
A College Girl
tna_handyandy 57 Reviews 2252 reads

Would someone please direct me to a true Buckeye girl - that is, a girl 18-22yo that is truly working her way through college?  Preferably a girl that DFKes or allows trips to Greece. Any info is appreciated.

-- Modified on 3/10/2013 2:18:29 AM

Click reviews, do an advanced search, put in the things you're looking for, and start calling them.


The search feature isn't going to say whether or not a girl is in college.

Although I'm 23 and not a Buckeye (assuming you mean an OSU student). But if you're cool with a 23-year-old Bearcat, let me know! :)

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
Although I'm 23 and not a Buckeye (assuming you mean an OSU student). But if you're cool with a 23-year-old Bearcat, let me know! :)
Yeah, but you don't go to Greece.

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
He said DFK OR Greece, bro.
Actually, he said "preferable," too.

I think you should really consider Greece.

Posted By: Dudeshitballs
I think you should really consider Greece.
I think you should consider a new username.

earthshined1191 reads

Posted By: tna_handyandy
Would someone please direct me to a true Buckeye girl - that is, a girl 18-22yo that is truly working her way through college?  Preferably a girl that DFKes or allows trips to Greece. Any info is appreciated.

-- Modified on 3/10/2013 2:18:29 AM

Yes, I did a search for younger gals that kiss or go to Greece, but VERY few options are out there. And you can't search to see if she's a college gal.  So, I thought I'd ask for any under-the-radar gals that could be recommended. Or for a provider to see my request. BadCollegeGirl, I'll be in contact soon.

I did get one private reply, so thanks to him too.  Happy pooning everyone!

UC is not your typical "rah-rah" State U. college campus....and......whether she's really a student?? Who knows? Or cares?

What I CAN tell you is that she's young, cute, fun....and sexy as hell. A great provider in an area where they are sorely needed. Dude, it's a fantasy.... Now if DFK & Greek are dealbreakers...I say, "meh."

You can do a lot worse in Cincy.

I did find a nice college provider. An Arkon Zip gal who is 21. She even let me inspect her college ID (grin). My current fantasy is satisfied.

Have fun out there everyone and stay safe!

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