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Why do I never get a call back?
Dragon72 3141 reads

I'm trying to set up my FIRST ever session with a provider. I've picked 3 that I want to "pop my cherry". However I've called them each a few times and I never get a call back. They all have good reviews so I'm not sure if it's something I'm doing on my end.

My message on their vm is usually something like... "Hi (so and so). My name is (so and so). I saw your ad on redbook and I'd love to set up an appointment. Please call me back at xxx-xxx-xxxx. Hope to hear from you soon."

Does this make me seem like LE or something because I'm getting no luck with call backs.

Consider me confused.

For one thing do the ladies have sites with contact forms? Do they ask for reference or work info?

Your message didn't say the date or time of the appointment. Also they might prefer email. You have to look at each lady separately and know what they want.

Also have you thought about datecheck or p411.

just some thoughts

good luck

Dragon721204 reads

I've been looking at site's like ter, redbook and cityvibe and these 3 are the ones that I've kind of narrowed it down to.

They didn't ask for any references and that is one of the reasons I picked them. Like I said this will be my first provider and the thought of giving out personal info to datecheck and p411 makes me a bit wary.

I've actually e-mailed each one as well (sometimes more than once).

Like the previous post,  give a date, time, do you have references, or a date check service.
Tell them, keep your vm short and to the point.
Some ladies get tons of calls a day, many of them are crank and wild goose chases. good luck

Using a friend's cell phone, call it from yours, and see what pops up in the display.

You might be suprised.

I've seen some instances where a phone number had been "recycled", and the prior owner's name was popping up.

Dragon721093 reads

The correct # popped up on the other cell that I called so I'm not blocking.

I don't see that you are really doing anything wrong, so just keep trying. I consider a well reviewed provider someone that has at least a page or two of good solid reviews here. You need to find a well reviewed provider, if that is the case with your ladies, check their websites or ads to see how they prefer to be contacted. Then read their reviews to see how the reviewers are contacting them. Many ladies that require screening will not do it over the phone or last minute. While checking the reviews, also check her reviewers and see that they have multiple reviews. If you are not VIP here, pay the $20 and learn. Happy Hobbying.

anabangbang2063 reads

the last thing i want to do is check my voicemail.

lots of other girls i know rarely check their voicemail. .. since most of us only ignore our phone while we are in session and most sessions are 1 hour in length, call back in an hour.

we are normally too busy fielding incoming calls to call our voicemail.

plus if i see that the same # called more than once on my missed call list, i'm more likely to call it back.

a 3rd call is ok but the 4th time you call, you might go on my possible stalker list so be moderately persistent.

I always use email, as I'm sometimes prone to being a bit nervous, and the possibility of saying something really stupid on the phone is pretty high.

You can't proofread a phone call.

I return those calls but MUCH prefer e-mail inquiries.  It might help to include the date you want to meet and something along the lines of "Let me know what you need for screening"  good luck, Erica

and instead use the lady's contact form or better yet an email. This way I can present in advance the hobby relevant part of my CV including TER handle preferred411 and date-check memberhship and provider references along with just a bit about myself. And the lady may receive and deal with the email / contact form at her leisure. I allow a week for return contact before I mark her off my list - longer if I'm asking for a date a few weeks down the road. It is a much more comfortable and professional way to handle contact and to present yourself in a good light. I avoid providers who use telephone only for contact...



I can't tell you the thrill I get when a gentleman sends me an e-mail like GTM describes.  I think, "I LOVE this guy!" and start screening.  I can't wait to see them and wish everyone were so fabulous :)

Dragon721151 reads

I've actually used both phone and e-mail to try and initiate contact. No luck with either on 3 well reviewed providers.

I don't have references. As I said this will be my 1st go at it. And I'm not comfortable giving out personal info to p411 or datecheck type sites. I've had my identity stolen in the past.

Thanks for the reply. I'll just keep trying.

I have used them and so have thousands of others. If they were not careful to protect your information they would be out of business. They advertise that they destroy client info after verifcation and I believe this to be the case w/r/t preferred411.

Think of what you are asking - that a lady invite you into her space, with noone there to look after her, and get naked with you. That takes a lot of trust. It is incumbent upon the gent to provide the lady with everything she needs in order for that level of trust to happen.

