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Re:New Provider???regular_smile
rac1red 2813 reads

Thanks SinsOfTheFlesh I really thank you for the input you were very helpful
love Racy

rac1red3712 reads

Hello everyone, I have had a difficult time getting started in the biz. I don't know all the ins and outs of the industry. I would like to know is there any one to give me pointers and dos, donts. Also how do i get verified and screening tips.

Thanks so much
Racy Taylor


Welcome to the hobby and good luck! Here are some suggestions that might help you get started. I hope these answer some of your questions. Realize though that a dozen different providers would offer a dozen different perspectives on the advice I'm about to give - meaning I'm not the authority, so take it for what its worth :o)

Getting started

My first suggestion to you is to pay for a VIP membership to TER (you guys are welcome for the shill!). The reviews here are a veritable treasure trove of "Do's and Dont's" that you can learn from. Spend some time reading reviews, both good and bad. It won't take long before you've gotten a good idea of the things that put a smile on a man's face, as well as what NOT to do when meeting someone. Plus, it gives you an appreciation of the challenge guys face to find a good provider who won't rip him off.


Having a website with decent pics is also very important. For one thing, you can't be a reviewed provider on TER without a website. I use a website called for my website, and the cost is absolutely free. Click the link included in this post to go to the rare-escort site and learn more about it. When you do create a website...

DO include decent, accurate pics (you'll get hit over the head in reviews for bad/inaccurate pics in a heartbeat).

DO include information about rates, whatever personal information about you that you care to share (I wouldn't recommend getting overly personal though).

DO NOT include any statements that can be construed to mean an offer of sex for money.


Once you've created a website, get your link onto as many different websites as possible in order to get it seen. Places like TER are great for advertising. I recommend steering VERY clear of CraigsList (CL). For one, it is the favorite place of LE to use to set up stings. Also, it tends to have a bad reputation among hobbyists, some of whom make a point of specifically avoiding women who advertise on CL.


Every woman screens differently. Asking for references from other providers is probably the most common way to screen. Be wary of references though. In my area, several months ago several providers were busted, and cooperated with the authorities by providing false references. So the entire referral system has broken down here locally, and I won't accept any referrences from local providers for the time being because of it. Other forms of screening include obtainig personal information such as full name and a work phone, then verifying the work number provided.

General advice

Finally, when it comes to seeing someone, just be yourself. If you have a positive attitude, enjoy what you are doing, and just relax and have fun, then you'll do great. Don't let anyone talk you into doing anything you aren't comfortable with.

I hope some of this helps. Keep reading the message boards too. There are some really fantastic people that contribute to this board who can offer you tons of good advice.

Good luck and have fun!

rac1red2814 reads

Thanks SinsOfTheFlesh I really thank you for the input you were very helpful
love Racy

From a hobbyists point of view (no particular order):
1) Provide GFE for a reasonable rate for your area.  You can use an "introductory rate" and then raise it as your business picks up

2) Give 60 minutes for an hour rate.  This may sound trite but some girls are one and done and try to get the guy to pop real fast.  Multiple pops are strongly sought by guys.

3) Do everything that was said in the previous post.

Good luck!  I'd be willing to TOFTT if you are near by.  Your location?

I might be visiting in October.  Good luck as you begin your "career".  Maybe our paths will cross.

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