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initial calls
cinciamigo 6 Reviews 6195 reads

Is there some taboo about calling a provider from the hotel room as opposed to a cell phone?  I saw some postings indicating not to call from a hotel phone.  I would not think there is any greater security using a cell phone than a hotel phone.

Captain Captious5354 reads

Why split hairs as to the reasoning.
With every hotel having it's own telephone system with it's own precepts the provider would rather just have your unblocked cell# rather than deal with the endless variables.

Well, not sure - there was not a specific instruction not to use a hotel phone in this case, and it did use it with another one, and worked out.  But this one did not seem to work out, and was wondering if there was some unwritten rule against doing it, or if there was some risk I was not seeing.

WebTerrorist3794 reads

The reason many ladies ask calls be made from unblocked numbers is so that they have the number, either for screening or to block and perhap give warnings about if the guy turns out be something less than a desirable client ie psycho, LE, ripoff.  

Won't do the lady much good to have a hotel number.  If your initial call come from your cell and subsequent calls from a hotel, she may not answer, she may think you are trying obfuscate who you are and how to reach you.  

If you have your unblocked cell with you anyway, why insisit on going through the hotel's system?

Ive heard hotel phones are sometimes recorded.

It's more confident and less sleazy.
If you have to worry about security
you're not picking the right provider.

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