Newbie - FAQ

Posting pics - photos - images is an FAQ
ellesutton See my TER Reviews 325 reads
1 / 8

Have tried attaching pictures to my DC, Seattle and other threads here and can never get one to show up!
For the link I've tried getting the link off a pic from my website, from another ad board, from one uploaded to imgur or another site and TER either doesn't accept it or does and it doesn't show up?

(The pictures do have the correct ending, are all .gif , .png or .jpg

Thank you!

impposter 49 Reviews 43 reads
2 / 8

Post one or more links that you are using in the BODY of a post so we can take a look at it. You can include it in the "Picture URL" box also but we need to see the link itself to see if there's a problem.  
For example, I am going to try to post this link:
by putting it in the "Picture URL [ ]" box, below.
That is a restaurant in the Sutton Place neighborhood of Manhattan (NYC). Sutton Place was named after an early owner / land developer there, Effingham B. Sutton.  Any relation? Long, lost ancestor? Maybe you own a piece of Manhattan?
(Note: httpS is not a hot link in a TER post. Delete the s to plain http and the link becomes a clickable hot link on TER.)

Posted By: ellesutton

 Have tried attaching pictures to my DC, Seattle and other threads here and can never get one to show up!  
 For the link I've tried getting the link off a pic from my website, from another ad board, from one uploaded to imgur or another site and TER either doesn't accept it or does and it doesn't show up?  
 (The pictures do have the correct ending, are all .gif , .png or .jpg  
 Thank you!
Sutton Place is right where the 59th Street Bridge enters Manhattan so I'm linking to Simon and Garfunkle's "59th Street Bridge Song" on youtube, too.

-- Modified on 8/14/2024 5:10:16 PM

ellesutton See my TER Reviews 29 reads
3 / 8

This is super helpful, thank you so much! (Also having moved from Manhattan last year, I enjoy the tie-in :P

Here, I'll try and link a picture I tried to do before:

-This pic from my website:

(When I tried to submit that one, it says ' The Picture an invalid type (only gif,jpg,bmp,png)"')  ^^

- now, trying to submit the picture I wanted to submit in the travel date thread when I responded to that, this time I tried uploading it to Imgur first: , in which i also get the 'invalid type' message.

The first is jpg and the second is png, what's wrong?

impposter 49 Reviews 34 reads
4 / 8

In the meantime, check out these more detailed threads (and there are MANY more):

Posted By: ellesutton

 Have tried attaching pictures to my DC, Seattle and other threads here and can never get one to show up!  
 For the link I've tried getting the link off a pic from my website, from another ad board, from one uploaded to imgur or another site and TER either doesn't accept it or does and it doesn't show up?  
 (The pictures do have the correct ending, are all .gif , .png or .jpg  
 Thank you!

36363jensen 4 Reviews 25 reads
5 / 8

I think it is due to the characters after the .jpg. We'll see if this works

36363jensen 4 Reviews 26 reads
6 / 8

Yep. Use  
in the picture URL and it should be fine.

ellesutton See my TER Reviews 22 reads
7 / 8

Testing testing testing!

Posted By: impposter
Re: Posting pics - photos - images is an FAQ
In the meantime, check out these more detailed threads (and there are MANY more):
Posted By: ellesutton
  Have tried attaching pictures to my DC, Seattle and other threads here and can never get one to show up!  
  For the link I've tried getting the link off a pic from my website, from another ad board, from one uploaded to imgur or another site and TER either doesn't accept it or does and it doesn't show up?  
  (The pictures do have the correct ending, are all .gif , .png or .jpg  
  Thank you!

ellesutton See my TER Reviews 22 reads
8 / 8

Yay, that was the fix! Thank you thank you :)

Posted By: ellesutton
Re: Posting pics - photos - images is an FAQ
Testing testing testing!
Posted By: impposter
Re: Posting pics - photos - images is an FAQ  
 In the meantime, check out these more detailed threads (and there are MANY more):
Posted By: ellesutton
   Have tried attaching pictures to my DC, Seattle and other threads here and can never get one to show up!    
   For the link I've tried getting the link off a pic from my website, from another ad board, from one uploaded to imgur or another site and TER either doesn't accept it or does and it doesn't show up?    
   (The pictures do have the correct ending, are all .gif , .png or .jpg    
   Thank you!

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