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Re: Change nothing....
impposter 49 Reviews 331 reads

Posted By: EllieFoxWeber
Re: Change nothing....
Thank you for your feedback!
You already included "Limited Time" which I almost always remember to suggest.  
"December Special: 30% Discount."
"January Special: 30% Discount."
"February Special: 30% Discount."
until you have achieved your goal, then it goes away.  
A "non-expiring" discount can be bad news. Clients might delay scheduling: "Discount! Oh, I'll see her NEXT time but see touring lady this time." And if you cancel w/o warning: "Hay! What about the discount? What do you mean you ended that last week?? Why didn't you tell me last week?!"  
Back to the agency: How do they get 9AM start times if they are using hotels? That must not include 1st and last days.  
Day 1: Check in at 3 PM (or so). Work til midnite.
Day 2 through N: 9 - midnite
Last Day: 9 am maybe. Check out by 11 am.
But some Providers prefer to move around to different hotels to avoid attracting attention by having a constant stream of visitors and using up 20 towels per day for a solid week.

Hi everyone! I'm a newb, and this week I had reached out to an agency because i'm having a real issue trying to get reviews. When they got back to me, 1) They said that they are only touring outside of FL because there is not enough work down here/there are too many ladies working in Miami and 2) That I would be expected to work Monday through Saturday from from 9 am to 11:45 pm with an estimated load of 5-10 clients per day (no pun intended). The person that got back to me proceeded to explain that the girls were bringing in 3k to 7k a week to which I responded, "if you're taking about 33% of that and the girls are still responsible for traveling expenses, what does that amount really end up looking like at the end of the week?" to which she answered "about 1k".
Now, I wasn't expecting this job to be a walk in the park, but not only does seeing 5-10 clients daily, working from 9am till midnight six days a week sound logistically impossible and a sad case of burnout waiting to happen, the whole point for why I wanted to get into this industry was because you can see a few clients every week, make a comfortable living and have time to have a life. What are your thoughts? Is this normal in the US?

These agencies were in my area. The providers didn't work Monday through Saturday. They chose the days they would work and their days and hours were posted on the agency web site. Most worked at least 4 days a week 8 hours or less. There were some that did more and it varied from week to week. One agency had a 60/40 split (provider got 60%). I don't know about the others. I heard one was 65/35. There providers didn't tour unless they wanted to. Most stayed in the agency's area.

I have heard of and read about agencies that operated as you describe but not all do. There are good and not so good agencies out there. Do your research and find a good one. The benifits you listed of doing this are possible with an agency but being an independent provider puts it all in your control. Many providers start with an agency to have time to acclimate and figure things out. They then move on to be independent.

-- Modified on 12/7/2017 7:00:35 PM

GaGambler184 reads

This sounds barely above slave labor and a complete rip off to you.

Can you honestly imagine fucking 15 hours a day, six days a week, fucking anywhere from 30-50 guys a week to make a paltry grand a week?

Even with the K-girls and other Asian Agencies which are known to be high volume like you are describing the girls are going to NET $3-5 K a week for working that hard.

I don't think you need me to tell you to don't walk, but run away from this "opportunity" as fast as you can as there are a lot of legitimate agencies out there that will give you a fair shake.

That's exactly what I thought! What pains me most is that a lot of the girls these agencies advertise are young Hispanic or East European immigrants that don't know how to ask these questions or are resigned to work like that out of desperation.

HappyChanges168 reads

Hispanic, Chinese (Korean) and Russian hookers who can't speak a lick of English and spread those hooker legs out of desperation. Such a shame. Some of my best experiences has been from girls who speak mumbo jumbo.

Would you guys be able to provide me with some constructive criticism on my pictures? I want to take some more but not at the expense of looking redundant.  Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

HappyChanges170 reads

You're pictures are alluring, eye catching and hot!!!

Posted By: EllieFoxWeber
Re: Change nothing....
Thank you for your feedback!
You already included "Limited Time" which I almost always remember to suggest.  
"December Special: 30% Discount."
"January Special: 30% Discount."
"February Special: 30% Discount."
until you have achieved your goal, then it goes away.  
A "non-expiring" discount can be bad news. Clients might delay scheduling: "Discount! Oh, I'll see her NEXT time but see touring lady this time." And if you cancel w/o warning: "Hay! What about the discount? What do you mean you ended that last week?? Why didn't you tell me last week?!"  
Back to the agency: How do they get 9AM start times if they are using hotels? That must not include 1st and last days.  
Day 1: Check in at 3 PM (or so). Work til midnite.
Day 2 through N: 9 - midnite
Last Day: 9 am maybe. Check out by 11 am.
But some Providers prefer to move around to different hotels to avoid attracting attention by having a constant stream of visitors and using up 20 towels per day for a solid week.

Awesome! Thank you for the suggestions! :)

As for the agency misadventures, I'll be completely honest, I completely tuned the lady out after she outlined those ludicrous parameters.

I had to be asked repeatedly by my favorites to join TER and start writing reviews, and I'm glad they hounded me to do it.

Ask nicely, and offer an incentive like a discount if they do so.   You'll start to get those reviews and not have to kowtow to those agencies.

