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Provider info no longer available?
Linguafranca 5814 reads

I was in the midst of setting up an appointment with a provider who had (still does for now) an ad on tryst as well as 6 or so reviews here from the past few months.    Suddenly I see her listing here (TER ID: 367801) says "provider information no longer available".  Why would that be?  Does TER honor requests from providers to expunge their reviews?  Does it mean the provider was determined to be fraudulent?

but also gal's leave the business and take down their websites, and then someone reports it as gone.   After a while TER will delist the person because to have a profile one must have a valid web presence with photo, etc.

She could have also been delisted by TER for any number of infractions.

but also gal's leave the business and take down their websites, and then someone reports it as gone.   After a while TER will delist the person because to have a profile one must have a valid web presence with photo, etc.
Not sure where you came up with that information ^^.  It is not true and never has been. Yes providers can be de-listed for cause, and they can be de-listed by request, but TER has never purged profiles because a provider no longer has a web presence.  

TER rules are that in order to review a provider she must have  a web presence (i.e. an ad on a provider ad mall) with a means of contact such as a phone number or email address. Nowhere does it say a photo is required. To start a provider profile she needs a web presence. To add a review to an existing profile, she needs a web presence. Once a profile gets made it does not get deleted because she no longer has a web presence.  
There are tens of thousands of profiles in the system  of providers who are no longer active and have no web presence.  

Here’s an example of someone you know well.

There are a few gals I still see who were active on TER many years ago (~10) who, when I go to their TER profile, the "no longer active" banner appears.

I told them about it and they said they never asked for it to be taken down, but their web pages are down, so I presumed that someone made TER aware of the fact with a problem report, and TER followed up by taking down their site.

I'm surprised to hear that one doesn't need a web presence with a photo, because I thought I had read that fact on these pages way back when I first started viewing TER.

Maybe it was a rule way back when.   It ought to be a rule now.

Steve_Trevor305 reads

“To add a review to an existing profile, she needs a web presence.”  I’ve seen many cases where the profile has no web links or only an invalid web link, yet a new review is published.  Perhaps those reviews were published in error?

I think the bit about a picture is a bit ambiguous myself.

"You must also enter the provider’s web address in the "Web Site" field, along with her site name. If she advertises on an adult mall, a link that takes us directly to her ad will speed up your review process. To make the link, find the picture of the girl at the mall site and right click (or SHIFT+CLICK) on her photo. A pop up menu will appear. Choose the option to “Open in a new window.” The direct link will appear in the address bar above. Copy and paste that address into your review. Remember, names of escort agencies or newspapers aren’t good enough. Classified ads are also unacceptable. Only URL or web links will pass muster." (Section 6)

Seems to imply that TER expects the links to include a picture. I also think there is a policy that says without a clear name and picture the profile cannot be for an escort but will be treated as a MP review/profile.

But clearly TER does not just remove profiles due to the URL going bad.

A provider can be de-listed for cause, but she can also be de-listed upon request. See the info in the link below.

As rules have never been completely explained it seems to me that since Fosta/ Sesta that providers can at will delist and advertise. Previously to not be reviewed they had to remove all adds or reviews were fair to review. There are many providers with good reviews that just to not like the detailed reviews the at have delisted and then there are those that have done the same for TER not removing those providers honestly feel are fakes.

Wouldn't it be strange for her to have requested delisting, but to still have a tryst ad up that provides a link to her (now defunct) profile here?   Which would seem to suggest it was for cause?  

Of course it could be for cause: caused by general ditziness, or disorder, or chaos, or just not keeping track of all aspects of her Provider Persona. Just another aspect of Hooker Math.

Posted By: Linguafranca
Re: strange...?
Wouldn't it be strange for her to have requested delisting, but to still have a tryst ad up that provides a link to her (now defunct) profile here?   Which would seem to suggest it was for cause?  

I noticed a well known provider in LA has been recently delisted on TER. She had several reviews on here and all were very good (9s and 10s). Recently a couple reviews pointed out she’s older than you’d think and rated her 7 or 8ish. Just one or two reviews. Her most recent ones though.  Nothing bad just honest. Then she’s delisted but still currently advertising on tryst and elsewhere. Same name same contact info ect.  Interesting.   She didn’t like the bad press so she bails on TER and they allowed it??   I can’t think of another explanation.

I noticed the same thing on a provider I follow who's also from L.A.  I wonder if it's the same provider?

Posted By: Wildcat2006
Re: strange...?
I noticed a well known provider in LA has been recently delisted on TER. She had several reviews on here and all were very good (9s and 10s). Recently a couple reviews pointed out she’s older than you’d think and rated her 7 or 8ish. Just one or two reviews. Her most recent ones though.  Nothing bad just honest. Then she’s delisted but still currently advertising on tryst and elsewhere. Same name same contact info ect.  Interesting.   She didn’t like the bad press so she bails on TER and they allowed it??   I can’t think of another explanation.

I follow an active provider on Twitter who mentioned she delisted her profile on here TER on her own terms because she hated what TER has become, I guess? And the fake over-hype reviews she's been getting on here. Maybe seek out if she has a Twitter acct

Someone said something about a provider removing herself bc not liking what ter has become re: over hyped reviews etc. I agree with what I think is being said. I was here many years ago w a different name in a different area (ter is aware, I had delisted myself). With the new system, my ratings are dropped when people that don’t know any better don’t put in enough “alphabet soup”; i.e. they don’t satisfy the algorithm or something with enough abbreviations. So it falsely drops your scores. Total bummer when I know my talent is unparalleled.

Don't try to overthink why a provider might want to delist on TER. I have given dozens of reviews over the years, strive to keep them informative, professional and complimentary, but I refuse to lie and exaggerate. I had one companion who after she saw my review which BTW was a 9/9, I provided a description of a dozen or so appealing features and made one critique. She lashed out at me and semi-stalked me (which I totally ignored), and it was shortly after that she de-listed herself.  The emotionally balanced companions and legitimate hobbyists will realize there are jerks in the hobby and to just ignore their reviews and even the jerk altogether. If I were a companion in the business, I would do my own research and refuse to see the guys who have jerky behavior and display it through their reviews. On the flip-side, I have heard of providers thanking their clients on the feedback saying that it has made them better providers. Very refreshing and a good suggestion of getting feedback from companions on how the gents can be better clients and make the time spent more enjoyable.

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