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Re: Whatever makes you feel better, bro. -e-
neeed_help_here 705 reads

yeah dude, this girl is not for real....she's a "kid" in college......she outta know. especially a one wants their name associated with one....

Hi guys
As I'm getting more and more into the hobby, I think I should better protect myself as a client. I want to get a hobby phone and maybe use a name but I have some questions.  

1. Any easy ways to get a hobby phone or phone number that doesn't cost a fortune? I have a spare iPhone 4 to use but no number or SIM card.  
2. When using hobby names, how do you pass screening?  One of the first things providers or agency ask me is always my name and work or references.  



PS I'm also looking into the k girl scene so if anyone have recommendations to a Booker to clear references please Pm me or help a fellow brother out

Aka pre paid el cheapo throw away that you re-up using pre paid cards.  Lots of places sell them for under 50 bucks.  As for names...  Well, the world is your oyster, call yourself whatever you want.

You can buy them at any Walgreens or Wal-Mart anonymously and recharge them with minutes as needed.

As for using a hobby name to meet providers, that is a controversial subject.   I'd say that the majority of providers on here insist on knowing your name for their safety.  I can not blame them.  I also think that if you see a provider who insist on that level of security, you'll be more secure as well, as ironic as they may sound.

Gals who don't care about screening enough to get to that level of security are likely to be less discreet and that could lead to trouble for you too.

But, I'm sure you'll be hearing the opposite side of the argument on here anon

1. the hobby phone, pay with cash, add minutes with cash.

2.  screening, you could join one or more of the verification sites.  DateCheck, Preferred411, and RoomService200 are the only ones I know of.  It's better to give your private info to them then to a bunch of providers until you get references.  However, some providers may want more than just the ok from a verification site.  P411 allows their providers to indicate if they are newbie friendly which means somewhat lighter screening.

3.  sorry can't help you with the K girls.


there's also the option of using  
Google voice, or a burner app on your smart phone,  
or use freedom pop.  these leave paper trail.  

depending on how you feel about Google knowing your identity,  gv is convenient to use but they do collect a bit of info from you since your phone automatically releases  your name / cell number / ein/ etc to the app server whenever you install an app. (whenever you login to your hobby email,  the email service providers know a whole lot about you as well and most people don't care about that. )  

freedom pop is free but you either need to buy their phone or get your own that is compatible if you want to avoid paper trail.  it's a bit of a hassle to find a compatible phone tho,  even when you buy exact same phone some ein # don't work with freedom pop.  

-- Modified on 4/2/2014 3:34:02 PM

IPhone apps for Google Voice don't work too well, even the one's you purchase.  I just dumped GV and got a burner.  I'm using PagePlus, which uses the Verizon network.  I was able to use my old Verizon Motorola Droid, so didn't even have to buy a phone.

So that when you dial out, your google voice number shows up on provider's phone.
It can pretty much conceal your underlying mobile number.  

One of the most convenient features for Gvoice is that you can text from your laptop web browser without having to type in the phone each time. I'm sure there are other apps that do this but Gvoice works well for this purpose.

As for privacy it would rate pretty low. For those who do not want to leave a paper trail ever, prolly better to go with tracfone or straight talk (assuming this one is still around).  

If you're using any kind of app on your mobile phone... even google voice, your personal info gets sent to app. This leaves a paper trail right back to you.

And if they don't, I will be very wary of them, we don't do it to be intrusive, instead, is due to a personal concern because like you, we have many many things at stake.

JackDunphy822 reads

And they care as much about their safety as you do yours. It doesn't matter for many girls what name a guy uses as long as he can be matched up accurately to the persona he professes to be and that his reputation is unimpeachable. That can all be done to most girls satisfaction by a combination of P411/DC, a cell number, a TER handle, use of whitelist & referrals, etc etc etc.  

Too many risks for anyone in this game to give out real names, on either side. Now a lady can ask anything she wishes for her to feel safe, as is her prerogative, but there are just too many fine play pals out there that understand the need for anonymity. If gal #1 asks him for a real name, I would suggest he move right on to gal # 2 on his wish list.

Posted By: JackDunphy
Too many risks for anyone in this game to give out real names
The truth is, only a minority (albeit a very vocal minority) of clients feel this way. You'd be surprised how many clients tell me that they specifically chose me BECAUSE I put my safety at top priority. Most guys want to spend time with someone who is discerning and cautious. If you have nothing to hide, and if you're choosing providers based on their reputations and professionalism, then the real name thing is a non-issue.  

Besides, they don't list TER handles or "hobby nicknames" on the sex offender registry.

traveler_in_LA651 reads

As long as this hobby is illegal, is not socially accepted, or have SO, I feel the need to be as careful as possible.

I'm talking about having nothing to hide from the lady you want to spend intimate time with you, not American society.  

Posted By: traveler_in_LA
As long as this hobby is illegal, is not socially accepted, or have SO, I feel the need to be as careful as possible.

Lady whoever....they don't need your real name. Why? You check a guy's id in a bar before going home with him? What about her sending me first/last address so I know she's legit---no LE......Will she do that...didn't think so.  

