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Lets Meet Safer and other websites
mikesmith987654 2859 reads

Has anyone had experience using "Lets Meet Safer" or "Safe Girls" websites, or any of their ilk?  Not sure I trust these as I am worried about phishing scams.  Hoping someone could give me insight as to whether to trust websites such as this.  Thanks!!

Bill_Maher1081 reads

Baaaaaaaaad girl.

LAME! I Know I know.

Funny.  BTW I like the xxx after your name.

I was being serious.  I am a newbie to this, and have been contacted by a couple of girls, but they want me to "verify" thru this site.  Now I am not one to post by cc info willingly and am definitely leery about phishing, scams, and the like.  That is why I was SERIOUSLY posting if anyone here has had experience with these sites and what your recommendation would be in relation to these sites.  I would appreciate honest and sincere responses.  If you feel the need to post sarcasm, please move along to another thread.  Thank you!!

How does this site screen you ?
The correct way, so we KNOW you are ok ?

probably not !!

get a pre pay card if not wanting to use your real credit card-

I am sure legit escorts are NOT using some free shit dating site for screening thats only been around a few months.. If they are ... do let us know who they are so we can stay away from them and stay a little more safer!

Sorry, but you left out a key piece of information on your original post, and that was the request for cc info. If you had mentioned that to begin with, you would have probably gotten a different reception. Live and learn, and welcome to TER. :)

been met with some suspicion because one of the spam techniques of the scammers is to hit sites like this with "questions" about the site in order to entice TER members to go to them.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt because of your second post and the lack of a link in your first, I will tell you that the sites seem to be scams.

Typically, any Provider ad site that requires a CC just to be able to contact the provider is a scam.  There COULD be some exceptions, but very rare.

You are better off starting with the review search feature here and backing into the provider's ad site from her TER profile.

Good luck.

Thank you very much for your response.  I did not post links, nor did I post girls names in order to avoid the perception that I was asking something I was not.  I do have one girl that I am interested in and have corresponded with, but she uses an "independent"/third party site (for $1) to verify and then I can get contact info (not the sites I have asked about in previous posts, but I have been solicited for those sites as well).  I am leaning to NOT using the site (or using pre-paid card as someone suggested) b/c I am leery for phishing or LE activity.  I always err on the side of caution and discreteness, as I have kids, but this one particular girl I am dying to know if she is "real" or not as the emails seem genuine, but then, there is no way to 100% know for sure.  However, on the flip side, I am surprised that she is not willing to provide phone number (or even I would be willing to provide my phone number) to make contact, even if we meet at a Starbucks or something so she can see I am not LE.  Hmmm, just gave myself some food for thought.

But in all sincerity, thank you for the serious responses (last couple of posters).  It is much appreciated.

. . . if you read the fine print, that the $1 charge for the "independent/third party" site is only the beginning. Signing up for such services sometimes also results in a $29.95 recurring charge for an unwanted porn-site subscription or something of the sort.

The best way to find out whether a lady is real is to read her profile and reviews here on TER. If she has no reviews, you probably should look elsewhere. If you're not a TER VIP, you should consider subscribing, at least for a month, so you can read the full reviews. Stick to well-reviewed providers, those with at least a full page of reviews, most of them from reviewers who have written multiple reviews (not by newbies like myself).

You suggest that a lady can see that you're not LE by meeting you at Starbucks, but I'm not sure how she can do that. LE can go to Starbucks too. Established providers have their own methods of screening. If you're not willing to provide the info they need, they probably won't want to see you. Many rely on Date-Check, Preferred411, or Roomservice2000; those services have built their reputation on the fact that they handle the info you provide discreetly. If people started posting horror stories on a board like this about misuse of their data, the services would soon be out of business. They have good reason to be discreet.

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