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Mr. New 5642 reads

Are there any drawbacks to joining RS2K. Is their database safe?

Smelly Smegma3139 reads

for lifetime membership. I've been a member for over 2 years. RS2K is widely used, and highly regarded in the midwest especially. If you hobby in Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis, KC, etc., you can't afford NOT to join. If there is any drawback, it is that providers in the Northeast, South,and West coast, are generally ignorant of the fine screening service, and verification they offer. I highly recommend them for Midwest Hobbyists! (Why someone doesn't offer a similar service in NYC, L.A., Miami, Atlanta, Boston, I'll never know). An "entrepreneurial type" could easily step up to the plate, and fill the void that exists for verification services in these, (and other) major cities.

You need to give a slew of personal information to join RS2K, far more than I'm comfortable giving. This information is stored in a database, as is a history of your activities. Having this paper trail stored in a DB is never a good thing for a hobbyist.

LE is well aware of RS2K, I know this first hand.. Frankly I'm surprised LE hasn't taken them down yet, but it's only a matter of time IMO.

you can never be certain (however,if you need certainty of non-detection, this hobby is probably not for you).  Today's news re iBill is an example of this.

That said, I know at least one lady who relies on RS2K when she visits Chicago.  And being someone who has nothing to lose (no family, no children, no SO), I am willing to take the risk.

-- Modified on 3/9/2006 10:48:03 AM

As stated, any time humans are involved anything is possible.  The only 100% guarantee on security is to stay 100% out of the hobby (and probably 100% off the internet)

That being said, I can tell you that I recently registed with RS2K and they were very fine to work with.  Very discreet and quick turn around on my "application".  And since then, the RS2K seal of approval has helped me find some very warm receptions.

-- Modified on 3/9/2006 1:26:30 PM

I join RM2K during the spring of 2003 when I was doing a lot of travel in IL.  Found the folks at RM2K to be helpful and professional.  It allowed me to see several ladies on short notice as they only had to check with RM2K rather and screening me via alternative sources.

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