I tried doing that on my ad, but i was swiftly advised that discounts for reviews are against the rules lol

That agency offer seems pretty crappy. GaG mentioned K-girls and AMPs. There is a difference in that they are usually working out of agency owned apartments or commercial space and they don't have a daily hotel expense.  
I was watching Shark Tank and one of the contestants said, "Since I have commitments and another real job, I'd like to make you a counteroffer, Mr. Agency. Would you accept two days per week, from check-in until 1 AM, and a 30 minute break between sessions? (No back to back sessions.)"  The thing is, if an agency books a room, they want to get the maximum profit from that expense.  (Did you say that they put 100% of the cost of the room on you? Hotels? How do start at 9 am if check-in usually isn't available until late morning at the earliest?)  I don't think that "check-in til 1 AM, maximum of three clients with one hour between visitors" is a reasonable counteroffer.  
I notice that your personal indy rates are above average.  That could be another incompatibility with agencies.  Are their rates also in your indy ballpark? That could create a conflict for you and the agency. Many will not want to see on "your" days and will wait for an agency (cheaper) day.  The agency does not want to hear complaints from the others: "Elle is listed at $$$$$$ but we're only getting shit."  Before you know it, he's got a rebellion on his hands, he has to raise ALL the rates and business goes elsewhere.
You want to make some money. The agency wants to make some money. Do you think you can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement?  (I think so.)

Posted By: EllieFoxWeber
Re: Have you worked at getting reviews?...
I tried doing that on my ad, but i was swiftly advised that discounts for reviews are against the rules lol
There can be no quid pro quo discount offers and surely no bartering for a "good" review. However, you can make a non-conditional offer of something like "$X discount to experienced TER members" (where experienced means TER guys who have written reviews).  
Some TER reviewers prefer to maintain their anonymity and independence to review w/o blowback or pressure.  They might reply to your ad, but they won't bite at the discount.
Be sure to confirm someone claiming to be a TER member either by PM (if you have paid VIP) or ask him to post something specific to the boards. I.e., if someone sends you an email and claims to be impposter, tell them to post a "Nice pics!" reply to one of your TER posts.  If he says, "I forgot my password." or "I don't have VIP." (You don't need VIP to post. Basic members can post.) or if he tries some other excuse and cannot post as impposter then he is NOT impposter. He is an imposter impposter!  
You should post ads to the relevant FL board and you can mention "discount for TER members" or "discount for 'experienced' TER members" there. Posted TER ads is a guaranteed way to reach TER members!  
Just to prove that I am really impposter: "Nice pics!"

-- Modified on 12/8/2017 7:33:58 AM

Hi Impposter,

Thank you for the suggestions and advice! keep them coming because I need all I can get ! lol
During that initial phone call I did ask if there was any way to work with less frequency, the lady said that the girls were responsible to PAY THE AGENCY BACK money if they didn't work on days they were supposed to. Your optimism is commendable, but there was no negotiating with these people. She never asked about my rate outside the agency, not that it would matter anyway since it would be next to impossible for me to also work on the ONE day off they were offering (i'd imagine the girls use it to ice their p**sies all day hahahaha).

As for the ad, I didn't state that the discount would be for "good" reviews, just any reviews and they still disallowed it. I honestly wouldn't mind at all members that prefer to not to review after a meeting, after all, I myself don't review every purchase I make through amazon lol. If I could get regular business without the reviews, I'd meet with anonymous members all day if they wanted lol

That is what is called "salesmanship".

Be sure to flutter those eye-lashes.  8o)

Posted By: EllieFoxWeber
As for the ad, I didn't state that the discount would be for "good" reviews, just any reviews and they still disallowed it.
"Discount for experienced TER members" is not a discount for a review! It is merely an inducement for people with a history of writing reviews to come and visit, whether or not they actually write a review.  There is no quid pro quo. You could also post, "Discount for left handers with huge thumbs!" in the hope of getting visitors who will do a good job rubbing one out for you.  
"Past performance is no guarantee of future results." but established reviewers probably offer a better chance of writing a review than some new guy who has never even heard of TER, especially if you ask nicely. If you are good, you can suck one out of them!  A review, that is. :-)  
And, as mrfisher said, just ASK your guests after the session!  
And, as GaG pointed out, he didn't mention AMPs. Sorry GaG. I don't memorize every post I allude to. It's not senescence, it's the new, terrible TER GUI with the huge fonts and wasteful white space. It's a mess to navigate and to keep enough info in tabs and windows to make cross-checking simple.

Oooohhhhh! I missed that small detail in diction. I now see what you are saying: to not even mention the word "review." I'll make sure to include that in my next ad. Again, I sincerely  thank you for the help. Hopefully this learning curve doesn't take too long.  In the meantime, my next step is cementing my presence online. I had absolutely no clue that this community existed.

GaGambler185 reads

but even AMP girls make a LOT more than a grand a week.

There are actually a lot of Asian Agencies that use this same type of business model where the girls "tour" constantly and work out of hotels, a lot of the time the customers have no idea that they are not booking with an indy. The difference of course is that most of these agencies don't fuck their girls over like this.

Your optimism is commendable, but misguided, Negotiation only works when both parties are operating in good faith. This agency is fucking over their girls and that seems to be their business model, they are NOT likely to ever give one of their girls a fair shot. The OP is also a rather high dollar girl, if she wants to have any chance of getting the rates she is asking for she would be doing herself a serious disservice by working for a high volume agency, No one is going to pay $650 hr to a girl who was working for some rip off agency the week before and who's only reviews are as an agency girl. It's a horrible fit for her, and attempting to negotiate with them is a COMPLETE waste of time.

It's funny, salesmen think you can always negotiate, but once they enter into their own businesses, they find out rather quickly that sometimes the best negotiation practice is to tell the other party to fuck off, lol

for this agency; stay independent.  

Your website is fine, your pics are fine. The only suggestion I would make is maybe add some pics showing you wearing other styles of clothing like casual wear, swimsuit, etc. It is not necessary to show "the goods" but a hardened nipple under a tight top or swimsuit works wonder for guys who are attracted by visuals.

Hobbyists in general are price driven as well. Your rate (even with the discount-while it lasts) is high for the Miami area for someone with no review history. PM me if you want some examples of TER ladies who are well-reviewed, equally attractive, and charging a more reasonable rate.

Good luck.

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