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What to do if things start to go bad
Nitescape 14 Reviews 3610 reads

As this newbie has been doing his homework reading, I am noticing that many guys just surrender, if a lady is attempting a rip off, or something similar.

May I get some feedback on this issue?

The way I see it, if a lady were to back out on an arrangement any way, I wouldn't just let her walk out the door with my money - ESPECIALLY if it's in my room..

I would AT LEAST say something, and would probably confront the situation.

Am I missing something?

WebTerrorist3646 reads

because a lot of times, if not most, ROBs don't show up alone at your room. That there is the possibility that on the other side of the door is a very big guy, with or without a weapon that will come in uninvited and make sure the ROB gets her money...and since she knows where your room is even if she is alone at the time doesn't mean she will return alone, if she returns.  

Also, that keeping her in your room against her will, could be argued, as kidnapping or wrongful imprisionment, and unless you are ready to beat her up (assault charges?) you may not be able to get your money from her without calling the police, and then you would have to explain who she was...and she would probably have an interesting story to tell them about you to save her own ass.

I think most guys let the ROBs leave with their money simply because it may, in the long run, be the cheapest and easiest alternative...and hopefully a valuable lesson learned.

But then again...I'm just guessing.

Rest assured that in the unfortunate event you have a provider visit you with the intent of "ripping you off", she will have plan B and C in place before she arrives. Plan B is probably her friends are readily available if you want to "confront" her. Plan C is she will call LE, explain how you paid her for her company, and leave it to you to explain that you feel ripped off because your "arrangement" was to exchange sex for money. Oh my, just hold out your hands while they put the cuffs on you. In either case she will walk out with your money and your troubles have just begun.
There are many providers out there who are the most wonderful women you will ever meet, and there are those who prey on those who let their little head do the thinking and do not research who they are dealing with.

"Plan C is she will call LE, explain how you paid her for her company, and leave it to you to explain that you feel ripped off because your "arrangement" was to exchange sex for money. Oh my, just hold out your hands while they put the cuffs on you. In either case she will walk out with your money and your troubles have just begun."

WildTurkey, you have really given a lot of helpful advice, but Imma have to stand up to disagree on this one...

that bs can just as easily be turned around, and I can just as easily tell LE that I thought that this lady was interested in me, but once we got to my room she demanded money..............

Yeah I guess if you have plenty of extra C notes laying around, then it's just easier to let people rip you off here and there, but I guess there are some of us who just have this thing about not letting people do that, and I really don't care how much money I have or don't have -  I am not letting you rip ME off, period!

Different strokes for different folks tho.......

If you are meticulous in deciding which ladies to see it is very, very unlikely you will ever be in a ROB situation.

Those gents who've been there, I feel badly for them.  That said, I agree with the "hopefully lesson well learned" comment.

As others have said, the best advice is to simply do your homework and this sort of thing will not happen. I am certainly not one of those people with plenty of extra C notes lying around and just allow people to rip me off, but if caught in a no-win situation one should exercise caution. Like the old saying, Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Remember, the whole object here is to have fun, find a good provider and get laid!!! LOL

atl_mgr2407 reads

avoid the situation in the first place.

If you stick with well-reviewed ladies, it will basically NEVER happen, because they have more to lose by having their reputation tarnished than just your $$ or $$$.

Use the resources available to you and choose wisely (with your bigger head). The reviewers you are referring to didn't, found themselves in an undesirable situation, and paid for it.

I appreciate and respect those responses, but I can see that a difference in backgrounds is evident here, because where I'm from and the way I was raised, I don't let ANYONE rip me off, short of them holding a gun to my head...

The other thing I don't understand, is if I am in a strip hotel like MGM, how some thug is going to be able to do anything and get away with it.  

Sure he can show up at my door if he would like to try, but in that situation I can't see myself handing over anything and just letting a couple people rip me off.

