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national or regional ranckings of SP?
PB1246 7 Reviews 3972 reads

Is there a national or regional ranking of the best ranked SP (perhaps with a minumum number of reviews and an average of their individual scores)?  I thought TER had this (maybe I haven't found it) or perhaps it was the other service (Big Daddy?  Big Dog?).   I found the ratings of most prolific reviewers, but this is different.


but I have no ideas on which they are based.

If you are a VIP, you can search based on your own rankings.  For example, a couple of hours ago, I found 3 ladies nationwide, who have over 100 reviews, whose overall (looks and performance) rating is 9+.

As a VIP, you have the ability to select the services, the quality, the location, and even the number of reviews.

There was just a post at ruff ruff.. girls clammoring on about. how new girls make the top ranks..just by being new and having hoards of reviews all at once.. ( their hobby friends helping them out )

Its true , and its wrong.. :(

I've heard this before, and it is one reason I don't look at TBD at all anymore.  TER may not be perfect, but it tries to be honest, and seems to be more actual client driven.

-- Modified on 5/5/2006 1:26:02 PM

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