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Trip to Greece
newyorkpauly 7 Reviews 2674 reads

I'm interested in a Trip to Greece. I have found a provider who says that it is one of her favorite destinations. Her vacation rate is "all inclusive" but doesn't specify if Greece is included in her itinerary.   Her rate seems reasonable if we are traveling to the islands, but more than I would pay if not traveling that direction. Other TER members have made this trip but have not stated how it was planned in advance.

She specifically requests that no specific destinations be discussed prior to departure, so I'm at a loss deciding if I should take the trip. Vacationing in France and Russia is nice but I don't want to travel there numerous times to get to  Greece. Any suggestions?

answer the question, but you won't really know until you've in the room with her and taken everything off. By than she should be comfortable that you're not LE.

If "She specifically requests that no specific destinations be discussed prior to departure" you have to respect that and not ask.

If she says her vacation rate is all inclusive, that generally means that greek is included. You should also try sending a PM to the reviewers who went to greece with her recently and ask them if it was included.

You see, on trips to Greece, there's often not much room for a lot of baggage, if you catch my drift.

So, the provider might first want to see the size of your bags before giving the OK for the tour.

Except for a few providers who just adore the practice, for the rest it's always a maybe thing.

for exactly this reason. Some providers offer greek for the extra $ but really do not particularly like it - some even use anesthetic on their rectum to make it "bearable". A few really enjoy it. If a lady can relax and get into it the stimulation of the pudendal nerve compled may produce powerful contractions analagous to a vaginal orgasm. A few ladies I've met consider this to be better than a vagnial orgasm. The last lady I met (review pending) told me she'd be delighted to schedule greek with me next visit.....

Do reviewers mention traveling to Greece? and under what circumstances.

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