Newbie - FAQ

Don't Do This
joext50 3806 reads

The other day I contacted a provider through her contact form on her website. One of the text boxes on the form was for my name. So, since I'm a newbie and since I thought that that was part of her screening process along with the fact that I had a few beers just before that, I actually put my real name in there. Here's what happened:

I received an automated email that went to my secret address but it had my real name attached to it.

Ok, so that tells me that provider doesn't know shit about what's going on with her website and that I'm a dumbass and all of my info is in a database somewhere.

I will never fill out one of those website forms again.

So, wtf?

. . . ask for "full name" or "full legal name." I have qualms about it, too, but I've given my name to a couple of well-reviewed providers without adverse consequences, and I heard back from each of them in a favorable vein. Not sure what would have happened if I had entered only my first name.

joext501656 reads

The thing is that when you have your real name connected to your secret email account then there is a chance that a google search or other things could happen that identify you with your alias which could cause many problems. So what I'm saying is that if providers want your real name then get serious and intelligent and don't connect the  name with the alias. But that's not possible. So don't do it man.

Bottom Line: Don't fill out those contact me forms on provider websites and give your real name. I'm a newbie and I was born at night but not last night!

And this is not my first cucumber festival so I say send an email or call. Fuck those website forms!

Stanza121031 reads

You sent in a reservation request through a form with your real name, "John Doe" and your hobby email address "[email protected]" or whatever.

You received an automated response.

How exactly is your real name and secondary email address now going to be accessible through Google and other search engines?

And why do you assume that the provider doesn't know what's going on on her website?

An automated response is just an email that we script our websites to kickback to you so that you know that your email has in fact, reached our inbox.

How is what you did on the form different than if you contacted her directly at [email protected] with your real name and secondary email address?

I'm not saying that your complaint is baseless because many choose not to use forms.  But I don't follow your logic here.

joext502233 reads

I'll start with your last question first. The difference between putting your real name and hobby address in a form and putting it in an email is this: If I send a provider an email using my hobby address then that message is stored in a web mail server for a certain period of time. The only way my real name could be derived from that is by LE which is ok with me since I'm not a criminal. Now, an internet form is a completely different thing. Now my real name is stored in a database in what is called a record. The record has my real name and my hobby ID. Now, who has possession of that database? If I ask the provider could she tell me? No. But now there is a business entity who has a database full of hobby IDs related to real names. Do we trust this entity? No.

I would not have any problem with this if I had not put my last name in the form.

How exactly could a search engine come up with a result that has my real name and my hobby ID? I'm not sure. Maybe it would never happen. But search engines do search web pages. What if my wife googled my name and a result came up with my name and my hobby ID? Busted!

If you see a message to you from "who knows" that has your real name and hobby ID in the same message then that means a script went into a database and got your record out and sent you an email. What if that server had a virus and sent your name and hobby ID to a search engine?

Stanza121368 reads

Sure, there are provider websites which utilize third party forms creators like etc.

However, most provider websites are designed with little bits of code which create the fields that compose the "record" and forward that record to her inbox directly, no third party and no uber database involved.

famkejensen1551 reads

Or she has simply placed some php code on her website in the form of an auto-responder, which takes the "name" portion of the form and adds it to the $html_message part of the script. So if your name is Bill, your name is inserted into the responding email script along with a generic thank you or greeting. There is no database's pure scripting.

cuberat1657 reads

What you wrote is true;however, when that email to the secret account with the real name included was sent it could have passed through multiple e-mail servers before it reached the destination.  Now there's a record of it on those mail servers. It's like a postcard, not a letter.

How about increasing your hobby skills by:

1. Make yourself a new email address and when that email provider you chose asks you to fill out their initial form you put in for your first and last name something other than your real name?

lol and you say the provider doesn't know what she's doing in your first website.....

Examples of what to put in a new email.

a. Look around your room and if you spot a waterbotttle, use that for a first name: water. Then continue to look for something further and if you see a stapler use that for a last name.

now your email will be waterstaples.....

Thats a silly example of what I had done..

Good luck and make sure you don't blame providers for adjustments that ----

Granted I have references and have been white listed. I do not enter my last name, just the first letter of my last name. Has not caused a problem. If you have done your homework (research) before you fill out the form, and the escort is well reviewed, you shouldn't have a problem. I have also found out, following the directions, whatever they are, concenring a providers requests before a date,goes a long way insuring a good time. This includes, envelop,
your freshness, being on time, conduct on the phone etc. The nicer you are to a well reviewed provider, before the session, goes a long way.
Good luck.

As a newbie and without reviews, if you give me a fake name then how will I be able to verify you? Trust me, in this day and age, if someone wants to find out about you...they will....

joext501275 reads

I'll be happy to give you my real name. But not in a web page form.

Most ladies will screen you out if you give them a bogus name they cannot verify.  Big time red flag that you might be LE, or a jack-wad that has something to hide, or who may harm them.  

Never underestimate the intelligence of a high quality provider.  They are not successful just because they're pretty; these ladies have plenty of intellectual firepower, and will remember details about you if you meet with them on a repeat basis, even if they delete your initial e-mail or website form.  Handing them a line of shit about yourself will most often result in not being able to meet with them in the first place.

Personally, I always tell any lady I looking to meet with for the first time my real name, and also enough background info in order to facilitate her screening process.  Maybe that's why I have met with 90% of the ladies I have contacted over the years.  And, to date, it has never come back to bite me in the ass.  Then again, I only contact well regarded and reviewed ladies here on TER...that's my screening process, and it has served well.  

Money talks, honesty is the best policy, and bullshit walks...

Just my two pennies...

joext501143 reads

I will be happy to tell any lady my real name. But not in a web page form. It creates a record.

I myself prefer not to use the contact forms.  If that is the only method offered then I usually pass on a lady.  I prefer e-mail but will also do the phone.

You really don't know what those free sites such as rare-escorts are doing or if the e-mail has been bc'd somewhere because the site was hacked. It may be unlikely that something goes wrong, but if it does, the consequences can be severe.  What I find interesting is that I have not heard of the site being subpoenaed.  Must be located offshore.  

As others have mentioned, the quality of the ladies you will be able to visit drops tremendously if you insist on using an alias.

joext501000 reads

Thanks everyone. That's good information to have.

Just call, goodness! As the rest said, if you fill out a form on my page with a fake name, you will not stand a chance! After you fill out the form, it should send you an automated response. Its like your receipt! Just as if you were to reserve a hotel online, or anything else for that matter. Why dont you just call if you want to set up an appt. I have had many gents fill out forms on my site. They do leave their name, references, and contact info.

how is the screening supposed to work?

1) if your secret e-mail address is secret what is the problem?

2) it is common for providers to delete info after a first visit and use a mnemonic device to remember you without a database. a now retired lady once told me about how she did this. i am not going to divulge a trade secret but i assure you i have confidence using my real name.

Why would you think the pro doesn't know what's going on with her website because you had put your real name there?  I never heard of pro's putting names in databases either.

joext501396 reads

You just answered your question

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