I advise you to join date-check and/or preferre411.



famkejensen1202 reads

OK no references, won't give any info and won't join a verification site...hmmmmm, makes us think what it is you really want to do or try and get away with, leaving us no recourse whatsoever. Good luck trying to get a quality date off this board. Try CL or your local stroll. No wonder these ladies are ignoring offer of any information that would help with safety. Probably the minute they saw the emails and phone messages either blocked your calls or blocked your email.

Dragon721415 reads

Trying to get away with? I'm not trying to get away with anything! Let's put it on the other end of the stick shall we? I give my information to some girl I don't know and end up having her and her pimp try and blackmail me!? Harass me at work by calling and maybe even showing up?

What about the thousands of girls (including the 3 I'm looking at) that don't require such extensive info? In your eyes are they stupid?

Thanks to the people who weren't jerks with their response.

It's not really polite to ask for help, and then yell at the people giving the advice you seek.  It's getting clearer that you expect some lady you've never met to just trust you.  Why would she?  Well, because she's just a whore after all.  Do you see where that may get some people here to sit up tall in their seats?

The implied expectation here is that we each cautiously respect the other party.  The lady asks us to give her information that allows her to feel safe meeting someone that could cause her harm.  We've taken the time to study up enough that we trust her with that info, or provide it to a screening firm instead.  If you don't like that setup, that's fine, but understand that the system won't change just because you'd like it to.  You're new here, and yelling that you don't like the rules isn't a great way to endear yourself to the ladies you'd like to meet.

I am not going to tell anyone else how to run their business or processes and I can't say that anyone i don't know is stupid.  Not screening, not getting the information is a rather stupid thing to do, however.  It's been proven over and over and over again that to stay as safe as you can physically, emotionally and legally is to screen for yourself and your clients.  It really helps to keep you both safe.  

-- Modified on 3/27/2009 3:09:17 PM

If you don't like the advice, don't follow it.  IMHO, you would be a fool not to, but that is your right.  

You don't have to get defensive or pissy about it.

I don't think you will have much, or easy, success without providing information.  I can only say that the person who stole your identity in the past probably did not have the reputation of their business at stake - we do.

Dragon721313 reads

Why would knowing my name and place of employment be a factor in a providers' reputation? Isn't that determined more with how she performs? It does make it easier for the provider to "get back" at the client for a bad review. I don't see how knowing whether a guy's name is really Joe or in actuality is Bill determines a providers rep. Enlighten me?

My safety is my number one priority.. a girl that does not screen , most l;likely is the girl that is going to get you in trouble because she dies not care for her safety..when you call a provider with reviews , you have the security of knowing other people have met her before and what she is like ( by reading the reviews)..that is why you feel comfortable meeting with them.. the provider on the other hand has no idea who you are, other then what you tell her ..she has know way of knowing if it is true or not..why would a woman give the man the upper hand try rob or hurt her.. or arrest her? that would be pretty stupid in my eyes.Contrary to what you believe we are not asking you for info about yourself to get you in trouble or hurt you , we are using to make sure you are who tell us you are, if you are lying about your identity , what else might you be hiding? By our reviews you know who we are, it is only fair that we know who you are..I know for myself i do not save ANY INFO , ever..i throw everything away after verifying .

I said OUR reputation not yours.  What could I possibly gain by "id theft" or some other doo doo with you?  If someone were to truly step out of line and do something like that - it would be all over the internet and fast.  That girl or agency wouldn't be able to work anymore.  There isn't anything you have or could offer that is worth my risking the ability to make a living doing what I love to do.  I've spent 5yrs building a great reputation and I am a provider... not a felonious criminal.

I was having the same issue.  I prefer to email rather than call.

I got verified using Date-Check thinking that was my solution.  But I still didn't get responses.

I found that once I sent more detailed emails... ie. name, contact, date, duration, time, location... I got pretty quick responses - almost instantly.

I haven't had my first experience yet... but at least I'm getting responses now :P

there are 2 types of ladies, the ones that call you back right away and the ones that might take 2weeks to return your call..i believe it comes under the heading of being respectful and certeous.

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