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sparky5363 2778 reads
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OK, OK I know this is a bit juvenile. I'm on the small side where it counts (hate that) and sometimes it feels like I'm lost in a dark cavern, I can hear the echoes but I can't feel the walls! LoL. I've had mixed experiences in the past, some women are tight, some not so. For some, it was disappointing, for others it didn't appear to be. My question is 1) does size matter to a provider 2) any recommendations on what positions would increase the "friction quotient".  OK, everyone can stop smirking now!

try10027 4 Reviews 1694 reads
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Remember! its not the size of the pen that matters.. its the what the pen can do!!

i dont know... providers will answer i am sure... but i thought i give you my 2 pennies

MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 1413 reads
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you do not need to worry yourself about pleasing her. You may in fact - she may enjoy having sex with you. But it is best if we leave these worries at the door, along with our ego and worries about size, performance, etc. The lady will find it easier to enjoy us that way.

Many providers will be glad to coach you a bit - to guide you in terms of what pleases them. If you show interest, and if you listen. That's the real key. Every woman is unique - no matter your size or experience level, *listen* to the lady you're with and you are more likely make her happy.....

HelpfulHobbyist 1199 reads
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mattradd 40 Reviews 1573 reads
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The lady's there to make certain you and Mr. Happy are plenty pleased. You might try the spinner type, and for added friction you can do mish with your knees outside, in opposed to inside, her knees.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1241 reads
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charlie445 3 Reviews 1147 reads
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MeetEricaStone See my TER Reviews 1616 reads
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Really, we like little wieners, it's the huge ones that cause discomfort.  And folks are right, it's not your performance that's being  evaluated, don't sweat it.

jdeamicis 1301 reads
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Feeling better already, thanks all!

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1709 reads
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Strong kegels are what really contributes to a feeling of "tightness". A slender waist has nothing at all to do with the tightness of a woman's privates. I am nowhere close to a spinner, but many men have told me that I am very tight. I could be wrong, but I attribute it to excellent control of my kegel muscles. I've been known on some occassions to actually push Mr. Happy out accidentally from the strength of the muscle contractions when I orgasm.

To add to the topic though, the best position to really increase the "friction quotient" is to start in doggy style, man's knees outside the woman's, then have her slowly drop to her tummy, with her legs straight. It is a very delightful position, both for her and for him. One word of caution though, this is the one position where I have had condoms break on two different ocassions, so do take care and be certain that there is plenty of lubrication.

mattradd 40 Reviews 930 reads
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The size of the ladies waist has nothing to do with tightness. What I said was definitely a generalization based on personal experience, which admittedly is not particularly extensive. Regarding that position, it's sounds like a winner, but I haven't had much luck with it due to extreme rigidity. Usually the lady I'm with finds it painful or uncomfortable. Thanks for your input. I'm sure the OP will find it helpful too. :)

GaGambler 1423 reads
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usually referred to as either "lazy dog" or "lazy puppie" position. If I have sex more than two or three times in a day it is often the only position I can finish in without skin on skin contact.

Biglittleguy 13 Reviews 3130 reads
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The size of your wallet is more important.

I just had a great session, she was sidesaddle on the bed. Kind of a combination of Mish, and doggy, her legs together, as she lay on her side, I was behind her.  Very tight, so there was lots of pressure.

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 2111 reads
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no in the end it doesn't.
I have been with men of all sizes, can't say I prefer one over the other. Its NOT the size but your ability.
If you are sensual passionate and intimate damn hon,
you do not need to big but in tune with what your partner seems to enjoy and visa versa.

Its a combination of many aspects that put together, creates a wonderful experience.
Stop concentrating on what you think is not your strong points and focus on what truely is.

sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 1947 reads
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well yes, the donation is a must to see me...but if after I have seen you and it was not an experience i too enjoyed, I will not see you again. I need this to be more than  the money in the envelope.  I want to enjoy myself as well. So to say the size of the donation is all that matters, thats not always true.  Its not all about the sex either, its the whole package. Its the stimulating conversation, one's personality, that "click" that I adore! I want it all and even if the sex is not, the best I have ever had, I can be stimulated in many ways.
It's a mind fuck first ya know.  We are not all in this just for the money alone. Many Ladies like that connection, the thrill of the new and interesting encounters, and it only makes sense that at the same time, why Not pay the bills.

CaptainFollowme 2289 reads
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I say it is not the size of the ship that matters it is the motion of the ocean that counts.

Thank you
2009 = 27

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