Newbie - FAQ

coochmeister 59 Reviews 11100 reads
1 / 6

Asked for response as tohow, since I think this could be cured by editing.  (Look up my review of Monica.)  Possibly my mistake, though never had one bounced before.  Never heard back; what's up?  Still interested in finding out.

YoungAsian 2 Reviews 6565 reads
2 / 6

just email administrator.  often times it's an error.  if you honestly visited the provider, who is to say your perspective is inaccurate?

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 8687 reads
3 / 6

Sometimes if your score on performance is way off the beaten path this will happen from what I understand. I completely do not understand this, you experience with a particular lady could have been much better or worse than the norm for no reason of your own. There was recently a huge firestorm on the New York board about this practice by some review staff, go to that board, check back a week and read what was written on this subject.

coochmeister 59 Reviews 9928 reads
4 / 6

Thanks for the advice, guys.  E-mailed the administrator several ties, as it happens.  Never heard back, not even a word.
Since then I've had another rejected, a Craigslist girl,  Reason: "bad website."  I copied the website off my review, paste it, hit it and it worked.  

Maybe somebody up there just doesn't like me ....

coochmeister 59 Reviews 7302 reads
5 / 6

Here's how one of these ended.  After posting this message string, I got a a response from the administrator when I resubmitted the second review.  THIS time, the problem was not enough juicy details.  I edited the review, resubmitted, and it was accepted within a couple hours.

Lex Luethor 6988 reads
6 / 6

I had one of these once... turned out I'd selected CBJ from one of the drop-downs but entered BBBJ in the text. I asked them to let me edit it again, they did (a few days later), I changed it and resubmitted it. It was subsequently approved.

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