Newbie - FAQ

Thanks H8t. We've got a looker there. eom
mrfisher 108 Reviews 2070 reads


amillyona2885 reads

Hey everyone,My name is Amillyona.
I posted 2 messages on the discussion board but they don't seem to show up.That or i just don't know how to find I am new to this and don't really know how to work these things is there anyone who can help me out?Also how do i put a picture with the message that i post?
Thanks a bunch,
Amillyona [IMG][/IMG]

Firstly, the reason your messages don't show up right away is that you are being moderated.  All new members start out this way until the moderators of the various boards you post on feel like they can trust you not to post anything mean or nasty or which otherwise vilolates TER's posting policies which you will find listed on the various boards.

This may go on for days or weeks depending on how much you post and how well you follow the guidelines.

As for posting a photo, I'm not sure but I think this can only be done when you post on a regional board because that is considered advertising  (I am making an assumption that you are a provider but if I am wrong, please excuse me.) and local boards are the only ones you can advertise on.

You should familiarize yourself with the advertising guideslines as well but the basic rule is that you can not advertise more than once in any seven day period on any local board  and not more than three weeks (?) prior to your visit to a city your are touring.

As for posting the photos, I know that you need to have a photo posted on a site where it will have a web address (like photobucket), but beyond that I am unfamillar with the actual mechanics.  I'm sure someone here can follow up on that.

By the way, when I tried to click on that link, it came back saying that the photo was deleted.

Good luck and I look forward to seeing that photo.

amillyona962 reads

Thank you for the help,you can check out photos on my personal site and i believe i just posted on the regional board so if it worked the pic should come up.Am i allowed to put my personal website in the post's?Well any how here is my personal site enjoy and maybe well meet some time.

You are moderated at first, your posts may take 24-72 hours to get up on the boards. Participate in your local regional board (drop down menu to the left) and after a while you may see yourself become unmoderated or you can ask your local board's moderator to unmoderate you. Only the regional boards moderators can unmoderate you.

As for the picture, there is a box underneath the text box you type in to get the message on the boards. It is titled "picture URL". Just put in the web address of the pic you want to show in that box.


or not at all.  Back when I was a newbie, I had some that never showed up.  I suspect that the system might dump messages after they have been pending approval by the moderator for a few days, and if the mod is on vacation or something...

of course, my posts could have been so sophmoric the mod just clicked "delete".

amillyona1086 reads

Thank you for the help,i was so confused.I thought that i might be doing something wrong.

You might also should put a password on your photo bucket account to make it private if you don't want your other photos to be seen.

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