Newbie - FAQ

Deja_Love 8505 reads

Okay, so I used to exotic dance and I would constantly get propositioned but I always said no - eventhough the offers were for big $$$$. Now I'm in school full time and broke so - long story short... I had my first date last night!WOO-HOO!! I had soo much fun. I loved it.

Now to the reason for me posting - I need help/advice.  I was having such a good time (it didn't hurt that he was BF quality) that we went over by an hour... not that I'm complaining, but I realize that doing that in the future will put a dent in my earnings.  Do providers normally go a little over or is that a no-no?

I've got a ton of questions and if anyone can either help answer them or point me in the right direction I would be extremely grateful.

Is it possible to be a successful, busy provider but still remain somewhat anonymous? Like I'm sure posting pix with an ad is a bonus, but is it really necessary? I don't want my fam or friends to find out.

How do I screen someone?  Is there a thing as too much or too little email or phone correspondence before a date?  Does the clock start as soon as I get there?

If I know someone has a lot of money can I raise my donation request? And possibly go easier on poorer students? I'm not sure about "correct" pricing guidelines for myself. I want to have just a couple/few generous regulars, so do they get a special rate?

I have a date set up tomorrow with a self-proclaimed "sugar daddy" and when he asked how much I wanted I said a few hundred and he said that was okay.  So when do I settle on the for sure price (I'm thinking 400, maybe more?)and when do I collect, before or after?

Oh yeah and I have a gentleman that offered me 180 reasons to spend time with him every week.  Is that good or am I settling too low?

Ummm... that's about all I can think of right now, but I'm sure I'll have more questions in the near future.  Please excuse me for any newbie mistakes I made and thank you soo much for reading this loonngg post.  :o)

Just trying to be all that I can be.  If I'm going to do it, I want to do it right, ya know. ;-)

Smelly Smegma5729 reads

1) Going overtime with a guy you are having a good time with happens frequently. You're  Independent, and can give him as much overtime as you want. Or none at all. You should never short change a client on time however.

2)Yes, it is possible to be successful and anonymous vis a vis family. Get a separate cel for  hobby use ONLY, and blur your face in your pics on a website.

3) I will leave the screening specifics for someone else to answer except to say, "get as much info on the guy as you can, and follow up to make sure you're not being bullshitted or set up by cops or a psycho". Safety should be a primary concern.

4)Generally,your pricing has nothing to do with how much, or little money a client has. Eventually you should get a quality website that posts pics, info, and  prices for incall and outcall. Many girls run "specials" from time to time.

5)$180 is probably too low unless you are not very attractive, or you're in a very rural area. You said you're attending college, so I'm guessing rural is out.

Where are you located? I'm willing to give you a test drive and not bill you. Good Luck, and stay safe.    Smelly

Deja_Love5250 reads

Smelly - thank you so much for replying to my post.  Everything you said makes a lot of sense.  I had a feeling that 180 was kinda low, eventhough he only requests an hour of my time... so I said 250 and he agreed w/out hesitaTing at all! Hmmm.. wonder if I should have gone higher?  

Anyhoo so far the biggest pain in the butt is weeding through the jerks that are wasting my time and trying to schedule my play time appropiately.

And thank you for the offer of a test drive :-p

My first date emailed me and told me I was the best he ever had.... now excuse me while I let some air out of my pumped up ego. LOL

Boston Tia6285 reads

Hi Hon,

I know how hard it is to make ends meat when you are going to school. Congratulations for being in school and putting your hard earned $ towards a positive use and a positive future. I too am a student and this hobby helps me afford my tuition, daily bills and gives me enough time to concentrate on my studies. We are in the same boat so I know where you are coming from.

1) It is fine to go over your time a little bit if the guy you are seeing is a gentleman and you are comfortable with giving him extra time. I agree with Smelly's statement that you should never short change a client. Never good for business and speaks volumes of the type of provider you are. Personally the only time I cut an appointment short is if a guy had poor manners and did not respect my boundaries, and was aggressive. Not too many guys are like this but a few are. Back to going over your scheduled time. Only do it if YOU are comfortable with it. Not if the guy is pressuring you to give him extra time for free. This is common to happen. Sometimes guys will pressure you to give then extra time for free or tell you that if you don't he will give you a poor review. Don't buy into it. If you a a good provider. Others will see through a creeps bologna. Also if a guys is a TRUE gentleman and wants to stay over the time he will book more time with you or tip you at the end of the session. If I see a guy and he tips me. I do remember him and next time I give him extra time, or bring a bottle of wine to show my appreciation. Guys do remember little token like this as well as girls do too when guys bring us wine, flower, chocolates, or my favorite-lingerie!

