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Specify your references
rando_mn 135 reads

When I reach out to a provider for the first time, I give the name and contact information of the two most recent providers that I have seen who are reference-friendly. I assume that the provider screening me isn't going to do a big research project to reach out to additional contacts from farther in the past.

discretionist745 reads

Is there any way to remove old whitelists without getting the provider involved?  I have some old whitelists from providers that I've drifted apart from, but would rather not send them an email saying "Hey, I know I haven't seen you in a while, and I'm not interested in meeting, but could you please delete that whitelist you gave me before.  Thanks!"  That's just awkward on so many levels.
I'm not on bad terms with the any of ladies in question, but I'd rather not have a potential new provider who is screening me contact them after seeing my whitelists.  It really comes down to the fact that some of these previous providers are constantly badgering me to meet up with them again, but I have no interest at all to see them again.  Then they have potential new providers reach out to them after seeing them as whitelists for me...and then things get awkward.
Thoughts on how to approach this situation?

Other than for the provider in question to remove it. However you can hide your entire white list, however that doesn’t solve your problem.  

Now as far as those badgering providers, Just ignore them. Ive had provider’s right after I see them, contact me about seeeing them again. I never respond to those emails, texts or pm’s  Eventually they figure it out.

rando_mn136 reads

When I reach out to a provider for the first time, I give the name and contact information of the two most recent providers that I have seen who are reference-friendly. I assume that the provider screening me isn't going to do a big research project to reach out to additional contacts from farther in the past.

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