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She doesn't want to spend her time...
studpokerone 4 Reviews 1455 reads
1 / 17

I have been corresponding with a provider in Allentown, Pa. area.  We have never met and she is willing to session. I offered to have preliminary meeting so that we may get comfortable with one another ( for coffee or drink).  She said no need to before we session.  Should I be concerned ?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 124 reads
2 / 17

to meet you for no pay, which a lot of guys would just waste her time and never pay for a session.

This is pretty much SOP in the hobby.   In the SD/SB realm, what you suggest is more common.

NaughtyMaddy See my TER Reviews 136 reads
3 / 17
studpokerone 4 Reviews 125 reads
4 / 17

Thanks for your responses.  I am not sure what SD/ SB means.

doncord 42 Reviews 126 reads
5 / 17

sugar daddy  sugar baby

studpokerone 4 Reviews 137 reads
7 / 17

Thanks once again.  I guess I’ll go for it.👌

souls_harbor 132 reads
8 / 17

A sugar baby is usually a younger woman who sells sex for money but doesn't want to think of herself as a prostitute.  She fancies herself as a mistress -- where there is a relationship of gifts showered from the richer man.  Sex is incidental.

In actuality a SB/SD could be platonic, or could be a regular mistress type relationship.  But more typically it is escorting without the hard time constraints -- payment might be per meeting, a weekly or monthly allowance, etc.

SB tend to want to meet first.  Pros see that as a waste of time/money.  Pro's pretending to be SB's will often ask for money just for a public meeting.  Nothing wrong with that, I guess, but not on my budget.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 133 reads
9 / 17

...that's why she's called a "pro."  Even if you look like the Elephant Man, she'll treat you as if you were George Clooney.  If you want to know if you'll be comfortable with her, read her reviews and website thoroughly and perhaps contact some of those who reviewed her.

studpokerone 4 Reviews 128 reads
10 / 17

Thanks BigPapasan.  Your post made me laugh.  I will contact some of her reviewers.  Good point.

micktoz 41 Reviews 109 reads
11 / 17

.... If you want to do that to get to know her first. Or do a dinner first, multi hour date.
I personally only do the dinner date thing with ladies that I know I get along with.  
I usually do better by just going for the BCD first, because I don't have to open my mouth and give myself the opportunity of saying something stupid. Nothing worse than going BCD after inserting foot in mouth.  
Have fun.

studpokerone 4 Reviews 115 reads
12 / 17

I am concerned because she is willing to meet me in hotel room and does not know me.   I would like to establish a local gal but of course we all are cautious.  She has 8 reviews in last few months.    LE sting can be concern or maybe I am paranoid.    Thanks for your post.   I don’t do this often so I am nervous.

Ridleyone 12 Reviews 139 reads
13 / 17

Just link us to the girl's TER account and we'll take a look at her profile.

Social meetings are not the norm for booking an escort. Providers do not want to meet you for coffee, especially if you're not paying for her time. Typically the first time you meet an escort will be for the date where you'll be fucking her; if you want to meet her beforehand some might offer a discounted social date, but again, that's not the norm, and you're still expected to pay either her standard rate or a discounted rate, and to me that's dumb, paying cash just to say hello and watch her drink Starbucks. As for meeting at a hotel, that's also standard practice, there's nothing strange about that. This provider you're trying to meet has done nothing suspicious. If she has 8 reviews and they're recent enough then you'll be fine, she's not a cop. You are being very paranoid, rather unjustifiably so.  

The only logical way to size her up is by reading her profile, her website, and her reviews, and ask her a couple general questions(but not too many, or you'll come off as a weirdo).

TheBoogerMan 1 Reviews 91 reads
15 / 17

Nay, I say melt his eyes out of his sockets with pepperspray and call the cops!

Though perhaps I’m reading to much into your use of the word “mean”... perhaps you meant “cold, critical or distant” john?  Bah - just tell /him/ to leave.

TheBoogerMan 1 Reviews 76 reads
16 / 17

Yep - the lady’s right.  So are Ridleyone and other posters above; this is how it works.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 139 reads
17 / 17

comfort level of being safe with you. Providers have various screening methods to separate the good guys from the bad guys in hobbyland. Don't ask about screening methods; this is confidential to the ladies.

Relax and enjoy!  

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