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Tipping -- How stupid am I?sad_smile
rpapdweller 76 Reviews 4453 reads

OK. I'm a newbie whose apparently a gullible idiot, but tell me if I'm wrong. I just started this and read a number of ads from providers and looked around the boards a bit. Most of the ads and everything I read made me feel that the rates were all inclusive (i.e., I'd get to have my fun for the stated price).

After doing some research, I finally selected a provider. She had one review a year old, but it was a good one (I was trying this late on a Saturday evening, so many of the ladies I was attracted to who had more reviews weren't working these hours). I called her, didn't verify the rates and services since that seemed like something I wasn't supposed to do. We set a time, she arrived and we started to chat. Her posted rate was $300, so I had an envelope with that ready for her. I gave it to her and she asked how much was there. I told her and she asked if I was also ready to tip and I said if I had a great time, sure. She then asked for some wine, so I ordered some. She then suggested I turn on a porn move, so I bought a hotel movie, so now I'm in for another $80 and she's still dressed.

We got started with a lap dance (she's a dancer taking a break from the clubs) and got warmed up. Once we were ready to move to the next step, she asked for a $300-$500 tip, depending on how much time I wanted to take. I was stunned. I also didn't have that much more. I felt like objecting and telling her the $300 was supposed to get me everything so she better get ready, but of course didn't. Instead I decided I was already in for almost $400 and wanted something, so offered $200 extra for french (she was pretty hot and I was pretty horny ... and stupid). She agreed, we did it, and then we sat and talked while she finished the wine and watched more of the movie.

So - did I miss something some where. Are the rates not all inclusive and this is what I should expect? If not and I just got ripped off, how do I avoid it next time. Is there anything I could have done to get what I thought I was paying for in the first place?

Opinions will vary among some on the boards on whether your experience was a scam or not. After all, you did get something out of it, even it you paid far more for it than you intended.

At best, your unfortunate experience was dishonest on her part, or in my (graciously humble) opinion, a plain and simple scam. This is NOT how reputable providers operate, and I for one regret that you had this experience.

In the future, researching a lady a bit more thoroughly will greatly reduce the chances of a repeat experience. Take your time, plan ahead, and use the big head to make an informed choice before engaging the smaller head. If the lady has only one review - even if it is recent, pursue a meeting with her ONLY with the expectation that you may or may not get what you are looking for. If you want more certainty of getting what you are looking for, seek out women who are well reviewed. The definition of "well reviewed" varies from one gentleman to the next, but she should at least have several positive reviews to give you an idea of what you are getting.

Finally, you should write a review of your experience to let other gentlemen know what to expect if they meet her.

MiserablyMyopic3015 reads

1. Trying a first time hookup with a reputable provider late at night was your first mistake.
(Ya gotta have some history with em' before they'll consider seeing you in the wee hours)

2. The gal you picked had "1" review and it was a year old. That should have been a red flag that something might not be quite right.

 Late night shopping and letting your little head pick the fruit will usually garner you rotten apples.  

you're polite in calling her a dancer
which I think is really pushing it.

She's a stripper and has the stripper mentality which is to ask for as much money as she can suck out of you before she goes onto the next victim.
A generalization is that strippers crave the power. If you're a guy and have money, they want to take that money which is your power so they can take it from you.
I've hung out at many strip clubs and many girls try to do the least amount and get the most money out of you.
I have met some nice and sweet girls at strip clubs but they are far and few between and I'm sure if I went back, they wouldn't be so nice and sweet if they worked the clubs long enough.
I think it's been over 5 years since I was last in a strip club, [at least here in the US].
I just hate the game they all play.
Go to Spearmint Rhinos, they are the worst, as soon as you walk in, they tag you for a hefty entrance fee. You have a 2 drink minimun (at least, that is what I remember) and you have waitresses hovering over you, selling you bottled water and sodaa for an extreme mark up. A girl sits down and wants you to buy her a drink. Or maybe she just sits down and the waitress comes over to hassle you to buy the girl a drink.
Does it show that I despise the strip clubs?

I used to like going to strip clubs and then realized I could get a blow job and a lay for less money with just as hot girls but much better attitudes....

Next time a girl tries to get you to spend $300 for just a door fee, kick her to the curb and take your money back and put it in your pocket, no tip to just show up...


Sorry you had such a bad experience, that is absolutely not what should have happened IMO.

As mentioned over, plan ahead and go for somebody who has several good reviews.  

And certainly put what you did in your post in a review to stop other guys being scammed like that.

Multiple reviews, some at least recent, from reviewers with multiple reviews assists you in making an informed decision.  Ya gotta learn how to say "no" and walk away.

Choose a well reviewed provider, which is at least 1 page of consistently good reviews, at least some are recent. If I were you I would look for consistent 8s and 9s or above. You need to think with the big head and PLAN ahead. If the gift is in an envelope in plain sight, generally with a reputable provider, there is no mention of it or $ at ALL! Good Luck!

Well, here is another story similar to this. I looked at this agency and requested the girl to show up at my hotel. I called at 3:30 pm and made an appointment for 6:00 pm for a 2 hour session. The girl was late by 2 hours. I was stupid and included over 1.5 roses as tips on top of the regular roses they want (so I am out 9 roses here). I offered her some water and started small covnersations. We started playing with each other (kissing with toungue) and she asks me "do you have covers". I was not sure that I would be providing the covers. I thought she would have it with her usually. So, she gets up and walk way. A 2 hour session ended in 5 minutes just like that after me spending 9 roses.

So, help me understand here something here.
1. Is it the hobbyists responsibility to have covers or do the providers usually carry them as part of their service....
2. When you engage a provider is it best to show that you care about them and give them extra (tip) even before they ask for it or is it better to just wait like my other fellow hobbyist here and give her when she asks for it...

What is the right thing here....

I still cant get over it and having a hard time spending time with any other providers....

Any suggestions fellow hobbyists....providers...

Always be prepared.  I carry my own but often the lady uses the ones she brought with her.

Thanks for everyone's feedback. I thought I was being had, but wanted to make sure before I walked into another one.

Donzelfaire - speaking as a once-taken hobbyist, I think you were had, too. She walked in looking for a way to quickly get out. My guess is she had covers with her -- even my stripper had hers. If it happens again, tell her "too bad neither of us have covers, we'll just have to take the next ten minutes and drive to a convenience store." Then ask for a french lesson on the way back. :)

Thanks for the advice. I like your idea. I was in a ski resort after the season over. My friends took our rental to hit the cities. After she left, I couldn't stand getting cheated. Later the same idea came to my mind, but it was too late by then.  Thanks for your advice. Good  luck to you too.

Is there a kosher way to show or allure to a good tip before, but not give it till end of activity?  How to do this without combining play and business discussion?

Even in other activities, a good tip AFTER the fact makes me wonder if I would have had better service if I'd done it up front.  Likewise a good tip upfront makes often makes me feel like it might not have been necessary.  I usually tip extra well when I know I will see the same person at a later date (such as regular waitress at a frequented restaurant).

that is a good question. I have wondered about the same thing as you do. I do the same at a restaurant for a waitress. Maybe, the providers can give us a good insight and induct us into their club to be a hobbyist and help all have fun together.....


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