I recently read one of the reviews (can't remember what in particular), where apparently another guy thinks the same way that I do...    

he said that a different lady than the one in the ad showed up, and when he told her he wasn't interested, the driver with her tried to confront him and demand money for them showing up...

he said the dude tried to intimidate him, but he was a big guy himself, and told the dude that he wasn't getting his money short of beating it out of him, and that they should be paying him the money he rented the room with, for the date..

Anyhow, I think I now understand some of the responses I have read, and I will say that if some fools come trying to pull any of that crap with THIS dude???

Well they just may get a surprise theirselves...

You were told why it happens (lack of homework done), why gents simply roll over sometimes (less dangerous), and how to prevent it (homework, yet again).

Just because you think you're a bad-ass doesn't mean all gents are.  Hopefully you won't ever be in such a situation, $$ is never worth someone getting hurt.

pussyliker2082 reads

Sola and Atl_mgr have given you the best advice.Do your TER homework and you shouldn't have a problem.Besides,isn't the object of calling a provider to have fun with her? You don't want to spend part or most of your time confronting her or her driver do you? So make it easy on your TER homework.

skisandboots2976 reads

...i.e.,  do your homework and stick to well reviewed providers.  

However, I find it interesting that you seem to think outcall (your room) favors you in the scenarios you've described.  In the case of a bait'n'switch, it's much easier for you to walk away from an incall (her room) without forking over a dime (just say "Sorry there's been a mistake", don't enter her room, and walk away) than it is for you to send a girl that you're not happy with away.  Even if you look out the peephole & decide you won't even open the door, you'll have to worry about someone else showing up.  Or waiting on you when you leave.  Also, why should you pay for a room only to see it not "get used"?  In addition to the sound advice that's been given, I'd suggest incall and a more carefull attitude on your part.  You may be a tough guy who's full of "surprise(s)", but that could get in the way of sound thinking.

I've got nothing but grattitude for the feedback and replies here.  Thank you!!!

I don't mean to offend anyone, nor try to sound like a "bad ass", as someone put it.

Like I said, I guess there is just a difference in backgrounds here, and it is all good.

I really appreciate TER and recognize it's value; However at the same time, I DO think that there are women out there who may not have a review on here, who would be worth seeing..

I think the same way that a lot of you don't want any drama, probably also goes with a lot of ladies out there...

All I'm saying though, is that if somebody tries to do a blatant "bait and switch", and then try to strongarm some money from you, that to me is no different than someone following you into the elevator from a casino, and then trying to intimidate you into handing over your wallet..

I guess I can't expect to get other people to think the way I do, so maybe I'll just drop it.

One last thing though, my feeling on the matter has nothing to do with whether or not I think of myself as "a bad ass".    

To me, it's just an attitude that I would have regardless, where I don't let anyone rip me off - period!

atl_mgr2334 reads one of the ladies mentioned, two or three bills isn't worth getting seriously hurt or killed over.  And as someone else pointed out, if they plan to strong-arm you, they've probably done it before, and I'll guarantee you that they will be better prepared to deal with it than you.

People with intent to steal or rob will have a diffent ethical value system than you, and will act differently than you expect. You may find that you're already down for the count (possibly forever) at the first sign of resistance, or even if you've not resisted at all.  Your attitude is much more likely get you hurt or killed than not ripped-off.  At the very least, you may find yourself going to jail for hurting or killing them, as it was the only remaining alternative from the path you chose.

What I hear is bravado, not badass - and no disrespect intended.  But listening to experience and wisdom will allow you to live a lot longer. It's good advice that has been offered - take it or don't.  Just make sure your life insurance policy is up-to-date.

Ok, I'm stuck.....

I want to listen to people with experience; ie YOU GUYS.

On the other hand, I'm seeing a mixed message, because there are a number of ladies who don't like or don't want reviews -

Can someone fill in what's missing?

All I'm trying to do is maximize my options, as well as some adventuring/exploring....   I MAY want to try a CL listing just for the adventure factor, or maybe because the girl is really hottt or because the price is right..

That is why I'm asking these questions - just trying to do my homework before I make any moves.  I just want to understand the big/overall picture.