2)It is possible to be successful and still be anonymous. Yes, you should advertise. Guys will not know you are out there if you do not promote yourself. There are so many providers now a days and some guys are baffled by who they should choose. Advocate your beauty and your good talent. There are plenty of places you can advertise for free and plenty great paid sites too. Guys want to see what they are going to get for their $. So photos are a plus. You can blur your face out, of take photos from the neck down. No one needs to know that you are a provider. I too have two cell phones. One for personal use and one for business. That is a good way to keep your personal life and professional life totally separate. If you don't want to get another phone. Just get a business email account.

3)Screening??? I have a web site and an application form on it. I request anyone who wants to see me fill it out. Not all guys are comfortable with this but some are. This also helps me weed out who is serious about booking with me and who is playing games. I'm not a fan of a million emails back and forth or discussing business on the phone. I set up my web site to basically answer as many question as possible. It cuts down on calls and emails. Once a guy fills out an application with me I can verify him and set up an appointment. If you need details in how to do this email me and I'll get back to you. My email address is on my site.
4) You need to set a price and stick with it. Plain and simple. Guys bill always try to haggle with you. Not all but some. Stick to your guns and politely say your rates are non-negotiable. Do not try to raise your rates if you think someone is wealthy. They will think you are trying to take advantage of them and either be insulted and not book with you. But once they realize what you did they will never see you again. If they are that wealthy suggest a multiple hour appointment or an over night visit. If they are interested they will book. If not, maybe they book just an hour and book again in the future. If they repeat that is the best thing for you both. You two feel comfortable and the best compliment a client can give a provider is a repeat visit. It means they enjoyed you time together. Now for poorer college student. Well, this may sound rude but I will be frank here... If they want to see you then your rates are your rates and they can come see you when they have saved up more $. You can also run specials once a week or once a month for lower rates. What I used to do is run half hour appointments on Wednesday and they were my "Hump Day Special".LOL. Otherwise I only ran hour  appointments. I ran my specials every week and the guys loved it. Remember DO NOT LET GUYS HAGGLE your rates. You know what your worth and don't settle for less.

5) When to collect your $? ALWAYS BEFORE you start your appointment. Most guys are cool but not all. Thank goodness it has never happened to me but I have heard of girls collecting after the appointment and guys shorting them $ or even worse...A girls opens an envelope to find a piece of newspaper in it. Some guys will try to get over on you and they will go to ridiculous extremes to do so. Also once you collect your $ politely excuse yourself into the restroom. Count it and put it away. Yes, some guys will try to snatch the $ back from you when you turn your back and you don't realize it until they are gone, and it is too late. PUT YOUR $ away in a place only YOU know of. Don't be a victim to any of this.

6) Girls rate usually range from 200-400. 200 on the low side and 400 on the high side. It all depends on if you are reputable and if you are offering incall or outcall. Some ladies to ask for more and they do get it. They may not see as many clients though. But if they ask for more then they don't have to do many appointment. This is the ideal situation. But seeing that you are new you may want to start at 250-300 until you get a few solid good reviews. Once that is done you can raise your rate and justify it to clients. I've see ladies start at 200, then 300, then 400 and now they ask for more. You never know. Great service should somewhat reflect in your rate.

7) $180 a day. I would decline. There is no guarantee this guy will see you every week. He could be just saying this to get ONE cheap visit with you and never see you again. How much time does he expect you to stay for $180. Suggest that he sees you twice a month at $300 or something like that. If he really want to see you he will be willing to see you. IF he is trying to scam you then he will decline. Look at tit this way. $300 x 2 times per month is $600, and $180 x 4= $720per month. Twice a month is actually a better deal for him. At least if he is scamming you. You will walk away with $300 for school instead of $180. Oh yeah, almost forgot. Any guys who brags h is a "Sugar Daddy" usually is full of sh*t. Any man who has tact and is wealthy usually doesn't need to brag about it and will show you through his generosity to you.
I know my post was long but I wanted to answer all your question as well as I could. If you have anymore ? just email me. Good luck, be safe, and I hope all works out for you.


skisandboots6049 reads

how $300 2x a month is a "better deal" for the guy than $180 4x a month?  B/c he's only spending $600 as opposed to $720?  That's faulty math! Come on now, how stupid do you think we are?  I'll admit my brain doesn't function that well when all the blood rushes down to my dick, but even then I'm not that stupid.  BTW, this newbie is free to price herself anyway she chooses, and you and smelly are entitled to your opinions, but I'm going to offer my .02, as well.  $300/hr. is my absolute MAX. that I will consider.  That's SPLURGING for me and a lot of other hobbyists.  There are plenty of DAMN FINE providers who charge in the $175-$200 RANGE.  She should price herself according to how many clients she wants to see in order to make the amount that she desires.  If she can make that amount seeing the number that she wants, then she has priced herself properly.  If she's not getting the business that she desires, then she has overpriced herself and should drop down.

