's Dark Tower Series was a big disappointment.

is disappointing. For some reason they are never able to wrap things up as cleanly as he does in the books. A few exceptions of course. Misery and Pet Sematary are two good ones that come to mind.

Same with Andrea, though I liked her better. I just couldn't see why she'd want to bang the Gov. He's such a tool. I mean, even if he wasn't a "villian", he's a douche. He's a douchey tool.

I was more disappointed that Merl died. Far more interesting character than Lori.  

Lori didn't equal hope to me.  Carl is the future!  
Carl and Michonne and Daryl and Maggie.

I can't watch GOT,  I don't like the show for various reasons. But in the books Rob is boring and clearly a redshirt/storypawn, and Mrs. Stark is just... an idiot. She does everything wrong, at nearly every step. I'm not sure how the show portrayed her.

I really liked the books, but have lost patience with GRRM's priorities. He's a much better writer than "producer", and. I wouldn't care, except I think he's gonna die before he finishes his series, like Robert Jordan, and for what? The show is just awful. Hey, he's making money and people who'd never read his work are into the show. So... I get it. But I disagree with his priorities. Not that it matters what I think.

I will point out that often the characters he "kills off" aren't always going to be removed from the story, because they hold too much dramatic weight. There's a point where "Anyone can Die" cannot be a primary ground-rule, because for a reader (or a viewer of the show) you need dramatic through-lines to carry the story off. They can't be removed from the story unless they die for some purpose (a dramatic purpose). Red-shirting them ALL is silly, just to be "that guy who kills anyone". The story would mostly fall apart.

Posted By: roncee
the "red wedding"on game of thrones or killing off lori on "the walking dead.for me,killing off of lori  
 made this become almost void of hope.depressing  
 p.s.i realize 90%of you don't care,but this isn't for you  

Lori was a bigger bitch, but Catelyn was a thousand times more annoying. Good riddance to both of them, long live Dany Stormborn and Titties Tyrell!

At least Edmure Tully ended up with a hot chick. Good for him.

If the TWD producers even think for one second about killing Daryl or Michonne, I will stab them in the jaw.

I assume she meant the underside of the jay, upward into the brraainssssss...

Posted By: SecretMe11
The Jaw?  

Posted By: SecretMe11
The Jaw?  
Yeah, the jaw. As in the lowest portion of the skull.

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