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Re: I always wonder why someone would ask this to anyone except the provider
earthshined 783 reads

this is the reason I don't see the same lady if she doesnt give me what I want or like.  

I don't hold it against her or ask for special treatment I just move on to another.

Many providers give special consideration both to scheduling times and sometime special pricing to what they view as their regulars.
What is the frequency of becoming a regular? Once a month or more. Do you commit to the next appointment while you are with her so just say I want to see again in two to three weeks?

ROGM1542 reads

I'd say after about 2 months of seeing a Provider on a steady basis. My steady basis was seeing her once a week for about that time. I still continue to see my current Provider at least once a week. Never make an appointment and then cancel. Unless it's for a very good legitimate reason.

client_number_91047 reads

You're going to get responses that cover the full spectrum here I'm sure, but for me it's always been about total spend rather than frequency per se.  

Each woman's price point is going to be different, but in my bracket usually by the time I've invested 3-4K I start to enjoy the benefits of being a "regular." If that doesn't happen, I cut losses quickly and move along, even if I really like her. Deuces.

What do you consider to be the benefits of being a regular

client_number_91021 reads

Short answer: I'm looking for some sort of dispensation that makes me feel special, or the credible illusion thereof. I don't have a checklist, and it's not about the money.

Longer: when I fly my regular airline, > 85% of the time I'm upgraded into First Class gratis. When I stay at my regular hotels, I'm upgraded to a suite and pay a preferential rate. As a regular purchaser of handbags (don't ask) I know that I will never, ever get a price break on Louis Vuitton. I do, however, get access to exclusive launch events and other marketing shindigs. These benefits are all different, and some are quite inconsequential, but they all make me feel like my business is valued.

It just depends on whether you're dating United Airlines or Louis Vuitton. Remember there are two sides of a voluntary transaction, both parties need to get what they need for a harmonious deal. If I'm not getting what I need after paying the dues (so to speak) I simply walk away

For example, a local gal might not consider you a regular unless you see her monthly, but a traveling gal who come to your city 2-3 times a year would consider you a regular if you see her at least 2 out of 3 visits.

Whether or not you get any special consideration for being a regular is unclear.  Some gals do have discounted rates for super-regulars, but that is almost like a sugar-daddy situation.

You might get her to bump another date for you, but you'd probably not even want to hear about that.

And of course there is the highly vaunted "Off the Clock" time but that is a very nebulous thing at best.

The best part of being a regular is getting to see a very good provider frequently in the first place.

in your experience how often do traveling ladies contact you that they'll be in town?

Traveling ladies who I've made a connection with and have seen on a regular basis, ALWAYS contact me when they're coming to down.  I guess that's the definition of a regular for them.  Often it's the day before an ad runs to give me rights of first refusal, or even they day they run their ad as I don't often scour the ad pages.  They want to let me know they're coming in case I don't see the ad.

I've even has some touring ladies reach out to me and ask just to come see me, that's a real regular.  Now, that's usually a short train trip for them as I have the benefit of being in Philly which is early reachable from NYC and DC.

but that is because I'm usually contacting them.

I like to keep up with their blogs on their websites, and while there I check out their touring schedules, and when I see Boston on the list I drop them a line.

I'm sure that any traveling gal would be happy to contact a client but only if that client has expressed an interest in getting such communication.  Many guys resent getting unsolicited contacts and quality gals know and respect that.

I don't like getting bcc emails or monthly "reminders"  i can  just look up their tour schedule.

If you enjoy seeing her, then see her as frequently as your schedules and your budget will allow. If it stops being fun, then stop. Pushing for special privileges for being a regular is a quick path to killing the fun.

GotItWhereItCounts862 reads

Some providers openly discuss on their sites what they consider a regular and what benefits that brings, with many others its completely informal and subjective - basically depends on if they like you as a client.  

Personally I would avoid any pressure from the provider or yourself to lock into any specific frequency or scheduling pattern.  Don't schedule a follow-up while you're still there.  Give yourself a chance to recover, make sure its what you want to do, and then follow-up.  If you've locked in before you leave a first appointment and then you decide to see someone else, your schedule changes, you take a break, or whatever - now you've become a canceller rather than a repeat and took a step in the wrong direction.  Keep in mind if you've just met someone, over-aggressive repeat scheduling can come off as obsessive or clingy.  