We don't know what city NewProviderToBe lives in.  In some locations $300/hr will get a girl trampled to death.  As for Tia's math, the $600 scenario leaves the young lady 2 more opportunities to schedule a full price client, or deal with her life.

I don't disagree that there are various price points.  We just don't have enough info to nail down the exact number.

skisandboots5699 reads

...I want Tia to explain to me how seeing the provider twice for $600 instead of 4x for $720 is a better deal FOR THE GUY!  I know it's better for the provider, but how is it better for the guy?

Boston Tia6889 reads

Here we go again. Here is "Basic Math 101". Not college math but grade school math. Let me brake it down in lamens terms.

This guy wants to see this young lady every week. Ther are how many weeks in a month? Now follow me here. I know it may be difficult but I'm sure you can. This guy wants to see her 4 X per month at $180. That will = 180 x 4= $720 per month. If this same guy sees her 2 x per month at $300...That will be 2 X $300= $600 per month. This guy will save $120 per month. Here is the difference. The gentlman can see here more frequently per months and pay the additional $120 per month or see here less frequently for $120 less per month. It is his choice but seeing that he is trying to get this girl to see him at the cheapest rate possible it made more sense to assume that he would want to save $120 per month. Now if $ is not an issue. Why is he trying to be so cheap or get rock bottom rates? Is it because he knows she is a newbie and trying to take advantage of her??? If so, what a creep. If not, I was just trying to help this young lady be able to make a profit and help this guy save a few bucks.


atl_mgr6914 reads

Two sessions at 300 each do indeed total 600 for the month, as oppposed to four sessions at 180 each totalling 720 for the month.  He may be 'saving' 120, but he is also getting only 1/2 of the service that the extra 120 would have cost him.

It's not a better deal for the guy, no matter how you slice it -- because he's looking for 'value' for his hobby dollar, not the 'total cost' of those dollars in a given month.  In addition, just because a client has a specific price point in mind does not mean that he is cheap or trying to take advantage of anybody, expecially a new provider who admittedly does not know how or where to set her rates.

In some areas, 180 is a reasonable rate for a regular client, but we clearly don't have enough info to make that determination in this case.

The rest of the content in your posts have been spot-on.  I hope she contacts you for additional guidance, and that you are willing to assist her if she does so.

skisandboots5427 reads

... 2+2=3.  This math stuff is just too hard.  Can you teach spelling instead?

-- Modified on 2/22/2006 8:11:04 AM

Boston Tia6018 reads

You are entitled to your opinion as well as I am and Smelly, or anyone us for the matter. I did not tell this young lady what rate to set her rate at. She asked for some advice and I was happy to oblige. Yes, $600 a month compared to $720 a month is saving the guy $120 dollars a month. This guy said he wanted to see this young lady for $180 per week/every week. The math is simple. There are 4 weeks per month. So I multiplied $180 x 4. The math is simple.

If this young lady has a nice body/an x exotic dancer and offers good service she will most likely be able to get top dollar and that is far above $175-$200per hour. But then again it also depends on where she is based out of and the market in her area. Sorry to enlighten you to this fact...But this young lady did say she was a student..So she most likely does not have the time to sit at an incall location and ask for a $175-$200 rate. After her expenses she will be lucky to even brake even. Also remember she said she wanted to see a select few. At rates that low she will have every Tom, Dick, and Harry trying to see her. She also said she wanted to be somewhat exclusive to maximize her intake.
Last but not least a provider does not set her rate based on how many clients sees. Why, because we never know how many people we will see. So A provider should tell the tenth guy she sees at $175 that she will cut him a better deal because she has already seen 9 other guys. Yeah right. A gal can have 10 guys book a day (which is very, very unlikely)and she will be luck if half of them even show up. So she decreases her rates thinking 10 guys are going to show up and only 3 show up. Now those three guys got a hell of a deal and this poor girl is lucky if she can cover her incall expenses. Let me put it this way. Well in guy's terms. There are 10 cars on a lot. You need to sell them all to make the business lease/rent payment(her tuition) and make a profit. So you would mark all the cars down at rock bottom price to just get them off the lot. Seven of the cars do not sell and you sold 3 of them below sticker price. Who made out here. Not the one selling the cars but the person buying the car. By doing so you missed the point of making any profit let alone covering your expenses. I think that is called Business/Economics 101 in college.

