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Pink not taking new clients..sad_smile
XBeatle 3 Reviews 7719 reads

..mostly everything I read about PINK & their girls on this site was very positive. So, I decided to call and arrange an appointment with a girl that I was very excited about. However, to my dismay, I was treated very rudely on the phone when asked if I was already a client. The guy abuptly told me that their "laying low" and not taking on new clients. Just curious if anyone knew of any problems over there.

..well I guess that I'm from Mars Frankie cause I didn't know..perhaps you should consider that some people have a life outside of the escort world!!!!

There have been some major agency busts in NYC over the last month and a half and there probaly will be more. You may want to try travelling independents that are reviewed. But realize that this is risky business and there is no certainty that even a highly reviewed provider may not have been compromised in some way, although cops probaly would rather spend their time going after bigger fish, like big agencies.

I am not trying to start a personal fight with Frankie for saying this, but you should ignore some of his biting posts and not let them get to you. He seems to occasionally do such posts, although I think that he is a benefit to this particular board. hear ya still. just a newbie trying to get some info.
I appreciate your input..

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