If you've seen someone a few times and feel you can communicate well with her, its OK to ask.  You can say you'd like to repeat on a regular basis and ask if she makes any scheduling/rate accomodations that make that easier.  The worst she can do is say no, and if she flips out over a polite, sincere request then you probably don't want to be her regular anyway.

as soon as mutual trust is established..

Posted By: wglide2003
Many providers give special consideration both to scheduling times and sometime special pricing to what they view as their regulars.  
 What is the frequency of becoming a regular? Once a month or more. Do you commit to the next appointment while you are with her so just say I want to see again in two to three weeks?

There is no set formula, it depends on how the provider perceives you.  I would say a minimum amount of visits is once a month, with no cancelling, etc.  Whether or not there are any perks to being thought of as a regular, again that depends on the provider.  She may give you a special rate, or some OTC time, but there is no set rule.  You could set up the next date when getting ready to leave the current date, or contact her shortly when you both have  better idea of what your schedules are.


There's no standards...  her business, her choice.  And she probably won't tell you if she has a "rule".  
If you like her, it's nice to say "I'd like to see you again." but probably not easy to book that far out.  So she'll say "Call me"  

CAUTION:  It's easy to become too emotionally attached in the rush of poit-coital hormones.  If you repeat with a single gal, greater risk of this & there's nothing a PROVIDER hates more than a guy falling for her...  risking becoming obcessed & stalkerish.  One whisper of the L O V E word & most will lose your number.  You LOVE what she does, you don't love her nor she you.  
I like to rotate among a small number of Favs...  to avoid this

and I certainly understand it in the context of discounts and such...
but for me, in my 2 years hobbying I've yet to see any lady more than 3 times (though several fall into this category), so I look at this differently.  I have several ladies who I consider to be "my" regulars, basically meaning, I've seen at least twice and plan to see again sometime.  While seeing a lady 2 or 3 times a year I suppose might not make me a "regular" by a typical provider definition (from the business point of view) it still fits the definition of it for the way I hobby.  I'm always greeted with a big smile by a sexy lady who of course remembers me well.  Hell, if I see a lady  2 or 3 times a year, that's more than I see a lot of people I consider friends, or certainly relatives, lol.  Also, I dare say if I see a lady 3 times in a year, that will easily be 10-15% of my hobbying budget for the year.  I'm sure a lady would consider a gent to be a regular if she got 15% of all HER income from him.  ;o)

Anyway, unless the lady offers some explicit benefit based on her definition, it's just semantics.  I guess it will cease to be only semantics for me when one of my "regulars" refuses to see me because I haven't visited her enough!

A bit of a rambler with this post, I know, without any big point to make.  But there was slim pickins of interesting TER threads tonight

e given it a bit of thought.  I've been seeing a lovely gal on what I think is a regular basis (23 hours in six months).  We enjoy our time together and IF she did offer me a "special rate", even though I would greatly appreciate the thought, I would still continue to compensate her at her advertised rate.

To ASK, or even expect someone to behave as you would like them to, is being egotistical and counterproductive in my view.   Gifts and favors are much more meaningful if they are given out of gratitude or from the heart.   Therefore, I myself would never ask for or even feel entitled to any "special" treatment.   I have no desire to be compensated just for thinking that I may be a regular,  unless I'm in Vegas.   Then, it's a given.  But IMO, this hobby involves human beings---not slot machines and table games.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not just another sheep with a ring in my nose getting pulled along with the rest of the crowd.  Over the past six months I HAVE noticed many additional benefits and enhancements from my ATF, even almost unnoticeable in many instances.  And it are these small "dispensations", as someone put it, that make me feel appreciated and perhaps even a little bit special to the lovely lady!   Small moves, #9, small moves.   Patience and understanding go a long way.

On the other hand, be very wary, as we all can be taken advantage of in this hobby!   Unfortunately, it comes with the territory and I suspect it happens a lot more to the ladies than it does to us.

I have had 3 separate providers consider me a regular after only 2 visits.  

What's a regular by her definition? That is the key. What does the lady consider a regular. For some it's someone seeing them on a regular scheduled basis (ie once a week, or once a month). For some it's someone who sees them every time she visits his city. For some (must be the case with the 3 who considered me a regular after 2 visits), anyone who repeats might be considered a regular.

Allow her to offer the benefits if she feels you have become a regular.

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