You have all the advice you need here.  Yes, there are ladies with no reviews for many reasons.  Some are fantastic, some are frightening, some are downright dangerous.  How can you know which?  

Asking about a specific lady on your local board is the best option.  There are no "rules" or "guarantees".

Take this advice and use it, or not.
Who cares?

Oh and - your analogy with the wallet?  You might want to look into stories of what has happened to some people who have resisted muggings.

Wow, some of you fellas see it as "bad ass" or "bravado", if you don't hand over your wallet?


Have you ever considered that attitudes like that may be what inspires certain people to pray on you?

Just a thought.

Thank you for the feedback though.  I sincerely mean that.

atl_mgr2471 reads

1. Defiant or swaggering behavior
2. A pretense of courage; a false show of bravery.
3. A disposition toward showy defiance or false expressions of courage.

Has nothing to do with your wallet.  Has everything to do with your attitude.

1. Defiant or swaggering behavior
2. A pretense of courage; a false show of bravery.
3. A disposition toward showy defiance or false expressions of courage.

Has nothing to do with your wallet.  Has everything to do with your attitude."

Boy I tell ya, y'all is some contentious little suckers ain't ya?

Yes "bravado" has to do with attitude, just like "weak" and "sucker" has to do with attitude.

If you are a weak sucker, it's gonna be easy to get your money and your wallet.

Now if you want to really have a debate??  (since some of you seem so contentious)

I would ask some of you, since you are SOOOOOOOO smart, why you are participating in an illegal activity anyways?

You see, if I wanted to engage this, we could sit back here and play "tit for tat" with each other all day, and argue about who is foolish, and who is more popular on this forum, and what people on this forum have been here longer and know each other, etc....................

Personally I don't have much time nor interest in that.

The reason I'm posting, is because I see some contradictions out there in the "wisdom" shared, and wanted to ask further to try to understand the big picture (as I already stated).

Had no idea that asking a question would spur such petty, pointless and immature snipes.

Seems to me that some of you are a little touchy and insecure, about your so-called wisdom.  

For the record, I've never been preyed on.
(knocking on wood)

HOWEVER, were I to be accosted over my wallet I would almost certainly hand it over.  Especially if I had the feeling that the person was on drugs (unpredictable and irrational) and/or if there is a weapon involved.  AND if there is a pimp partnering with the mugger.. possibly indicating drugs AND weapons...  Yes indeed, they can have my damned wallet.  For the same reason I turn away more work than I take - my physical safety is more valuable to me than the money.  

Ever been to the part of town where kids are killed for their damned sneakers?  I bet those kids told the others to fvck off too.  No WAY were they gonna' take their sneakers!

No, I do not feel my attitude inspires those people.  If the penal system is not a deterrant, if the social stigma and dehumanization they are already facing is not a deterrant...  They were "inspired" well before acosting me and noones attitude is going to change that.

Yes - "bad ass".  Look at your comments!  You wanna play in dangerous territory yet insist that YOU will not be one of the ones who gets hurt or robbed.  You say you cannot understand how it happens.  It's explained to you and now you turn to say that kind of thinking may INSPIRE the crimes perpetuated.

Pardon me.  You're an idiot.

This is a dangerous hobby that is veined with drugs and violence.  Don't ever forget that in your search for the CL hottie that is the right price and totally unknown...

Good luck.  I sincerely mean that.

-- Modified on 6/30/2006 9:18:36 PM

jppicks2566 reads

Honestly it just depends on the risk you are willing to take and type of person you are. If you have lots of money most people would rather lose the money than confront a situation. My friend dealt with someone on craigs list who had a scam set up he gave her the money she was ready to bail. He is a big guy though and not rich so he did it as a treat. He grabbed her and ripped his money back as she was talking to her big guy that was with her to give her location. My friend happened to be a big guy too so they just had some fierce words and my friend basically told the guy he could bring his butt upstairs and get him some. They left and he never heard from or seen them again...

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