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Stood Up ?????? WTFconfused_smile
iamsd5 4 Reviews 5028 reads

I have been exchanging calls and emails with a provider, but could never get our schedules to match. She was always pleasant and there didn't appear to be any problems. Finally, early this week I was able to talk to her and we agreed on meeting Saturday @ noon.  I confirmed via email and she sent me directions to her incall locale. As she is in the "metro city" about an hour and a half drive for me, I started out early.  It started out as a great Saturday morning.  I should have known something was wrong when I heard "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC on 3 different Radio stations.  I encountered some construction delays, so I called her cell and got VM.  Told her the situation and left my cell number.  I got to her place about 15 minutes late.  The place is in a gated community.  Per the emailed directions she sent me, I called her again to get the entry code and got the VM. Left name and number. I waited for 15 minutes or so.  I was getting uncomfortable setting there, people going into the office saw me there.  Feeling uneasy, I called her cell again and got VM. Told her I wasn't comfortable sitting there, I was going to move until she called back, leaving my cell # again.  From her 3+ pages of reviews, the were several times where she had gone long with one client only to have another client get upset.  I was OK to "wait in line" so I moved a parking lot down the road.  More time passed and I got nervous sitting there.  I called again and left a numeric page of my cell#. I rode around for a bit and found another spot to wait.  I had my laptop with me, so I started on some work related stuff.  More time passed and I looked and there was the local 5-0!!!  A slick rookie looking guy wearing Poncherello Mirror Shades.  I waved and threw my laptop in the seat and left.  He followed me for several minutes before leaving me alone.  GD, my heart felt like it was going to explode.  I called her one last time.  I wanted to get off the street or out of town.  Again, I got her VM.  I left her a message with my cell number. I sent her an email. She never called back.  I know that sometimes schedules change, but DAMN, can't you have the decency to call and say "Plans changed" or "Cant see you, you said something Wrong".  But for nothing, not even an email.  

Two ways to deal with situation.. Bring it to your Regional board and explain the situation like you did today. Or wait a week and give her a call/email her again. You at least deserve an explanation on her no-call, no show..Good luck.

skisandboots3664 reads

LNQ is on the right track... you should wait a week to see if she responds to any of your previous voice and email.  If not, try contacting her again.  She may feel bad about what happened and offer to "make it up to you".  Don't count on this, but it sometimes is offered.  I've gotten 4 hours for the price of 1 on this alone.  If you're unable to contact her again, leave another voice message and email.  Give her another week to respond.  No response?  Then post your ordeal on her regional board so others will know to avoid her.

Thanks for the help guys. There is a silver lining to the dark cloud and it is that the $$$ I had for this no show ending up going to the sweet Lady I saw today.  Man o Man.  But I am going to give her time to respond in some manner.  As far posting on the regional boards, I don't think this was typical of her behavior.  (Being a good provider was what attracted me to her) and my bad experience may not impact her reputation.

Look at the flip side here too....She may have gotten paranoid herself due to the delays.... (I would have called you and flat out told you this though)Maybe she thought the delays were bogus and a sting was being set up. Also, she possibly may have had another client scheduled after your appointment, however I am in agreement that a call notifying you would have been in order in a timely manner. (this is why I never schedule too close together.... we need time in between to freshen up and stuff happens too!)
Hope you are able to work it out & glad you found "relief" also!!

Maggie you do make some good points. If I sound really pi$$ed off here, it is not you, it is HER. So I apologise ahead of time for the following rant:

Delays?  In the previous times I had spoken with her, we never set a date, just "can you do this date and she said no, can you do that day"? I was always nice and was as well. Saturday was the time we had arranged a specific time and she had no objection then.  A day or two later, she emailed the directions and I replied with my confirmation.  However, I was only 15 minutes late.  There are NUMEROUS posts on the boards from providers whining about the client being late and not calling.  So to be a gentleman and call to tell I am a little late is now I'm the LE??  Plus, she could have a little DECENCY to call back and say "Plans have changed, can't see you. Sorry."  But to do nothing and leave me hanging was uncalled for and (if there wasn't a good reason) shouldn't be defended. I called once BEFORE getting there and when I got there, I called like she requested in her directions. Again, trying to be a gentleman and respect the lady's wishes. Are you saying I am wrong for trying to follow her directions?????!!!!!!  

As far as the relief, it was really a major plus, but I still get #@##@ mad about being Stood Up :-|

Very valid point, and I totally understand that this was not fair to you and that your venting is regarding HER and the situation at hand. NO offense taken AT ALL!

Being the gentleman I am, I will accept what the Lady has told me.  I received an email today and she explained what happened.  A medical emergency occurred late and has been unable to reply until now.  I told her I hope she gets better and has a great summer.  Thank you fellow board members for your support ;)

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