Posted By: BadCollegeGirl
I'm talking about having nothing to hide from the lady you want to spend intimate time with you, not American society.  
Posted By: traveler_in_LA
As long as this hobby is illegal, is not socially accepted, or have SO, I feel the need to be as careful as possible.

traveler_in_LA628 reads

I am engaging in activities that I want to keep secret. How would you feel if the table is turned and potential client asks you for your real name so they will feel comfortable about seeing you? I am sure you will say hell no to them.

Posted By: traveler_in_LA
I am engaging in activities that I want to keep secret. How would you feel if the table is turned and potential client asks you for your real name so they will feel comfortable about seeing you? I am sure you will say hell no to them.
Duh, that's what reviews are for, not to mention the fact that providers maintain an internet presence and reputation. We are the ones who have our photos, words, and BCD activities posted on the internet. What you're comparing is apples and oranges. Here's an analogy: you walk into a bank and you want to open a checking account. The CSR says "sure, no problem. Just jot down your name, address, SSN, etc. and we'll get you all set up." Would your response be "umm no, I don't feel comfortable giving strangers my SSN. If I asked you for yours, I bet you wouldn't give it to me!"? That's asinine. We are the professionals, and we are the ones who run the higher risk of being beaten/raped/robbed/murdered than you do. As far as I'm concerned, if a dude wants me to be alone in a room naked with him, he can do me the courtesy of giving me a real name. If he refuses, I know I dodged a bullet.  

There's a big difference between discretion and anonymity. I don't fuck anyone anonymously.

Posted By: traveler_in_LA
I am engaging in activities that I want to keep secret. How would you feel if the table is turned and potential client asks you for your real name so they will feel comfortable about seeing you? I am sure you will say hell no to them.
Duh, that's what reviews are for, not to mention the fact that providers maintain an internet presence and reputation. We are the ones who have our photos, words, and BCD activities posted on the internet. What you're comparing is apples and oranges. Here's an analogy: you walk into a bank and you want to open a checking account. The CSR says "sure, no problem. Just jot down your name, address, SSN, etc. and we'll get you all set up." Would your response be "umm no, I don't feel comfortable giving strangers my SSN. If I asked you for yours, I bet you wouldn't give it to me!"? That's asinine. We are the professionals, and we are the ones who run the higher risk of being beaten/raped/robbed/murdered than you do. As far as I'm concerned, if a dude wants me to be alone in a room naked with him, he can do me the courtesy of giving me a real name. If he refuses, I know I dodged a bullet.  

There's a big difference between discretion and anonymity. I don't fuck anyone anonymously.

Drunken...  Last name is Asian.  I swear!

Your statement is basically saying that a provider who does not ask for real names is not "reputable" and doesn't have the "slightest sense of safety." well I beg to differ and I'm sure tons of reputable providers who very much care for their safety would differ with you too!

If you need real names and it works for you then great, but don't project your needs on all other providers. Many reputable providers do not need real names to feel safe, and they are perfectly fine using sources like P411, and other verification sites, TER, provider references, etc.

Many guys for various readons can't or won't give out their real names to providers and there are many providers who will ser them. For me personally, I always use my real first name in all correspondence and when meeting, and never once was I ever asked for my last name, or for my ID.  

I know your advice on this board is well meaning and mostly appreciated, but occasionally something you say comes off as "uppity." I'd say be careful with that tone.

Peace. :)'s that for uppity.
Imma sweet bitch tho....;-)

-- Modified on 4/3/2014 7:08:28 AM

Iphone typo. And that's not the only one. I just reread my post. Yikes! (ser them? Readons?) :)

-- Modified on 4/3/2014 5:49:02 AM

dang girl! where are you?

yeah dude, this girl is not for real....she's a "kid" in college......she outta know. especially a one wants their name associated with one....

traveler_in_LA700 reads

With good references and P411 membership, I haven't had to give out my real name in over a year. As there's so many to choose from in LA, I don't see it will be necessary for me to do so (already too many on my to-do list). :)

Naw man, don't see someone that will hassle you over that. You ever picked up a girl in a bar? ?There ya go...she doesn't ask for any references. If you just look 1/2 decent..don't bother.  

what is she Radio Shack? Needs your phone number and address to sell you a pack of batteries???

If S. Ca read the LA board, and search for harpmans posts and also subjects like k girl, references etc. No one will give you the name of a booker and refs can usually only come from other bookers. You can try to see some kgirl indies, who some bookers will accept as a ref. Texting is the preferred method of contact. Also check the k girl board, this topic has been discussed ad nauseum, do a search.  

Posted By: titan55
Hi guys  
 As I'm getting more and more into the hobby, I think I should better protect myself as a client. I want to get a hobby phone and maybe use a name but I have some questions.  
 1. Any easy ways to get a hobby phone or phone number that doesn't cost a fortune? I have a spare iPhone 4 to use but no number or SIM card.  
 2. When using hobby names, how do you pass screening?  One of the first things providers or agency ask me is always my name and work or references.  
 PS I'm also looking into the k girl scene so if anyone have recommendations to a Booker to clear references please Pm me or help a fellow brother out.  

with P411, and book with ladies through that site.
The vast majority of ladies there will see you based on "okays" without asking for personal information from you.

You could then call yourself whatever you want.

Personally, I'd recommend you go with Carlos Danger.

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