Newbie - FAQ

How do you...confused_smile
joext50 2685 reads

How do you put the donation envelope on a nearby table if you have an outcall and the provider comes to your room? I mean, I'm already there so I can't walk in and put it on a table. Sorry to be so uneducated. But thanks.

You can leave it somewhere visible so the lady will see it when she walks in.

joext501142 reads

Thank you both. This is really great to get feedback from both of you. I appreciate it.

Don't over think the process.  She has done this before and knows you can't walk into your own room and put it down.

Relax, my first time, hell even now, my heart was pounding, and my mind racing.  The whole idea is to enjoy yourself.

I strongly recommend that you pick an experienced lady and tell her it is your first time, some really like breaking you in.  And at least one of you will know what to do.

tmtlr271449 reads

Don't sweat it Jo,

If you leave it in a plane white envelope on a dresser near her entrance I assure you it will be gone (like magic) after her departure.

Good luck and let us know how it goes!!..DB8

place it there BEFORE she arrives. She will very likely want to check the amount (discreetly) since you are a new client... don't make her hem and haw till you produce it. That's very uncomfortable for the lady and could result in her walking out.

shudaknownbetter1519 reads

She'll arrive with street clothes, probably a handbag or suck in her hands.  Direct her to put her things on the table...  where the envolupe will be.  Or she might prefer to use the bathroom, where it would be left.
In either case, her web site will probably provide directions.

But now that I think about it....

Perhaps this is the reason why they ask if they can come back again...

I either lean the envelope up against the ice bucket or place it on the table in front of the sofa where will begin our date.

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