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Provider not showing at appointment
Roleha 1365 reads

What will cause a provider to set an appointment then not show?  This has happened twice with the same provider but she has been nice about canceling.  Has used good excuses both times.

most gals do not pull that stuff, so if it's a big deal to you (It is to me.), then find another, better provider.

Before COVID, when business was probably better, a common explanation for a late cancellation, NCNS, or ghosting was "she got a better offer."  If you have an appointment for a particular hour and she gets a request for a multi-hour date spanning your time, she may be inclined to accept that 3-hour date. However, just to be on the safe side (What the 3-hour guy doesn't show?), you are kept on the books with no message.  
Sometimes, she might be entertaining a guest, expecting to see you after he leaves. However, he might ask her if he can extend his visit. Even though it might conflict with your appointment, it is somehow easy for many Providers to favor the naked guy who is clearly not LE and isn't too disgusting and who has a fat wallet that has already been opened and agree to extend the date.  
What boggles and BOTHERS most of us is that she can't take 60 seconds to send a text message, "Sorry for the late notice. Must cancel. Will explain later."  She can fib to her current visitor, "I was going to have dinner with my friend" or "I was going to go shopping with my friend" and "Just give me one minute to send her a text message to let her know I'll be delayed. ... Done! Now, back to you!"  
When she does finally "explain" things to you, she doesn't have to tell you about the other guy. She needs a story that keeps from her phone for a few hours. "My friend broke her arm and I had to take her to the ER where we say for 3 hours."  Didn't you give me that excuse the last time?? "No, last time it was her other arm." So this is the 5th time she broke her arms? "No, this is a new friend."  
My first and worst NCNS came around 15 minutes after confirmation "I am parking in the garage now. See you in 15 min." counter confirmed "OK. See you." and then nothing: "Room number?" nothing. "Are you OK?" nothing. I called her and her booker every 15 min or so. I was panicking. I thought she had been mugged, or worse. Or was picked up by LE.  The next day, I got the ridiculous and not credible explanation but I rescheduled. I was comped a free hour and I had a great time when we finally met a week or two later.

Posted By: Roleha

What will cause a provider to set an appointment then not show?  This has happened twice with the same provider but she has been nice about canceling.  Has used good excuses both times.

I have had two separate providers ghost me after setting incall sessions. They are both well reviewed too. Neither let me know until the next day. I completely understand this isn't like going to Walmart but I def wish communication was better...

I haven't been ghosted or NCNS'ed in the past 10 years in the hobby.  The providers I scheduled with were nothing short of super-reliable.  I suppose my seniority and community presence helped me, despite me being only an occasional hobbyist.  But early on in my hobby carrier, it happened to me all the fucking time.  I suppose my young age (early to mid 20's) or my nervous voice on the phone were my downfall.  The worst one was actually in my first foray in the hobby.  The girl went as  far as giving me fake directions!  I ended up at a supermarket!  Then, when I called, she didn't pick up; not surprising, from today's point of view.

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