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Re:Posting For a Certain Provider Trait
Gravels 10 Reviews 1623 reads

You could try the ISO board but it isn't very busy

CaptJackSparrow2561 reads

By using a Regional Board, is it ok and would it work to essentially post 'want ad' for a Provider with certain characteristics that aren't found in the many data fields offer by TER? For instance, if I wanted a Provider that was a college student or was a part-timer and also worked in a certain industry, would that work? How does one go about 'narrowing down' the selection beyond the TER data?

I can only speculate on my home board, Las Vegas.  That would get you absolutely nowhere.  If your market is slower, you might get a hit or a recommendation from a fellow player.  But what the hell, you don't pay by the post, so go for it.

You could try the ISO board but it isn't very busy

It wouldn't hurt any to just ask on your regional board!  Your fellow hobbysits are generally (at least in ours... ATL) good to one another and they look out for all of us providers, too.  They can usually give you a recommendation.  You might also try using key words that remotely describe what you're looking for on various sites.

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