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Most gals discourage this
harborview 10 Reviews 392 reads

because it requires more dressing, hair, makeup.  If you want such a date, expect to pay for the time...  she's already "giving" the extra prep time.

InLustOfBigBust1918 reads

Newbie here.  I'm just curious if when meeting a provider in the bar area of an upscale hotel and having a quick drink if that ten minutes or so is on the clock?  I'm pretty sure the answers will vary from provider to provider but I'm curious if there is some kind of general consensus about this.  

I had one provider who asked me to have a drink with her and all was good.  But I'd hate to fall into a situation where we get tangled up at the bar, due to slow service etc., and have an abbreviated session.

The only providers I see are all well reviewed on TER with multiple reviewers, absolutely no only BP gals.  (Just a little background info on the company I seek)

Thanks hobbyists and providers, I appreciate any input you can offer me.

gentlemen first and foremost for a cocktail or light fare, it really depends on the lady. There is no general consensus I'm afraid. My personal schtick is that it's kind of included in the whole encounter. The date starts when we first lay eyes on each other wherever that may be. But then again, I'm not a clock watcher to the minute, so again, each lady is different. If we're having a good time, we're having a good time, let's just enjoy it. I'm not one to have another gentleman lined up after, so that's a worry I don't instill on myself. I like enjoying myself too here in this world.  

But I have to say, having a 'quick' drink for 10 minutes is no way to process the notion of starting a date together in my honest opinion. Rushing anything isn't. If you want a non-rushed setting including a cocktail so you can enjoy getting to know one another in a social setting (which in it self is terrific foreplay) simply book some more time with her and don't sweat it. Just enjoy her and your date together. But again, each lady and her approach to this notion is different. And as far as starting your date in a social setting first? I highly recommend it. ;)

Posted By: InLustOfBigBust
Newbie here.  I'm just curious if when meeting a provider in the bar area of an upscale hotel and having a quick drink if that ten minutes or so is on the clock?  I'm pretty sure the answers will vary from provider to provider but I'm curious if there is some kind of general consensus about this.    
 I had one provider who asked me to have a drink with her and all was good.  But I'd hate to fall into a situation where we get tangled up at the bar, due to slow service etc., and have an abbreviated session.  
 The only providers I see are all well reviewed on TER with multiple reviewers, absolutely no only BP gals.  (Just a little background info on the company I seek)  
 Thanks hobbyists and providers, I appreciate any input you can offer me.

because it requires more dressing, hair, makeup.  If you want such a date, expect to pay for the time...  she's already "giving" the extra prep time.

There is no way to know without asking her directly.  Some will consider it part of the time you're paying for, others will not.  My suspicion is that most would count it as part of your time, not off the clock.


If her preference was to meet you at the bar and you're concerned about the clock, be polite if you want to move things along or clarify whether it IS on the clock.  I hope that others (guys and gals) can make some suggestions.  

Do NOT say, "Hurry up and guzzle that down!  I'm not paying to watch you nurse a cocktail!!"
Do NOT say, "What are you doing? Waiting for the ice to melt??? Bartender! Turn off the fucking AC!"
Do NOT say, "Here.  I brought a plastic bag and a straw.  Pour that in and let's go upstairs, NOW!"

Maybe: "It seems like everyone here has their eyes on you.  I can't wait to get you away from them and to be alone with you."

Now, if she says, "Don't worry.  This is OTC." you can relax.  Other replies?  Got to play it by ear

VOO-doo335 reads

If she has a schedule to adhere to, then your 1-hour date will only be 1 hour long, regardless of activities. For instance, when I worked for an agency, I'd very often rush from date to date...if I was supposed to meet you at 8 for a 1-hour date, then myself, my agency, and my next client would expect me to be out the door by 9:05 at the absolute latest. Even independents sometimes have two (or more) dates in an evening... or, they might have a babysitter at home, or some other reason that they cannot easily accommodate 'soft' scheduling.

If she has no other obligations, she might be able to accommodate a drink. But in my experience, a 10-minute drink rarely lasts 10 minutes. More like at least 30.  

If the drink was at her request, then in my view, the time is on her. If the drink is your idea, and social time is important to you, then I'd say to book a longer date. That way, you're covered....

You could always phrase the request in such a way that she can offer to have the drinks be OTC. But don't count on her doing that. It's much more likely to work if she knows you already, but far from definite.

As was said earlier, though, she's the only one who can give you the answer you're looking for

InLustOfBigBust260 reads

Thanks everyone for the replies and input.  Much appreciated. :)

A nicer way to "ask" would be to say something like, "Since this is our first meeting, I'd really like to have a get-acquainted drink at the bar first.  What would your rate be to add on a bit of time for that?"

Nine times out of ten, for a polite, respectful request like that, an independent escort will just give it to you.  We like things to be fun and relaxed too.

If she says an amount that's more than you'd want or be able to do, tell her.  Something like "I'm sorry that's more than I can do- let's just make that time part of the hour."  And then let her run the hour.  If a hobbyist has a different/bad experience, please chime in, but with me, I'd say do not try to rush to maximize the use of your hour.  If you spend half an hour in the bar, a good provider will work doubly hard during the second half hour or offer to let the time run over.

When women feel like you're looking after them (offering to pay for the time, not rushing to max the use of it, etc) we're more or less hormonally flawed to fall all over ourselves trying to make you happy.  Pick well, then exploit that.  ;)

VOO-doo414 reads

I also suggested that the OP could try to frame a request like this and see what the girl said. But it is far from definite that any girl would offer to meet a new client OTC for any amount of time.  

I did that when I was new. 'A quick drink' at the bar quickly turned into 30 min or more (what client really does want one quick drink? In my experience, they usually want to sit, chat, and flirt) drink turned into 2...and since I had set that precedent of being generous with the public time, bedroom time ran well over as well. My heart was in the right place...I wanted to give the client a chance to feel comfortable and didn't want to make the date feel rushed.  

To me, even if I stuck hard and fast to the original 10 minutes ( which completely violates the original goal of having the date feel unrushed and social) it sets a precedent of the client thinking that he only has to pay for BCD time...and that everything else should be free. Sucks when you start getting more and more OTC requests and then have to regressively try to set is a great way to lose a client who might have been a perfectly good one had boundaries been more clear...

I am much more likely to offer this with a client I know. Who I trust to be happy with the free time I do give but at the same time, WANT to take care of me, as you stated :) But if he wants to 'take care of me' there is no better way that to just book the extra time he wants...that way he knows I am not feeling stressed about time or put upon, and he is guaranteed the relaxed social time he desires. Plus, the escort is more likely to view him as a courteous and non-presumptive client...that will likely get him much more special treatment from her, than he would EVER get by asking for or demanding for it

-- Modified on 8/18/2014 8:01:07 AM

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