Newbie - FAQ

Re: What would you rather have on your tombstone...teeth_smile
Blissful_Belle See my TER Reviews 1590 reads

Die Broke right? Love ya mrfisher, telling it how it is my friend ;)

I am here to report that my first session is over and the Cheshire cat has nothing on me. The meet went smooth as silk and the hour went really fast. The lady and I clicked pretty good although I was pretty nervous. She got me over the nerves fairly fast and I now remember what I've been missing. I can see why the hobby can get addicting because I wanna go again.  It really helped to have the FAQ for Newbies and the posts from the veterans here. I had a GREAT time! I'm glad I took the plunge. Now when can I do this again?

Glad it worked out so well. Continue to do your homework, and it will be more of the same.:)

It is a good questions when I shall be flush again cash wise......gotta start saving those pennies and dimes....

Posted my review last night and hopefully it will appear in TER soon.

tmtlr271591 reads

It works like clockwork if you do your homework!! Glad you did.

The biggest problem now is if you think your stock's are taking a plunge wait to you see your bank account take one as you will be finding every excuse to take another provider on!!!

Good luck in the future and now do us other guys a favor an write that review!!


"He died happy.", or "He died Rich."

I know which mine will be.

Here are my favorites:

"Beat ya"

"See ya soon"

"This really sucks"

"Don't even think of peeing on this Fido."

"Do ya mind, you're blocking my sun"

"I'm allergic to flowers, thanks anyways"

"MMMMM.... maggots"

"Is that all there is?"

"Got ya last"

and my all time favorite:

"I came back as the dog that made the poop you just stepped in."

Die Broke right? Love ya mrfisher, telling it how it is my friend ;)

we ARE quite addicting arent we. careful there (:

Brooke: I went to your profile and you only 5 reviews. Are you new to the biz?
P.s. very impressive reviews

Many thanks to all. Yes my review will be forthcoming(pun intended). As for the bank account, well if that promotion comes through (it includes travel) I'll be able to set modest goals for myself. Everything in moderation I say.....

for now, lol

Was there anything that surprised you about the encounter?  Anything you wished you would have done now that you have had time to reflect?

Upon further review..........
I don't think I was surprised by anything 'cause I've read almost every FAQ for Newbies and the general discussion. I was terribly nervous and that initially impeded some of my anatomy's functionality and that was a bit disconcerting. It was weird getting au natural with another woman after 20 some years but I adjusted quickly, :) I loved doing things I haven't done in a long time. For the pre-hobbiest this is what I did:
1. homework, homework, homework
2. communicated to make sure of time and place.
3. showed up on time
4. When she opens the door, walked in asap
5. Presented a small gift
6. envelope on the table
7. took a brief shower to wash off the work day's grime, brushed teeth
8. be myself (the GFE for me!)
9. I talk a lot so keeping up a conversation is never a problem.  
10. Did not take things too seriously the word of the day is: FUN
11. In this case left a tip for the great time in the form of a Starbucks coffee card. I checked before hand to make sure she loves coffee.
12. Basked in the afterglow and was almost totally useless at work the next

Oh Lord what have I gotten myself into? I so want to do this again!


Welcome to the hobby.  Post a reply for us and for her.  And make sure to continue to do your homework and don't let your guard down.

After my first time, I was high-fiveing the parking meters on the way back home! :)

When can you do this again?  When you afford to, and not have problems with your personal life.  The hobby is what you make of it...can be good or bad.  Control it on your's a good fire.  Let it get out of is your worst enemy.  There will be times where this may get out of contol, but put a stop to it when it does.  If that's possible...

Keep it real, dude!

Wise advice and I won't let it control me.


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