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Re: really?
Bodercollie 911 reads

I been told they use sponges or the Softcup

awesomeman303033 reads

I seee some girls schedule all month along? what happens when u have your period, do u go on with ur appointments?

Maybe she doesnt get her period anymore -
Maybe shes got the good ring that stops it -
maybe she has some magic tricks up her sleeve-

Believe it or not - men do see us if we are honest and say we are flowing.

we still have a mouth :)

Did you know that a large percentage of men dont see us for sex?

we are paid for our time -

there are men that simply want the companionship -
we call these men -
awesome men :)

DoctorFollowmeGYNO1764 reads

If the tricks are up her sleeve she is either doing someting wrong or knows something I don't or
sleeve is another term for ...........well you know.

Thank you
2009 = 27

Seasonale reduces the cycle to four times per year, depro shots created no cycles for me for years... some ladies just skip the sugar pills in their packets (though that freaks me out a bit.)

Don't need no surgery to avoid the "monthly curse" these days.
; )

and you will not know the difference unless you are fairly experienced (or have a long crank....)  I'll let the ladies provide the details....

But I have to admit that I personally appreciate those providers who take time off during menses....

I tell my clients and they usually extend their condolences and reschedule.

Elaborate on how ladies see clients during their period. I don't.

I been told they use sponges or the Softcup

But if one doesnt know how to work their own body- that I just cant sit back and teach LMAO

There are some girls that even ask how to remove a sponge ..

When I was 21, and had just started working for an agency, my new provider friend (a youthful looking lady, that was actually in her 40's) called me over to her hotel room... let's just say, NO- there was not a miner's cap involved... or a pick-axe...

...just a couple of bright table lamps... a series of rather INTERESTING yoga positions... and ME, the ever loyal friend to those in need *ECAVATING* like a trooper... ;)

PS. For those ladies that are so inflexable that they get a muscle spasm in their leg when they bend to touch their toes.. OR WHO HAVE NO BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF FEMALE ANATOMY! - kindly stick to using make-up sponges TO APPLY YOUR MAKE-UP!!!

There has never been any mystery as to when any of my former SO's were having a period.

GFE.inspector933 reads

Thanks for clearing that up. Up until now I thought I was deflowering virgins.

I definately dont. For me personally its too much trouble to bother with, since ultimately you want to have a fantastic time and nothing in the back of your mind to worry about. I have a few regulars that I've seen long enough that they are comfortable, and we're able to kind of work around it, but otherwise, I reschedule/dont book.

I get the Depo provera shot. I only need the shot once every 90 days, and one of the side effects is that you don't have periods. Woo hoo. Of course, getting used to the shot takes a few months. One of the side effects is also "spotting" ocassionally during the first 3 months. Ocassional my butt. I "spotted" non-stop for a solid 3 months. Talk about putting a damper on business. But its worth it. No periods, no worries :)

I myself use a bith control that stops my period for three months straight.   I take the week off that I do have it though.

Some take it away altogether.  Others give you a twice a year cycle, 3 times a year, 4 times a year.  Things have really changed for women in this arena and our choices have greatly increased in recent years.

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