Newbie - FAQ

Really, really, really just getting started... [edited by moderator]
acrane 3974 reads

Greetings.  I am a newcomer to this (excellent) site, having been a member for only a few days.  I am also a complete and total newbie to this Hobby, a novice in every sense.  And I do mean in EVERY sense.

At the ripe old age of 28, I am still a virgin.

This is extremely disappointing and frustrating to me, not to mention depressing, embarrassing, and a host of other negatives too numerous to list here.

To make a long story short, there are no opportunities even remotely realistic in prospect for remedying this situation via more "conventional" channels for the forseeable future.

Therefore, I have decided to attempt to engage a Provider to help me with my little problem.

In that regard, I was hoping that I might prevail upon some of the wiser and more experienced Hobbyists and Providers who frequent this site to give me as much advice as possible as to how I might best go about this.

[text deleted:  Specific ISO requests should be posted on the 'In Search Of' board. - Moderator]

I would be most grateful for any assistance, advice, observations, etc you could give me.  Thank you.

-- Modified on 8/29/2006 4:04:35 AM

skisandboots3180 reads

First off, I commend you for using your username instead of an alias.  I just got through ripping on a few alias-using-wussies on another board that don't have the balls to stand beside what they write.  It's refreshing to see someone in your situation stand up and ask for help without hiding like a chicken shit.  As for your situation, my advice is to keep monitoring this board, the general discussion board and your local board.  More importantly, get the VIP Membership if you don't have it.  This will allow you to access much more specific info regarding the providers via their Profile Pages and the details of their reviews.  This will be vital to you.  Also, the VIP will allow you to PM specific questions to other hobbyists.  As you've noticed, your ISO questions got edited/moderated.  Perhaps those specific questions could get posed to a more seasoned hobbyist in your area (or the area you're considering).  When you have questions that you feel are suitable for this board, ask them remembering 2 things: 1) don't use an alias and 2) don't use all caps.  You'll get helped.  Happy hunting.

-- Modified on 8/29/2006 9:39:40 AM

-- Modified on 8/29/2006 9:42:45 AM

talltexanboy2484 reads

Some of us have waited much longer. I know our Hollywood-led society wants you to think you are a circus freak but there are far more of you than you'd think.

If this is the way you want to go (and it was the way I went), I'd suggest finding someone with a good reputation (scores 8s & 9s on the reviews), is willing to see newbies and explain to them your situation. Expect more than the normal screening since you have no provider reference.

Schedule at least two hours so you can ease into it without time pressure.

If you can't afford two hours with a good provider, I'd suggest you wait until you can.

Virginity isn't a disease. It just means you have enough sense to not jump for anything that moves. It obviously means something to you or you wouldn't be here but don't let it drive you crazy.

i too am a newbie, though not in the dilemma that you are in. i recently setup my first meeting with a provider and am looking forward to many years of practicing this hobby. one thing you should also check is the erotic highway
discussion board. the love goddess has answered several questions that relate directly to your situation. whatever you do, good luck

I agree with the others who have commended your having the sack to come forward with your admittedly unusual request.  That's all I wanted to say except for good luck and please let us know what you end up doing (or who - LOL) - the other responses basically convey what I would have said, so that's it for now.

Good luck!

Select a well reviewed lady (4 or more from guys with at least the same number) and be sure you tell her you are a rookie.  A 2-hr. date would be best.  She will know how to start the fire and show you the way.  You will probably want a 25+ lady.  Most 21 yr. olds will not be "coach" a rookie.

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