Your opinion that a girl should ask for $175-$200 is somewhat bias. Why, because you are suggesting that a provider should charge this little and to only reap the rewards yourself. Kinda seems like your advice is a conflict of interest.

If your budget marker is at $175-$200 that is fine. I have no problem with that as you should not have a problem with mine and Smelly's advice to this young lady. We were giving her advice. She asked for some. That was it. Just trying to help her out. I wish someone had helped me out when I was a newbie and saved me from simple mistakes I could have easily avoided. Don't take things so personal. We are all her to have fun.


skisandboots6485 reads

...I never suggested she should price herself in any specific range.  Since none of us have any idea where she is from, I was certainly not suggesting a lower rate so that I could reap the benefits.  She could be 2000 miles away from me for all I know.  My point was that price ranges vary dramatically due to lots of factors.  Just b/c she was/is a dancer doesn't mean much to a lot of us.  Also, I didn't exactly suggest that she set her prices based on how many clients she sees.  I suggested she set her prices on how much she desires to make with supply and demand principles kept in mind.  Solid business math.  What I am still waiting on his how you figure $600 for half the service is a better deal FOR THE GUY than $720 is for twice the service?  As the Atlanta Mgr. said, the guy is looking for value.  We understand the math, and I'm not trying to bust your chops. I really like to see providers helping newbies (both new providers and hobbyists) and I respect your opinions, but your incorrect assertion about what is a "better deal for the guy" couldn't go unchecked.

Deja_Love3765 reads

Tia - you are positively a godsend!! I really appreciate you taking the time to be candid and answer my qustions so thoroughly.  I checked out your web site and I think that you are extremely beautiful, smart, and professional which gives me all the more reason to follow your advice.

I've definetly had the feeling that some guys are either cheap or trying to take advantage of me because I am new to the game, so I've decided to set my price at 200/250 for now.

I am going to look into setting up a web site within the next few weeks so that I can really cut down on the endless emails.  Can you give me an idea of what I can expect to pay for the start-up and maintenance?

I went out with the "sugar daddy" (lol) and his pockets definetly weren't as deep as I expected.   But I guess it was okay, he spent about 100 on dinner and drinks and I made 400.  He asked if it was okay to call me to book again and I agreed. He had a very different style about him, but it's tolerable so I guess I'll continue to see him.

You've been really helpful and I may need to take you up on the offer to email you if I have any more questions.

Thanks again.

WebTerrorist6076 reads

QUOTE"I am going to look into setting up a web site within the next few weeks so that I can really cut down on the endless emails.  Can you give me an idea of what I can expect to pay for the start-up and maintenance?"

Hi there. :)
The name's "Webbie"
and I am profecient in cheap and incompetent web design. :)
If you have any interest at all in some ugly coding from a frustrated and failed figure artist I may be just the web slve for you.
If you want you can often find me in TER chat, or ask about me there, they know me...and will be sure to tell you all the negative stuff.  :)

You still need to give me banner design lessons!!!

Boston Tia7008 reads

If you need help with information on web sites just email me. I can give you the # and web address for web hosting companies. Good luck, stay safe and I hope all works out for the best.


I dont know where you are but, lQQk on your local eros/cityvibe and see if you know someone there. You said you were a dancer so you can go back to the club and talk to people that you know about this. There also can be the possibly of a  reputable agency in your area that you might go work with until you learn some of the ropes.Look through your local reviews here to start.
There is much to learn.
Good Luck and stay safe, P.T.

-- Modified on 2/20/2006 1:25:53 PM

Fun Jake5529 reads

I don't think you need to do anything except get a couple of reviews posted.  I'm ready to hire you and I haven't even seen a pic!  You just sound very cool!  I agree -- 250 MINIMUM. Where are you located anyway?

Deja_Love5807 reads

Hi - thanks for responding.  I'm in the CA bay area and there are a ton of agencies. I have been checking them out a little to see if I'd be interested, but the thought of keeping all my money is still very appealing.  I'm still leaving all of my options open, icluding maybe working a couple nights a week at an "upscale" strip club - to kind of promote myself/scout.

