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Re: VIP comments in reviews
MeetEricaStone See my TER Reviews 1151 reads

Your reviews are fine...  graphic but not every little detail and it isn't a self promotion like someone already mentioned.

I recently have posted my first two reviews and, as suggested, have been pretty graphic with details.  Do providers have access to this info?  I feel somewhat conflicted wanting to give all the "locker room" details for the guys while not embarrassing or maybe pissing off a provider for too much pillow talk.

I would think the ladies here are used to the "graphic" reviews, as it seems to be common place.  As long as you were truthful, you shouldn't have any problem.  I'm assuming that the ladies didn't specifically ask you not to write a review.  I might add that I think you should always be respectful in writing your reviews, as you should when you meet a lady.  Again, congrats on your first two reviews.

I believe they do if they have VIP membership. If they don't, they have their ways of finding out if they are all that interested. I've had a couple of ladies let me know, they knew, what I had written in my review of them.

I had one lady recite verbatim something I'd written in my review of her, almost a year earlier.  Thankfully, she then laughed.  Phew.

all providers have acess to thier reviews..whether we are VIP or not. We can read the ENTIRE review hun..but most reviews have the " locker room vibe " to a point..As long as you are not degrading you should be okay

You've done just fine. I don't think any lady would have a problem with what you've written. The ones I find annoying are the ones where the guys seem to be reviewing themselves. You know the ones...the guy who feels the need to let me know how big his cock is, and that he can pound away for hours on end, and that, of course, the ladies all love him for it.

Like I said, your reviews are just fine, just enough detail.

They seem perfectly okay. They are both awesome reviews and I don't see how any provider wouldn't be blushing with pleasure with how you wrote your reviews. We are escorts, not high school cheerleaders and know that these kind of "graphic" details will help our reputation.

Your reviews are fine...  graphic but not every little detail and it isn't a self promotion like someone already mentioned.

shudaknownbetter1729 reads

TER Providers automatically have "limited VIP"...  they can read their own information & reviews.  
If they want unlimited VIP they have to pay.

I find the best way to handle how graphic to get is to let the lady know you wish to write a review and if she says please do ask her how detailed the would like it to be. The response I have received runs from as tame as possible to the more graphic the better.

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