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Your Approach to tipping
ss_jenz 1017 reads

Tipping is something I've been wondering about.  It's a bit different than being at a restaurant isn't it.
You'd never pre-tip your waitress in hopes of getting excellent service but I can see how it might work when seeing a provider when you really want her best.  

Does this tend to either improve the service received and/or result more menu items performed without discussion of specifics?  

If you guys use this approach, is there such a thing as provider tip etiquette in both the amount and the way you present it to her and set an expectation

Some providers don't even count the money before starting, so in that case they won't even know it's there. There is no provider tip etiquette.  Some guys tip. Some guys don't. Most good providers say tips are appreciated but not expected or required. Many say the best tip is a repeat visit. For me personally I only tip for service that is above and beyond my expectations. I'm not tipping in advance because there is no way I would know in advance if she is going to perform above and beyond.  

This is nothing like waitressing. These ladies are not working for minimum wages and depending on tips. They earn in one hour what many people don't even make in a full day

There are many threads on tipping in this forum. Do a search and you can read up on the many opinions when it comes to tipping.

Posted By: ss_jenz
Tipping is something I've been wondering about.  It's a bit different than being at a restaurant isn't it.  
 You'd never pre-tip your waitress in hopes of getting excellent service but I can see how it might work when seeing a provider when you really want her best.  
 Does this tend to either improve the service received and/or result more menu items performed without discussion of specifics?  
 If you guys use this approach, is there such a thing as provider tip etiquette in both the amount and the way you present it to her and set an expectation?  

Tips or valuing a lady's time more than related to expectations, possibilities, and simply a gift.  So when you offer it depends on your intent.  I rarely look once I know you so you may need to mention it at aome point if I am not understanding you.  I have been gifted without meeting- no strings attached may we say- just a consideration of having a wonderful feeling together.

I tip everyone. Second session is usually better because of it but I tip because I worked for tips for years and know how stressful that feeling is. Never gave it before a session. Usually hide the tip somewhere fun. Under the Bose Speaker in a shoe or in a science book. They always find it. I tip what I can afford on that given day.  

Posted By: ss_jenz
Tipping is something I've been wondering about.  It's a bit different than being at a restaurant isn't it.  
 You'd never pre-tip your waitress in hopes of getting excellent service but I can see how it might work when seeing a provider when you really want her best.  
 Does this tend to either improve the service received and/or result more menu items performed without discussion of specifics?  
 If you guys use this approach, is there such a thing as provider tip etiquette in both the amount and the way you present it to her and set an expectation?  

checked, provider rates are $300+ per hour. Does a waitress or waiter make that?

Provider rates are above doctors, lawyers, etc. Do you tip your lawyer or doctor?

Another comment above war spot-on. Many providers will agree that a repeat visit is the best tip. No need to screen, comfort level with client, etc.

This isn't an Easter Egg hunt.  I certainly don't go rooting around, hoping someone left me a tip, every time I'm about to leave my hotel room. :rolleyes:  

Come to think of it,  there was a guy about a year ago who brought a bottle of wine in a gift bag and the usual donation envelope was in there too.   Before he left he noticed that I'd already dropped the gift bag into the wastebasket and he asked if I'd seen what else was in there (I had not)...... so I pulled it out and underneath the pretty tissue, on the bottom of the bag, was another little envelope containing a gift card.   If he hadn't brought it to my attention, it would have been tossed.  

Don't play games.   ;-)

-- Modified on 5/31/2016 3:44:44 PM

JakeFromStateFarm440 reads

But his honesty doesn't do him much good because it simply underscores how clueless he is.  If this is advice, newbies ought not to take it.  Zak is kind of counter-intuitive that way, so if you do the opposite of what he says you should be OK.

If you feel a tip is warranted then give the lady a tip. Discreetly place it in her hand during the kiss/hug bye or put it in the same place you laid the donation. While this is a fun activity it's not a game. Be respectful, be polite, but be direct.

VOO-doo397 reads

If you want to leave a tip, just give it to her. Sans fanfare or games.

 As it says on so many websites, just leave the donation in plain sight, and don't ever mention or refer to it.  

If you want to tip her, just leave a bit extra in the envelope, and let her discover it after you leave. Or, just give it to her. Don't make it a game. That's embarrassing.  

I'd personally be a good sport about it, but as Deb so articulately said..... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

The subject of tipping pops up all the times and there are countless threads about it with just as many opinions.  A search on the subject will let you see some.  Personally, I do not tip, but I do take a gift.  If you are going to tip, do it after, and avoid the scavenger hunt.  If she's in a hotel room, she may not find it.


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