Thank you for reading my response. Take it to heart as I truly mean it for your safety. Independency is a groovy thing but, we all pay our dues for our education. One bad call or one mistake on your part in screening can lead to a myriad of things going wrong.
As I said you might have a friend in the club or friend of a friend that can help you outand teach you the ropes.
Mentors are a wonderful thing, seek one out.

Welcome to the world DL.  Tia gave you good advice as did Smelly.  You need to get pics (cover your face for privacy) on a web site so we guys can find you.  Most ladies would say to stay away from other college students for various reasons.  A lot of ladies say guys over 35 only.  You didn't give us any idea of where you are located.  If you are nearby, I'm looking forward to meeting you.  As another has already said, you sound cool.

Deja_Love4559 reads

Hi keystonekid - My first date was only 20 and  was a great experience, but I do believe that it's a really good idea to stick to older men.  He has already booked with me again so I am goiing to keep him as a client, but I will avoid other young guys.  I would be horrified if I ended up dating a guy from my school!

You can be successful and spend extra time with clients that you like spending time with. The important issue that you need to work out is how to schedule your time, do not set up appointments that conflict with personal time or classes. You can do ads that do not show your face, many providers have such ads, if you provide legitimate services once a hobbyist has booked you then the face shielding will not be viewed as a ripoff device. You need to set up screening, the best choice is via email. Email services exist that allow you to remain largely anonymous, check out some of the escort related services that are offered on sites such as EROS, the spectrum cover all services that you may need, including photography, website services and email accounts.
Do not use a two tier pricing system, you could end up being viewed as an upseller by some clients that you charge more. A smart hobbyists will not let you know in advance how well off he is, as far as he knows you could use that information to rob him. A client will be understandably p**** off if he walks into a room with you, have you look at him and ask for $150 more than what he expected. Some well off hobbyists tip, focus on using a single hourly price and performing well, extra funds will often come your way, either in the form of repeat business or tips.
Beware of guys calling themselves "sugar daddies" they can be anything from ripoff artists, to even worse. Upscale hobbyists simply do not use the term.
Understand the market that you want to serve. If you are high end attractive and fit, $400 is a reasonable asking price for an hour of your time. Focus on setting up your pricing to encourage multiple hour visits, it save time for you and increase your take from a session.
When to take the money varies. I pay ladies upfront and do not mind if they count it. Some hobbyists prefer to not have the lady take money upfront. The best policy, IMO, is to take the money and discreetly count it by excusing yourself to visit the restroom. After counting put the money into your purse before exiting the restroom.
$180 is low if you have top of the line looks and a nice physique. You were/are a dancer, my guess is that you have one or both in abundance, if not you would not have been hired. You are on TER. Get a VIP membership ($20 per month), go to reviews and see what some of the better performing (7 or above for performance scores)ladies in your region are charging for an hour of their time and set you rate at the average.
You do not owe anyone time with you at a fee which you feel does not properly compensate you for your time. This is a business and you need to focus on charging a fee that is in line with the service that you provide.

I have been ask similar questions by newbies to this business. All the advise given is sound but I will add that each market is different and there in my opinion is medium market rate. Do your homework and TER is a good place to do that. Find out what the market will stand for the service your willing to offer. ou don't want to bee too cheap that you attract riff/raff or too expensive that the phone doesn't ring.

same Deja Love from the Daytona area, that had a CityVibe ad posted in 2003? If you are I would like to be screened and get in line!

Deja_Love4734 reads

Nope, sorry.  I'm a Cali girl. :o)

Hi All,
Deja you sound like a great girl with a great attitude.  I read Tia's advice for you and agree with it almost entirely, just thought I'd give you my slant on a couple of things.
1. I think it is really classy if a girl does NOT look for the envelope right away.  I always place it in plain view and make sure she knows it is there. I like it when the girl ignores the envelope. Feels more like a real date, a real GFE if you know what I mean.  Sometimes I've had to remind her to not forget to pick up the envelpe before she leaves! But yes, you do have to feel pretty strongly that your client is a trustworthy gentleman before doing this. Trust your instincts.

2. The anonymity question is a difficult one.  Personally, a girl's looks mean a great deal to me and everyone has their own personal idea of what they consider pretty and attractive. So I would never date someone who hid her face.  I prefer a full set of revealing photos, but if I had to choose, a good face pic is more important to me than the nude pics.  Maybe you can remain anonymous for now while you get comfortable as a provider, then maybe show your face later.  Or maybe you could send a more revealing photo only after you have screened your client.

