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Not an uncommon problem
impposter 49 Reviews 402 reads

There's no shame in PE. Especially if you already think it might happen, bring your sense of humor, too. "Holy crap! A new record! ... And it's your fault!" ;-)  

Roman Polanski, a well known and experienced womanizer, said that he experienced PE during his first hook up with Jane Fonda because he was so excited. (And he felt embarrassed. It's well within normal for PE to happen AND to feel embarrassed.)

Do you watch porn? Wonder about those guys who can bang away with a hard on for 45 minutes before climaxing? I've read a couple of things: drugs (that keep 'em erect and delay ejaculation); film editing! they take breaks, they cut out a premature ejaculation and cut it in later.  

Just go with the flow whether, it happens early or late, and concentrate on having an overall good time with a well chosen (read the reviews) provider.

Good luck! Have fun!
Posted By: rmbs
i am a newbie, 50 yo but sexually not very experienced (same uninterested woman for 20 years), nervous and will probably come in 5 min. are there providers who are facile in such a situation, can put the client at ease and can direct the whole session? i have been thinking to see a provider for 5 years now but have yet to take the plunge.

rmbs1241 reads

i am a newbie, 50 yo but sexually not very experienced (same uninterested woman for 20 years), nervous and will probably come in 5 min. are there providers who are facile in such a situation, can put the client at ease and can direct the whole session? i have been thinking to see a provider for 5 years now but have yet to take the plunge.

There are absolutely providers who are facile in such a situation.  Most of these ladies are consummate professionals and they can handle a vast array of men's issues - erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, physical disabilities, general nervousness and first-time-p4p jitters, etc.  Unfortunately, I don't have any specific recommendations for you (but others might).  My suggestion would be to 1) shoot for an experienced, well-reviewed provider; and 2) consider telling her your situation in the appointment-booking process.  The more experience the provider has, the more likely it is that she's faced that situation and has plenty of tools in the tool box for overcoming those challenges.  A lady whose been doing this for a while may be your best bet.  A girl who just started six months ago and is still learning the ropes may have a tougher time.  And if she knows what to expect before you walk in the room, she will be more prepared - and it may put you more at ease, too.  If you mention your issue to her in the booking process and she stiff-arms you, there's a pretty good chance that session wouldn't have gone well anyway, so it may just be a bullet dodged.  

One caveat: many ladies will ignore you or stiff-arm you if your introductory and booking messages are too explicit.  This is for good reason.  So on 2, you will need to be subtle.  

Good luck!!

-- Modified on 7/23/2016 3:53:28 PM

jjllrrkk376 reads

This was the information I was looking for actually. This is going to help me in the near future. The funny thing I pick this girl even before I knew about her reviews. She has been providing for 6 years and the reviews are all the same in wording about her personality. I agree that what type of experience is one looking for to have. I just went inward and the answers were there for me. This just made me feel more comfortable and that I have pick the correct one. Thank you for the post and response helped out a lot.

To offset it, I would masturbate about an hour or two before the session.  It worked pretty well.

Now, in my 60s, the opposite is the problem.  I hold off at least a week in order that I can ejaculate at least once, though most gals manage to get a second cup from me after an hour of relaxing.

In my 40s I was one mean, lean, screwing machine

There's no shame in PE. Especially if you already think it might happen, bring your sense of humor, too. "Holy crap! A new record! ... And it's your fault!" ;-)  

Roman Polanski, a well known and experienced womanizer, said that he experienced PE during his first hook up with Jane Fonda because he was so excited. (And he felt embarrassed. It's well within normal for PE to happen AND to feel embarrassed.)

Do you watch porn? Wonder about those guys who can bang away with a hard on for 45 minutes before climaxing? I've read a couple of things: drugs (that keep 'em erect and delay ejaculation); film editing! they take breaks, they cut out a premature ejaculation and cut it in later.  

Just go with the flow whether, it happens early or late, and concentrate on having an overall good time with a well chosen (read the reviews) provider.

Good luck! Have fun!

Posted By: rmbs
i am a newbie, 50 yo but sexually not very experienced (same uninterested woman for 20 years), nervous and will probably come in 5 min. are there providers who are facile in such a situation, can put the client at ease and can direct the whole session? i have been thinking to see a provider for 5 years now but have yet to take the plunge.

rmbs342 reads

what happens if you come in 5 min, and theres 55 min to go? what happens the rest of the session?
thats my main concern.

Posted By: rmbs
what happens if you come in 5 min, and theres 55 min to go? what happens the rest of the session?  thats my main concern.
Some service providers are one-and-done. The faster they get you to finish, the faster they hustle you out the door so they can get back to watching Jerry Springer. They are at the low end of those available. AVOID THEM. Read reviews before booking!

Many ladies who are well reviewed on TER are well reviewed because they are NOT one-and-done. You book an hour, you get an hour ... or so :-)  There is no problem with taking care of business early and then cuddling for 50 minutes, if she is a cuddler. Maybe you prefer to sit around or lay with her and chat for the remainder of the hour. Read the reviews to find the right type for you ("Not a cuddler." "Service was great but trying to having a conversation was like pulling teeth." Etc. Basically, you can expect to get a 60 minute hour from a good escort.

Keep in mind that that hour might be:  
greeting, chit chat 5 minutes
you or both of you take a shower 5-10 minutes
more chit chat easing into non-chit chat :-) for a few minutes
[non chit chat; after you're done with non-chit chat]
some cleanup
some chit chat or cuddling or debate android vs iPhone or Trump vs Clinton  ...
at around 45-50 minutes, you might want to take a clean-up shower
at 55 minutes, you're getting dressed
at 59 minutes, a hug, a kiss and you're out the door, maybe with a sigh or a whimper, but hopefully with a huge smile on your face

When your "bang" comes early, the session "ends not with a bang, but a whimper."

If you don't like my literary allusions, it's Tough Shit, Eliot

If you want to cuddle and/or chat for the remainder of your hour, virtually every provider will accommodate that.  After all, you did pay for the time and companionship.  But if you don't want the sensual delights to end, just make sure you pick a provider that allows MSOG aka multiple pops.  Most but not all do allow MSOG.  You can usually figure that out by looking at her TER profile (or her profiles on other sites) and/or reading her TER reviews.  You may need VIP access to see it.  Good luck!

reading reviews (TER VIP needed for details), will offer a massage, lots of cuddle time, mutual touching, teasing and a 2nd pop if you are able. With GFE ladies you book 60 minutes, you get 60 minutes.

souls_harbor198 reads

Isn't anyone else interested in exploring the provider's body?  If I came while still outside the door, I stay for the entire hour anyway.  

Posted By: rmbs
what happens if you come in 5 min, and theres 55 min to go? what happens the rest of the session?  
 thats my main concern.

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