Newbie - FAQ

For newbies making FIRST contact
confused_in_ma 6434 reads

If you are new to the hobby and ready to send your first email, please be sure to consider the following:

Avoid use of acronyms
Don't ask "How many cups of coffee" will be served
Don't ask how many "dances you can dance"

It all alludes to the same thing and since it is well known that LE now use acronyms, you gents need to work especially hard not to go this route...if you want to see someone:)
Read the reviews instead...

good post.  i was wondering though, what exactly do you say in your initial e-mail.  do you just give a general inquiry, or do you try to ask for a specific time?  is it better to keep the email short and brief? thanks.

I always give a short description of myself first.  Then I indicate that I am going to be in her city and that I would like to meet her on Wed. Feb. 29 at 8 p.m. for 1 hour at "location".  I don't give the name of the actual hotel until the date is set.

Some of the providers have forms to fill out (like ordering on line) and they are okay, but they often ask for a published work number or switchboard, which I do not have.

I have had better luck sending them an email (assuming they provide a seperate link to an email box) along these lines.  Has not failed me yet for any girl reviewed on TER.

HI  name of lady

I saw your website, and from your pictures and description you seem to be a very nice lady. I would be interested in meeting you at CITY on DAY/TIME.  
My references are  FILL IN NAME
or I am registered with service  FILL IN NAME

Let me know what other questions you may have, and I look forward to hearing back from you.

Add your cell phone number if want to

confused_in_ma3882 reads

All of thos approaches would work with me:)
If you have the time, it is also nice to hear a little about you as a person too...for example your interests or even just an indication of your sense of humor. They are all ice breakers that look as though you are making an effort to connect and not just contact :)


As a 'newbie' I guess I wont' sound too dumb when I ask-  What is the 'two-call' system.


But how do you figure out what the cost is going to be if its not listed?

confused_in_ma4832 reads

If the cost is not listed you would have to ask. Not usually a good sign though if costs are not listed (not always so, just most of the time).

Two Call system: Applies to incall (where you go to the woman) is where on the first call you get directions to the general area, maybe even hotel. Second call is when you are parked and outside the hotel and you call for the room number. You usually have a very short amount of time to get to the room before they will refuse to answer the door. The issue being, if you were parked why would it take longer than a couple of minutes to get up to the room? Don't linger, just go straight up:)

thanks to everyone who replied to my question.  i will take all your advice and will write my first e-mail shortly in the future. boy am i nervous.

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