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Why didn't I know about this sooner
mikelaz63 2711 reads

I have to say that this whole experience is incredibly exciting. I have seen many agency girls, made the mistake of calling craig's list ladies, and seen some dancers, But my friend turned me on to this site and eros and I am in candy land!

never asume that things are ok, keep on top of things no matter what,once you let your guard down it can be very costly not to mention dangerous.

use common sence your going to be ok.

There are bad experiences to be found everywhere. :)

Welcome to TER!

I felt the same way.

In a way its good and bad. There is safety in numbers which is essentially what the TER provides.

But too many numbers start drawing too much attention. which can be bad.

To be frank though... I'm not sure I would have wanted to know about this sooner. The timing has worked out well in my case...

They change the questions. Still do your research. Good luck

-- Modified on 4/5/2009 2:30:05 PM

shudaknownbetter864 reads

I hope you bought that guy the steak dinner... but then... This hobby is something you should not share too freely.  He's your best friend now...  but if he has a few too many, what might he say to others?  If he becomes an ex-best-friend, do you want him to know certain things?  
Be careful & happy hobbying.

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