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Using provider's shower
fortune02 2886 reads

Kinda strange question here, but the thread below on hygiene got me thinking... guys, when using a lady's shower at her incall location, how do you prefer to use it?

What I mean is do you like your privacy, and close the door, in the anticipation of knowing your going to look a little awkward scrubbing all of your nooks and crannies, or do you leave the door wide open, under the thought that the girl is gonna see everything anyway, so who cares? How many here insist on the lady joining them too?

What are the thoughts from the ladies here on this subject as well, since its your shower we're using?

my bathroom door sticks a little if you shut it too forceful, and a couple of guys have gotten stuck in there,so I make sure I tell them, shut the door softly, so you dont get locked in there,
I leave them to their privacy, and dont peek, I can wait 5 min, and let them get nice and clean first.

followme1341 reads

You can peek and you do not have to sneek cause you will see my little beek anyway.

we can play Peek-a-Boo, if that suits yoo

Thank you
2009 = 27

But the water pressure is good and the company is wonderful.

If I am showering upon arrival to the lady's location, I generally close (but not lock) the door. Left open a crack is okay too, but not wide open to where she would have to see/hear me if she didn't want to. However, if she wants to join me, that is fine too.

I would never insist on a lady showering. I see that as rude. If she were so noticeably unclean that I had reservations about being with her, a quick shower wouldn't eliminate them, so I'd probably excuse myself and leave.

Getting sweaty with a lady then showering together afterwards can be lots of fun.

shudaknownbetter1586 reads

This is a good question.  I have yet to shower at a lady's incall since I have the luxury of coming straight from home...  but often during the date / cleanup my Favs or I will use the bathroom.  In general, the door is half closed so some privacy but can easily talk.  

No set answer, since each situation and lady will be different. But, she's probably wanting you to do what you feel is most comfortable. When I visit my ATF, I'm never certain if she will be joining me in the shower, before or after our activities, so I just play it by ear. She knows I like her to join me in the shower, but there's times that she prefers not to.

All teasing aside..they get their privacy. While they are showering the door is open.

I have a shower curtain so I can't see what and how they scrub.
But we do have conversation.  Whether the shower is before or after the date....

No clear answer but I would leave the door open a crack.  This way she's not wondering if you are going thru her make-up bag or anything.  Every time a guy closes the door for a shower, I go in after to make sure.  Believe it or not, someone there to steal from you will rifle through your things or try to find money.  Silly rabbits...tricks are for kids.

Have you ever heard of this thing called a shower curtain?  Use it, otherwise you will get water all over the lady's floor...this will not make her happy.

By the way, you can ask a lady to join you, I would not recommend that you insist on it.

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