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When looking for your 1st, what do you look for?
jon54 7 Reviews 3600 reads

I think I have ID'd the gal that I will call when I travel in the summer.  She has pages of 9's and 10's.  I even contacted several of her previous reviewers and one cautioned that she may be too wild for a first timer.  How should I respond?  I would suspect that most any provider has a bit of wildness in her to get 9-10s, right?  I had told her in advance that I was a total newbie and she said she thrives on taking guys by the hand and gentely leading them to the "promise" land. What say ye?

You've already done the number one thing, check to make sure she has plenty of good reviews. They should also be recent, as things change. One other thing is who is doing the reviewing, are they reputable? Sounds like you've already done all of this.

I prefer providers that have detailed instructions for how to contact her, how much the donation is, what to do with the donation, etc. I like it if the donation is never even discussed. LE would clearly like to discuss the donation and what you expect for it. I like providers who are careful about LE and careful about STDs.

As far as too wild, well I've been with providers that apparently get pretty wild with other clients but I'm not really into that stuff and these providers adjust to me. So I think you're probably OK there, especially since you've told her your a newbie and she's cool with it.

This may not apply to you but I know some guys (me included) researched extensively for their first, had a narrow window of time to meet the provider, and something happened (provider got sick, provider's kid got sick, whatever, stuff happens). This can be extremely frustrating. If you're not pressed for time then it's OK but if you've singled out one provider for June 22 and she's sick then you're screwed (well I guess actually you're not screwed). So have a backup plan if you have a narrow time window.

Man, a real cowboy always wants to face the biggest, baddest, and best of the bunch.  Drive maserati, you will figure it out.  I think newbies think too much.  Have fun!!!!

if he says "too wild" for a newbie, get some other experience first.  Your brother spent the time to respond.  I say heed his advice.  Especially if it's Mr Fisher!

Of course she's not going to turn you away.

Back channeled advice is not always the most reliable.

I'm all for her.  The other hobbiest just got me tot thinking.  She knows I am a newbie and has said she enjoys these encounters, so I am staying with my selection.  She only does one appointment a day and I still have a few months before I go.  If something happens, I have a couple back ups.  If it falls apart at the last minute, I will just assume that it wasn't meant to be and head to the bathroom with some lotion and a good book!

Good thing that you have a couple of back-ups in mind in case anything disrupts your plans with number one lady.  Three months is a long time out, many things can happen during that time span.  In fact, many things can happen between the night before an appointment and the moment of truth.

Therefore, I suggest that you pre-screen with your 'Plan B' ladies.  If they are well reviewed, your info is safe whether you see them on this trip, or some future date.  Trying to get screened at the last minute is stressful for both the client and the provider.

Have fun.  Good luck sleeping the night before ;)

I had my first fall through and believe me, lotion and a good book won't cut it. If you're anything like me you'll be so pissed off and frustrated that choking your own chicken is going to be the last thing you'll want to do.

Here's something else to think about. If this falls through and you don't have good backups, you may start thinking with the little head instead of your big one and call someone off CL. Now that might work out and it might end badly. The point is you'll be vulnerable to acting on impulse at this stage of the game. If you plan something this far in advance and it doesn't work out you may make some mistakes. You sound like a very cautious person who's trying to avoid mistakes.

I would become familiar with a variety of providers in the area you're going to be in so you have your pick of well reviewed women.

If you're nervous about your first time, here's what I'd recommend. Go to a strip club as soon as you can. Just watch and tip dollar bills. Next go to a strip club and get a lap dance. Finally, if your local strip clubs offer it, get a private dance. You'll have then been up close and personal with an attractive woman who's mostly naked. This way you won't as intimidated when you take your trip.

Either way, do this thing. Like Mr Fisher said, you might regret it but more often it's the things we don't do that we regret.

Good luck, let us know how it works out.


If you have opportunity, keep your eyes open to possibilities before that.  While I would certainly keep my eyes on the prize to the lady you are planning on seeing during summer vaca, why not get your feet first?  First day of summer is three months out, an eternity for most hobbyists...

My home town is void of any really quality providers.  There are a couple of "decent" gals according to TER but nothing like SD.  Plus, being on the road makes things so much easier due to my SO.

first of all high ratings fo not mean wildness at all. sexuality can come in many flavors. wildness is not required for it to be good. among the ladies i've reviewed the top performer was never wild just extremely sensual and thoroughly delicious.

secondly, under no circumstances let advice from someone who has reviewed her trump your own inclination bolstered by your own communication with a lady.

i have had two instances where private communication with a client proved dead wrong. chemistry is complicated. another client's chemistry cannot fit yours. on the other hand the ladies are pros and can fit a wide set of requirements because they are accomplished professionals.

if she tells you she'd like to take you on gently, why doubt it?

and report back when the wall of Jericho have crumbled.

(Just be sure your horn is in good shape.)

(As long as she is not LE, what's the worst that can happen?  Besides, it's better to regret something you have done, rather than something you haven't.)

Some people on here take this stuff way too gravely.  I remember one commentor telling a newbie that he "was not ready to hobby" due to the newbies fear of getting ripped off.  

"Too wild for a first timer?"  WTF does that mean?  I could buy that if you were a 15 year old virgin, but you're a full grown man with a SO.  What's she going to do?    

We are fucking, not landing the space shuttle.

Seriously though, I agree.  Most pros will be able to turn it down if the guy needs it that way.  It's a whole lot easier for a lady to back down than it is to do something she's not comfortable with.

Zangari1064 reads

Jon54: you're going to hate me, but you've been posting about your "San Diego Summer Trip"  all-winter-long.  And now we're into spring and you're still at it.  For those who don't know, Jon54 will have his first session in S.D. this summer.  

Do you know that some of the men on this board have several sessions per week?  And some of the providers have several sessions per day?  I think you take a voyueristic joy in posting/reading/replying about this future event in San Diego that we both know WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

You've already mentioned your 'backup plan' if 'things-fall-apart': a trip to the bathroom with a bottle of lotion & a good book.  

Dear god.  If you were really honest, you would write to the Love Goddess on the Erotic Highway board about how terrified you-really-are.  She might be able to help you. --z

famkejensen1333 reads

I think you have hit the nail on the head with this one. The Love Goddess awaits....

famkejensen1061 reads

Just checked and he's been all over that board too...I think he's like a kid in a candy store and wants to play or get to know the "big boys". Hell I don't know and at this point I've asked myself why the f&*k do I even give a hoot....guess I needed a break from coding and thought this would be a decent distraction...

And despite lots of research, I still couldn't decide with one to see....

I asked an on-line friend to decide for me, and she selected based on the email responses I had received....

The lady she selected, blew me off not once, but twice....  The first time I didn't have a back up plan (lesson 1 learned).  I saw the second lady the next time I was in town....  The third time in town I was to see the first lady for a chance at a second appointment.  She blew me off again, I called the other lady to see her for a second time, and the rest is history....

The second lady, whom I was leaning toward myself, but could not make that initial decision between two ladies, is now my Uber ATF, whom I have seen roughly 10 times, including several overnights....

I just needed a push, and although mine was a rather rounf about way, it sure worked out well for me....

And if she sees this, I can't wait to see you again my Very Sexy Friend!


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