3. Screening is your best insurance against LE. Any worthy client knows this and appreciates your need for safety and discretion and should be happy to give you whatever screening info you need.  Ask every prospect for references from known, reviewed providers.  Contact those providers and find out if the client is ok.  No more info is or need be discussed, just find out if the client is ok and for real.  Every experienced provider I have spoken with is happy to provide references because they know what goes around cums around!
be safe, and be happy out there!

Deja_Love5274 reads

Sweetman - excellent info, especially the screening tip... thank you!

WebTerrorist4592 reads

1.) Not looking at the "envelope" until after the session may make things seem more GFE to the client, but search the various boards here and read about clients shorting the lady on the envelope, passing counterfeit money, leaving an empty envelope, etc. and notice in particular the "regular" clients that do such things after noticing that the lady has become lax about checking because she "trusts" him.

Best advice on the enevelope, have the client leave it in the bathroom, then go in to "freshen up" and check it out of his view. Sorry if that notion kills the illusion for some of the clients, but if they can put the donation in the envelope and set it down in plain veiw for the lady, and still maintain the illusion...funny that the illusion would disappear if she looks at it.

2.)I know, and know of, a lot of ladies that have been found, and their anonymity is important for their life outside of work. I like a pretty face as much as the next person, and I do prefer being able to see a lady's face in her photos, but she has to do what makes her comfortable, and the "I would never see" line that so many prospective clients use when they don't like anything that a lady does or doesn't do is just manipulative footwork, that shows he doesn't really care much about what she needs so long as he gets what he wants.  

As for photos without the blurred face for prospective clients that have been screened, I would suggest against that.  Once a lady sends out an uneditied photo she no longer has any control over who it will be forwarded to, where it might be posted, who all might see it.  With some of the things I know get shared back channel, and off site, I know that passing along a photo of a lady's face would be no issue to many guys, and they would be quick to do it.  Hell, even a client a lady has seen many times doesn't have photographic evidence of the lady's appearance.

3.) Screening is good, and it will go further than most things to protect you, as will references...but neither is by itself completely safe.  You can check work refereneces, but all that will do is maybe prove someone by the name you were given works there, not necessarily who contacted you. References can be good, but a number of ladies won't respond, some will get angry about being asked for a reference, and worse yet, some will give an ok on a client they never saw (see link to thread from the General Board).

My best advice, find a mentor if you can, a lady that will take you under her wing so to speak, that will help you learn about how to screen, that will help you learn what to charge, how to collect, how to handle guys pushing for extras, pushing for BBFS, asking for freebies in exchange for reviews, threated bad reviews if you don't do something they want, that can help you handle the false reviews you may get, that can help you deal with clients that cross boundries, that will help you with the specifics of this business that can't be covered in a public message board post.

Also, I suggest finding Ladie's Boards and groups that can share "black list" information and will answer a number of questions in a more secure enviroment  where not just anyone can read it.

Best of luck to you, you seem like a nice lady, and I wish you the best in your pursuits.

-- Modified on 2/22/2006 2:01:50 PM

Two points. First, only you know or can assess what you have to loose/gain by full pics. If you r face gets you 10 clients and then you are outed, will you have lost or gained? Your call. With regard to $, the fact of the matter is the basis for our encounter is a business one. If we ["hobbists"] can't accept this then that's our problem. The reality is that in most - if not all - cases we would never encounter [in an intimate way] the fine women we see if it were not a business arrangement. So, get your "donation" up-front [but I do think it is a bit crude to count it in front of us, although I can live with that.] If it is done quickly and smoothly, then the mood/tone of the session need not be adversely affected. Too bad you are on the wrong coast!

There are some great replies to this thread.  Deja, you ask good questions.  My wife decided to become a provider and had all the same questions.

We ended up buying 3 books: "Going Pro", "Paying for it", and "The business side of escorting".  "Going Pro" was the most useful.  "Paying for it" is written by providers for clients, but it has great information if you aren't already in the profession.  "The business side of escorting" is ok, but as the title suggests, it is more about health insurance, taxes, etc than the actual nuts and bolts of escorting.

After reading the books, we hooked up with a friend of a friend who has been an escort for years.  She validated everything in the books.

If you don't know someone in the business who you can talk to, the books are a good reference.

Good luck!  Welcome to the fun side of life.

Mo Lester

Deja_Love5832 reads

Hey Mo,

Thank you so much for the reading material suggestions. I'm going to hop on amazon right now and order Going Pro, if they have it.

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